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Song Title? (need help!)
Link | by Coldfuse on 2008-12-28 18:02:38

I found this song along time ago then lost it. I can not remember the title of it for the life of me, but I do remember how to play it on the piano. So I recorded a bit of it.

(to hear the song go to the link below)

Does anyone know the name of this song, the amine its from or any information pertaining to it?
Thank you!

Re: Song Title? (need help!)
Link | by on 2008-12-28 19:01:11
It'll be easier if there's vocal. hmm. familiar though. and you're awesome at piano. xD

Ohai. I HAZ RETURN AS OF 18-APR-2020!

Re: Song Title? (need help!)
Link | by Coldfuse on 2008-12-28 19:07:01
This song does not have any vocals, but it does have more instruments as the song goes on, and thank you.

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