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Link | by genjio on 2008-12-14 08:37:12
Recently, my very close friend has tried smoking pot. He just wanted to try it, so that's what he did. Normally, I wouldn't care as it's his desicion, and wouldn't affect our friendship in any way. This was on the weekend, but now he comes to school high, and does it again during lunch break. He says it makes school interesting. So, the topic to be debated would be; should close, meaningful friendships be affected by this? Should the "clean" party step in and take action to stop this? Are drugs even a problem? (specificly pot, but he now wants to try cocaine)

Photobucket Courage is the magic that makes dreams a reality. (who wants to make me a better sig?)

Re: drugs
Link | by on 2008-12-14 08:50:59 (edited 2008-12-14 08:57:31)
If he thinks drugs make school interesting, you should restrict your close friend from taking coccaine xDDD He'll be arrested during spotchecks anyway, so it won't be your responsibility, it's his'.
/sarcasm Some kind of academical achievement for your trippy friend. How sick, dude. SICKKKK~~~

I think executing certain third party will be Plan B. Doing it too soon will make your friend too stressed out and probably become more suicidal. First thing is to try your best to discourage him (tell the extreme points too, like death, loss of memory, more medical bills, unemployment, alienated from society) from taking those kind of drugs, and if he still ignores your advice, then let him be. Let him learn from his actions and let the consequences be his lessons of his life. I have a close friend who smoked hash and took other hallucinogens during my school years, but I never give a single preach on her, because I would not want to hurt her (and I wasn't brave back then). I won't be responsible of her actions, it was her decision to do so. But I am always being caring and supportive towards her.

Drugs are a problem if a user abuses them! We take drugs when we are sick. But some of us would take a brave step to experiment consuming other drugs that are unprescribed and illegal. When they like the effects, they become addicted to them, obviously.

Distract your friend to do something productive. I don't know what you both like to do, do what you guys like to do, as long as it doesn't involve smoking/taking drugs inbetween activities.

That's all I could think of. Good luck.

Re: drugs
Link | by genjio on 2008-12-14 09:33:55
Well, he's not suicidal, but apparently bored. We're going to see Gran Torino next friday with some other friends, but I don't want to go with him if he's going to be baked the whole time. I've told him it's bad, but he doesn't care. Friendships are strange like that I guess. He would do anything for me, but still wont listen to me. Physical action seems neccasary. It's easy to say "it's his life, his problem, blah blah" but I don't want to sit back and watch my friend turn into a dirt poor addict.

Photobucket Courage is the magic that makes dreams a reality. (who wants to make me a better sig?)

Re: drugs
Link | by on 2008-12-14 13:04:26 (edited 2008-12-14 13:17:45)
Drug use in itself is certainly not a problem, and cannabis is one of the most benign things one can use. However, your friend's habit of getting high at school--and multiple times at that--is a bit worrying; I do know people who did this without any real detriment to their performance in the world, or quality of college they got into though. From what you've said, it sounds like your friend is using substances without really worrying about the consequences (i.e. irresponsible use/abuse). And if his usage philosophy is like this, I would recommend you do your utmost to keep him away from cocaine, that is a powerful substance, and without a proper amount of responsibility/discipline in use, it can easily have very destructive consequences on one's life.

That is not to say you should discourage drug use altogether, that kind of attitude can ruin relationships, but you seem to be the accepting type so I'm not too worried about that outcome (though I might try discouraging him from using at school). Now, this person's use also seems to spring nigh exclusively out of boredom, and trying to skip from pot to coke rings of a sort of excitement seeking behavior, not a knowledgeable, measured approach to substances. To alleviate some of this boredom, and perhaps relegate drug using afternoon/weekend use--of pot or something likewise benign--is what you should go for. This sounds like that sort of guy who needs a hobby, or at least the information and wherewithal to become a drug hobbyist (someone who, again, approaches substance use with the proper amount of intelligence, respect, planning and self-control).

