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Touhou Empire! (Touhou Club) (56K WARNING!)
Link | by on 2008-12-27 00:16:44 (edited 2009-12-31 18:24:34)
Seems like no one have thought of this yet, not even Renma, and that's quite a shocker, hihi.

Welcome to the Touhou Empire!

Our mission? To unite everyone into the Touhou fanbase!

Had to remove the site, my webhost crapped their pants at the bandwidth usage. :P

Want to join in?

Well that shouldn't be too hard to do, and you don't have to claim a Touhou character either (Just to remind you, all the main Touhou characters have been claimed.)

This is how you join in on this interesting little Empire.

  • Tell us why you want to join
  • The Touhou character you want to claim. (If you want to claim one, and if the character is open)
  • Wait for me to add you to the member list.


Club Leader:
Thundot | Touhou Character: Rumia

Club Officers:
Club Members:
Kira | Touhou Character: Hakurei, Reimu
Shin | Touhou Character: Marisa Kirisame
Adelin | Touhou Character: Eirin Yagokoro
Empo | Touhou Character: Tenshi Hinanai
Amar | Touhou Character: Reisen Udongein Inaba & Sikieiki Yamaxanadu
Gmeis | Touhou Character: Youmu Konpaku
Esther | Touhou Character: Aya Shameimaru
Knives | Touhou Character: Yukari Yakumo
Yat | Touhou Character: Mystia Lorelei
Renma | Touhou Character: Alice Margatroid
Tensa | Touhou Character: Iku Nagae
Anime | Touhou Character: Lunasa Prismriver
Emiya | Touhou Character: Sakuya Izayoi
Mrtakeiteasy | Touhou Character: Mokou Fujiwara
Hikky | Touhou Character: Wriggle Nightbug
Seraph | Touhou Character: Suika Ibuki
Eria | Touhou Character: Flandre Scarlet
Shugo | Touhou Character: Komachi Onozuka
DFly | Touhou Character: None Claimed
c_g_14 | Touhou Character: Kanako Yasaka
Yuki | Touhou Character: Yuka Kazami
Kotaro | Touhou Character: Cirno
Red | Touhou Character: Momizi
ES | Touhou Character: None Claimed
Raizo | Touhou Character: Yuyuko
Karuzo | Touhou Character: None Claimed
Unico | Touhou Character: Lyrica Prismriver
Choco | Touhou Character: Patchouri Knowledge


(P.S, more to come)

Re: Touhou Empire! (Touhou Club) (56K WARNING!)
Link | by on 2008-12-27 00:38:49
thund dood awesome! XD

i wanna join because...i want to help spreading touhou-ism? XD
since i claim Hakurei Reimu in chat i will claim her too here.

Re: Touhou Empire! (Touhou Club) (56K WARNING!)
Link | by empoleon on 2008-12-27 04:47:40
just as planned xD

claim: Tenshi Hinanai
reason to join: to achieve every touhou fans dream in every year to hijack comiket then turns it into touhou-ket,
and spreads touhou both the game and the fanworks all over the world with ZUN as the leader (enough to said :p)

Re: Touhou Empire! (Touhou Club) (56K WARNING!)
Link | by on 2008-12-27 08:07:01
lol wtf Thund... niiice.. XD
I wanna see Renma's reaction to this.. XD

Sign me on, Thund :P

Re: Touhou Empire! (Touhou Club) (56K WARNING!)
Link | by on 2008-12-27 08:58:55
hmm..i shall choose Eirin Yagokoro(well.. i asked renma for this but i lost the avatar..anyway,renma said he got it from laptop so i can have it back xDD)

i hope i was able to join in the touhou club..

._. should i need to tell you?
love of passion for touhou of course ..(though i am bad in touhou games lol..)

Sign me up too,Thundgot

Re: Touhou Empire! (Touhou Club) (56K WARNING!)
Link | by on 2008-12-27 11:08:38
No problem Adel, I suck at the games too XD

Re: Touhou Empire! (Touhou Club) (56K WARNING!)
Link | by Amar on 2008-12-27 13:24:37 (edited 2008-12-27 15:21:15)
I choose Reisen Udongein Inaba(The suppository/shmexual appeal bunny of the Moon)
and I choose Sikieiki Yamaxanadu(lol she's one of the forgotten minor characters)
Well, I am addicted to anything that is Touhou.
I love playing their games.(lol I finished them all in all modes possible)

I don't know what is Renma's reaction when he sees this. XD
and I'll try to upload later or tomorrow when I get home.

Re: Touhou Empire! (Touhou Club) (56K WARNING!)
Link | by yamatasword05 on 2008-12-27 13:32:48
Formed today I see. O.O
I am in!! :D

Reason: I like Touhou and its characters.

Touhou character: I can has my Youmu correct? ._.

Re: Touhou Empire! (Touhou Club) (56K WARNING!)
Link | by dr_xavier15 on 2008-12-27 18:00:38
First of all, I claim AYA SHAMEIMARU.

reason: because touhou is a part of my life./aww

so. yeah.xD

great idea thund!

