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DDR Konamix
Link | by beeny on 2005-06-04 09:09:06
Hey, how many songs can you unlock on Konamix? I got all 52 songs, but is there more after I make "A's" on all the songs?

Re: DDR Konamix
Link | by AzureKurenai on 2005-06-27 22:17:23
i need help unlocking songs too. and, what's solo mode?

Re: DDR Konamix
Link | by T_S kid on 2005-06-30 11:50:44
i am pretty sure you need to get all a's to unlock allo the songs and solo mode is just a weird addition to make the game funner

Re: DDR Konamix
Link | by Halwinder on 2005-07-04 18:15:30
Solo was a DDR side-series. There were two stand-alone Solo mixes (Solo Bassmix and Solo 2000) and Solo versions of the mainline mixes up to 4th Plus. So-called because DDR Solo cabinets only had one pad, so you were playing "Solo."

Re: DDR Konamix
Link | by AzureKurenai on 2005-07-06 18:22:59 what IS solo mode? how do u unlock it or the songs? can anyone help give me instructions? ....plz.....

Re: DDR Konamix
Link | by JB on 2005-08-15 08:37:49
No, there's no more songs after 52.

Re: DDR Konamix
Link | by Shikon on 2005-08-15 19:05:54
yeah on Konamix, there's only 52 songs, and its all becuase they don't have anything special. Dont' try to go and Ace all the songs, its not gonna give you anymore...

Solo mode is wen you play by yourself, like one player, and not two players. you can earn more songs easy that way... not past 52 , tough..

Wat's you guys fav. song in Konamix?

Its So dark in here... oh I left my hood on...

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