If he is dead set on moving beyond pot, I still say please try to prevent him from using cocaine or any other physically addictive substance. Most hallucinogens, for example, are not addictive, but require a greater care in use (not something you should do more than say, once weekly, and most definitely not at school...that's a recipe for a bad experience). Ecstasy would likewise be a safer alternative (though pill quality can be quite shotty and dangerous chemicals sometimes put in there o_O). Also, there a a number of mild-altering substances that occur naturally in plants that are quite legal to grow (but still illegal to use), and these are often benign. A change of focus to the horticultural aspect of things, limited supplies available from it, and a more metaphysical outlook on use, can develop into quite a healthy hobby.

In any case, I strongly recommend you, and your friend, spend a lot of time looking at things on EROWID.ORG . Its information vaults on various substances are an excellent source of factual information, and the experience reports also offer valuable anecdotes and subjective info. Knowledge is a necessary prerequisite to responsibility! I wish you and your friend luck.

Re: drugs
Link | by RayStormX on 2008-12-14 13:42:23
so you've heard the approaches that don't have too much involvement. here's another option. you could secretly tell one of your counselors. or whatever support groups your school has. they should be able to handle situations such as this one appropriately. just don't make it obvious that you're the one who reported, and your friendship should remain intact.

though the posters before me seem to have more experience on such problems than I do. I'm a clean kid, so....yeah.

Raystormx wooo maplestory

Re: drugs
Link | by on 2008-12-14 16:29:27 (edited 2008-12-14 16:31:06)
If my friend smoked, I think I'd probably distance myself from them. This is because they might tempt me to join in their bad habits. Weed is one of the most harmless drugs compared with cocaine, heroine, and even cigarettes. Even so, ask any addict what their first illegal drug was, and it would be almost unanimous. It is also known that the THC alters the chemistry in one's brain. It is thought that weed was a catalyst in the starting a family member's schizophrenia. That's why I stay far away from drugs, because I know I have a predisposition and want to do nothing to bring it along. Any type of mind altering substance is deleterious because eventually the effects of that drug diminish and then it's on to a newer stronger drug to pick up where it left off. For now I say talk some sense into your friend, show him some episodes of Intervention. If that doesn't scare him straight, then I don't know what will.

pump~pumpkin pumpkiiin~! Bounen no Xam'd, watch it now!

Re: drugs
Link | by frazzle on 2008-12-14 16:34:13
i also had a friend who got into drugs when she started high school. it's taken three years but she is finally getting clean. point is: you can ask, beg, plead with them to stop, but until they want themselves to quit, it wont happen. but that doesn't mean they are a lost cause and to find a new friend. your intervention might put them on the path to wanting to quit. good luck to you though.


Re: drugs
Link | by gendou on 2008-12-14 16:46:02 (edited 2008-12-14 16:46:50)
I would add that marijuana can have a severe effect on brain development.
Exposure during brain development halts that process.
Repeat exposure increases this damage.
The brain undergoes much development during the teenage years. (source)
I would conclude that repeat exposure to pot during teenage years is a very bad idea, if you value your brain.

Re: drugs
Link | by genjio on 2008-12-14 19:18:38
Wow, thank you every one for your meaningful responces. I've decided that im still undecided on as what I should do. The pot, to me, doesn't seem like a huge problem, but as it's been mentioned, i fear he will move to harder substances soon. And yes, as he is a teenager, the effects are more potent. I suppose I will group together our other friends and confront him, but still, I value what we have together. Again, thank you for your responces.

Photobucket Courage is the magic that makes dreams a reality. (who wants to make me a better sig?)

Re: drugs
Link | by Bonta_kun on 2008-12-15 05:43:24
as w00t0s said distraction.
I have heard this from a bunch of people. TV campaigns and stuff.
people only engage to drugs and stuff if the have problems or has nothing interesting to do.
you said it your self it make school interesting to him.
try to find something that might interest him that is not destructive.
like sports, games, etc.

I had a friend that did try it once also, but it seem he's more in arcade games and did not continue with it.

