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Tales Of Symphonia: Dawn Of The New World
Link | by on 2008-11-26 12:05:41 (edited 2008-11-26 12:06:25)
It's just recently been released in English. What is your verdict on the game? Have you played it? If so, how many times? I'd like to hear your opinions!

And for those of you who don't want to touch it because it isn't the authentic Symphonia, a spin-off and other things,
I recommend you go and get it before judging. I wasn't very keen on it either, but I bought it, played it, finished it, and I think it's a very good game. Of course, not as wonderful as the first, but.

I give the game 9/10 - things could have been better. Such as map roaming (which for those of you who are unaware, map roaming is no longer a feature), and the voice actors. The majority of the original character voices (except for Kratos, Presea, and Colette) have all been replaced. I've heard word that Namco is re-casting for the English version, having all of the original cast come back. Again, it's only a rumor, but I could only hope.
I really enjoy that this game is voice-acted through the majority of it, though. It makes it feel much more real--although I DO wish they had the old cast back. Some of the new voice actors are horrendous.

I have completed the game once and am on my second gameplay.

I will offer help to those who request it, but bare the above in mind--I am no expert. I am much better known to the first Tales Of Symphonia.

What do you think of the game? Discuss.

(Please refrain from any profanities/harsh insults. If you do not like the game at all, then click the back button and take your business elsewhere.)

Re: Tales Of Symphonia: Dawn Of The New World
Link | by harimakenji_scramble on 2008-11-26 14:58:27
Tales of Symphonia is SO overrated.


Re: Tales Of Symphonia: Dawn Of The New World
Link | by fhfyeodb on 2008-11-26 15:09:13
"Tales of Symphonia is SO overrated."

Riiight. I love how that's totally believable with all the information you back it up with. /sarcasm

This one came out on the 11th right?
XD Dang Kratos, you play really fast or is the game not as long as the first?

Re: Tales Of Symphonia: Dawn Of The New World
Link | by on 2008-11-26 15:23:53
Thanks, San. ._.

Lmfao, 'ey Jow! It's been a while.
The game is only 20 hours straight through (no side quests, etc). I played for 30. Yes, it's much shorter than the first. It did come out on the 11th. :3 But by the time I got it (a few days after... stupid EB Games), they only had enough copies to fulfill the preorders. Lucky me. xD;

Have you played it yet, Jow? Do you plan to get it? o3o

Re: Tales Of Symphonia: Dawn Of The New World
Link | by deathmaster0 on 2008-11-26 15:41:04
The game seems pretty sweet so far(only half way through) that panther looking charater(forgot his name><) is pretty funny in the skits and I like how the skits are voiced now too.

I wont die yet. You on the other hand might wanna start thinking of your last words

Re: Tales Of Symphonia: Dawn Of The New World
Link | by harimakenji_scramble on 2008-11-27 06:20:39

wanted to share this wallpaper^^

Just pm me in case anyone likes it XD


Re: Tales Of Symphonia: Dawn Of The New World
Link | by ry d b on 2008-11-27 06:39:19
Sweet game, I grabbed it on release day and me and my girl beat it 3 days ago. And I have to say this game is worth being a sequel^^ I recommend it as a sequel to ToS fans and a game for any "Tales of" fan, all I have left to play is Vesperia and Abyss.

Kill all the non-believers!!

Re: Tales Of Symphonia: Dawn Of The New World
Link | by on 2008-11-27 23:27:56
@DeatHero: Tenebrae is great. xD Definetly a character worth remembering.

Pretty awesome wallpaper, San.

@ry d b: I agree! I mean, I was EXTREMELY reluctant about getting it at first and I had this DEEP hatred for Emil and Marta (because they took the leads), but after actually PLAYING the game I take it all back. xD But nothing'll beat the first ToS, in my opinion.

Re: Tales Of Symphonia: Dawn Of The New World
Link | by Zexion on 2008-11-28 01:18:32
The thing that really irks me about that wall paper is how instead of Emil and Marta at then end, they slapped in Kannono and Paneer. They just look so out of place ._.

Re: Tales Of Symphonia: Dawn Of The New World
Link | by on 2008-11-28 13:16:34
Ah that's right, isn't it? Paneer is from Tales Of The World: Radiant Mythology 2, ne? I'm already familiar with Kannono, as, I've played the first TotW:RM. She looks very different. Hm. Do you happen to know when TotW:RM2 will be coming out in English, by chance?

Re: Tales Of Symphonia: Dawn Of The New World
Link | by on 2008-12-01 04:17:53
@Kratos: i have to definately agree with u,1st tales was better to me also, & i really like this one so much even though the beginning of the game was... bleh, hearing Emil talk just made ME wanna hit myself but l8tr on he's manned up & @ least that changes

i like this one pretty well too, after countless "tales of" games they finally did voice acting in the skits, i've been waiting for that the whole time, just looking @ the skits was just plain not funny, & hopefully they bring out TOTW:RM2 since... PSP is already going downhill & they better do something or PSP will stop production on games

Re: Tales Of Symphonia: Dawn Of The New World
Link | by on 2008-12-01 19:58:50
i still can't find this game anywhere >_>
oh's not like waiting's gonna kill me. lol

there's voice in skits! awesome! XD
how i hate tales of the abyss voice DX

(out of topic. lol)
TotW:RM2...hmm since japanese is around...january right? maybe much later then >_>
and i wish they make english version of all those remakes in PSP...>_>

Re: Tales Of Symphonia: Dawn Of The New World
Link | by on 2008-12-01 23:41:59
@kira: i hope so too, i really wanna play Tales of Destiny 2 & tales of Rebirth.

@Kratos: the game will be coming out in America... but hopefully the PSP will be around for that long cause their production isn't going well & their sells w/ PSP systems are going great but the games aren't since Modded psp's are now known for *coughfreegamescough*

but lets hope to see that TOTW:RM2 comes

Re: Tales Of Symphonia: Dawn Of The New World
Link | by ZeroSauce on 2008-12-02 13:05:33
it's good
the lack of 4 player-ness
bothers me
its always
guest ppl
dont last foreva
i used to play tos the first one
wit my friends
loads of fun
now der is only 2 permanant chars
its so
not multiplayer...
but besides dat
its all good

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