Re: Touhou Empire! (Touhou Club) (56K WARNING!)
Link | by yat on 2008-12-27 18:02:28
/joins up as Mystia Lorelei like my avatar >w>

but yeah, im fairly new to this Touhou thingy. XD

Re: Touhou Empire! (Touhou Club) (56K WARNING!)
Link | by Knives on 2008-12-27 18:06:06 (edited 2008-12-28 19:23:15)

I'll be claiming Yukari Yakumo.. ^_^

My Avatar: Yukari Yakumo

i want to know more about the Touhou's and..uhh spread more love

Rina Signature

Re: Touhou Empire! (Touhou Club) (56K WARNING!)
Link | by Renma on 2008-12-27 18:42:22 (edited 2008-12-27 18:47:27)
Goodness me ._. You sounded like a leader of a Revolutionary Clan.. or like some sorts of a sect leader...

Meh, I'm in for the lulz.. Errr I mean pr0nz No I mean For the fun of it

Character: Alice Margatroid

Aim: LET ZUN CONQUER THE WORLD!!! errr, I mean the works.. well, If ZUN Can conquer the world, sure why not XD

Edit #1: And uh, yeah.. my reaction? Well actually,, Empo told me about this plan last night XD so yeah, I'm not really that surprised this morning.. Though this one made my hungover a bit.. errrr. Gone? XDD

Edit #2: Actually XDD I've been thinking this one either.. but I'm too busy developing a touhou RP, so The Idea of the club just went by.

Re: Touhou Empire! (Touhou Club) (56K WARNING!)
Link | by zangetsu456 on 2008-12-27 19:01:21
I am so in this club xD

I claim Iku Nagae.

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

Re: Touhou Empire! (Touhou Club) (56K WARNING!)
Link | by Anime on 2008-12-27 19:11:17
The thread I've been waiting for...

Character : Lunasa Prismriver

Reason : I already claimed her avy so why not claim it again here? xDD

Re: Touhou Empire! (Touhou Club) (56K WARNING!)
Link | by on 2008-12-27 19:42:11 (edited 2008-12-27 23:19:52)
We want to see funny pictures here people, find them, link them and make us get a nice laughter from our favorite characters :3

An angry little Rumia, she's so cute!!

Also, I've found two Pactio cards, you know those from the anime/manga Negima, I only found of Rumia and Ran though, maybe if we bug Renma enough he can make us some :3

Re: Touhou Empire! (Touhou Club) (56K WARNING!)
Link | by on 2008-12-27 23:20:09
Hmmm as usual.

Character: Sakuya Izayoi

Reason: Sakuya is my 1st char in Touhou aka in Imperishable Night.

Re: Touhou Empire! (Touhou Club) (56K WARNING!)
Link | by Renma on 2008-12-27 23:37:19
@Thund no way >.> I Aint making you one... NO WAAAAY


That angry Rumia.. Somehow that one seems familiar ._.

Anyway,,, Today is supposedly Day #1 of Comiket 75... Rofl, look at the Amounts of Touhou Space provided.

"Red - Touhou Project
Top right light orange - Touhou music
Bottom right green - Vocaloid
Bottom right very light green - Music/Drama CD
Top right pink - Cosplay photographs
Top left turquoise - 2ch, OS-tans?, net neta
Top left yellow - CG collections
Top left purple - Higurashi/Umineko
Top left blue surrounded by yellow - Fanfiction
Bottom left fuschia - Novelty ADV
Bottom left light green - Action/Shmups
Bottom left blue - SLG/RPG
Bottom left light blue - Hardware
Bottom left light yellow - Puzzle"

(As quoted from an image board)

Seems like Empo's Goal will be reached pretty soon XDD

*Sigh* It's still tomorrow though for the Anime Doujinshi made by Maikaze to be released.. Looking forward for that

Re: Touhou Empire! (Touhou Club) (56K WARNING!)
Link | by on 2008-12-28 01:21:30
ZOMG!!! T_T Too many open characters left to choose xDDD I can't decide <_> waaaaaahhhh!~!

But omg though, i so totally thought renma was going to create this first >< hahahaha...hmmm... who do i want ><

Mokou, meiling, suika...since SOMEONE claimed alice(lawl renma xD) ><><><><><... sighhh, so many lovely characters xDDD

*cough* I was almost tempted to choose Mannosuke...but its purely for humorous reasons though

Character decision: Mokou lawl xDDD

Chose her in the chat, might as well stick with her hahaha xDDD

Do I need a Reason?!?! Touhou is LOVE! (^A^)g W00T!


I also found these cool 2 color drawing/tatoolooking/symbol/whatever you wanna call it xD. I found 1 for about every single touhou character xD

Re: Touhou Empire! (Touhou Club) (56K WARNING!)
Link | by on 2008-12-28 01:49:07
oh wow touhou domination in Comiket! XDD

pics from me later...XD

i demand donations!!! lol

Re: Touhou Empire! (Touhou Club) (56K WARNING!)
Link | by hikarinohikky on 2008-12-28 07:02:54
# Tell us why you want to join : I want to join because if I don't Renma will spam me with mannosuke yaoi images :< (kidding,I love Touhou Musics)

# The Touhou character you want to claim. (If you want to claim one, and if the character is open): I wanna claim Wriggle Nightbug Pl0x :D

# Wait for me to add you to the member list: lolwat.

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