Re: drugs
Link | by on 2008-12-16 00:02:10 (edited 2008-12-16 00:03:46)
Now Bonta...those are some nasty generalizations that are quite frankly untrue. People use psychoactive substances for a myriad of reasons, and one can hardly claim that use is always destructive. Please be more sensitive to those who are different than yourself. That said, your heart is in the right place with concern for the person at issue, and i agree with you insofar as that it is generally not something high school students are capable of handling well, and negative consequences may then ensue. My previous advice and well wishes to the topic creator still stand.

Re: drugs
Link | by Bonta_kun on 2008-12-16 01:19:11
there are still bad effects first one is dependence, though not every body is like that, his friend is like depending on it already.

some use it to improve their performance. my brother also said that. We did had a short discussion on it before actually (just remembered). It seems good, it does have a medical value. I have nothing against people using drugs.
just a warning since it could backfire and a nasty one. Gendou said that already. And I know a few people who experienced the nasty side effects.

boredom or problems are still one of the reasons they use it. though it may not be true to every one.
some do use it casually(I know the place).

Re: drugs
Link | by EmperorBlade on 2008-12-16 01:44:57
drugs will destroy sumone future...i saw one of my cousin smoke...i hate tht..hw dare he do tiz..i din tell his parents coz they knew abt it


Re: drugs
Link | by on 2008-12-17 09:29:51
@EmperorBlade- It's up to you to tell and don't force yourself to do so. There's no point if you're not brave enough to inform your cousin's parents. Let your cousin be the indicator of the problem in his/her family. Nowadays parents are well-informed on the signs on teens taking drugs (ie excessive mood swings, lethargic, uncooperative). I do agree drugs destroy one's future~ alcoholic drinks are also considered as drugs~ when he/she is alcoholic, he/she would commit crimes to get the money and buy more booze to supress the bad feelings.

Gendou is right, hallucinogens like marijuana can cause defects in the brain. We heard about this in news so often. No shit Sherlock.

[I will continue this post. I have to go for a while ^_^;;;]

Re: drugs
Link | by samsonov on 2008-12-17 11:14:27
Regarding first ans second questions, sure. I mean, seeing a good friend of yours having his life messed up by drugs should prompt some action on your side. No matter how personal that affair is, it's your obligation as a close friend to do everything possible to help him. Probably that'll put you guys in odd, but if it helps take him off this dangerous course of actions, it's valid. I'm sure you can find some good advice on how to help on the internet, on NGOs on your city or your state/province/department and even with governmental agencies.

Drugs are a problem, on personal level and on the society as whole. Regarding the first one, along w00t0s' citation, just check this, not mentioning the psychological effects of long term usage; and that's for the one generally considered the most unharmful of the drugs. On society, we can think of crime levels, specially if you live at a place that works as corridor for drug exportation, where drug-related crimes are on the bulk of most police reports; leading to a conclusion that if you buy, you're financing violence. The crime part is the most known consequence in most places, but one can think on health, social security and family problems.

Re: drugs
Link | by Haoie on 2008-12-17 21:42:29
At the risk of being uncool: Winners don't use drugs.

What a throwback to the 80s.

If each mistake being made is a new one, then progress is being made.

Re: drugs
Link | by on 2008-12-19 07:53:55 (edited 2008-12-19 07:57:07)
^^^ Ahaehahahaa! xD lol

Re: drugs
Link | by Bonta_kun on 2008-12-19 12:48:36
"At the risk of being uncool: Winners don't use drugs."
"What a throwback to the 80s."

I don't think using drug is cool either. and those who think so really needs to think again.
I think its a stupid reason "Using drugs is cool".

Re: drugs
Link | by RayStormX on 2008-12-19 17:28:05
I was raised like to believe that drugs are bad.but I guess your outlook depends on your environment.

Raystormx wooo maplestory

Re: drugs
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-12-19 18:13:29
Drinking and smoking are two things, but doing drugs is almost like the cherry on top.
Drugs, I believe ARE bad, and are proof on how life can really be tough.

I've seen videos relating to this in Health last year and it can be quite a scary place and world to experience.
I admire those who have overcome their addiction to such products and have now lived a "clean" life,
but that's a huge mountain to climb as some are unfortunate to climb over this mountain.


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