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new but not that new..
Link | by mintz on 2008-11-07 17:12:33
Hi I've been joining this site for quite a while but never been active, so I would like to formally introduce myself. I'm mintz, I like listening to japanese music, preferred genre is rock and pop. I watch anime & jdrama during my free time. Nice meeting you guys ^_^

The happiest people don't worry too much about whether life is fair or not. They just get on with it.

Re: new but not that new..
Link | by zparticus27 on 2008-11-07 17:13:36
welcome new but not so new member!^_^

see you around ^_^V

Re: new but not that new..
Link | by on 2008-11-07 17:20:16
Welcome, hope you'll be active. :3

Ohai. I HAZ RETURN AS OF 18-APR-2020!

Re: new but not that new..
Link | by on 2008-11-07 18:29:00

Re: new but not that new..
Link | by yamatasword05 on 2008-11-07 18:37:25
Hello Mintz~
Enjoy. ^^

Re: new but not that new..
Link | by on 2008-11-07 18:50:34
hi ya!

Re: new but not that new..
Link | by andy_s on 2008-11-07 18:56:06

Re: new but not that new..
Link | by on 2008-11-07 19:23:01
welcome! haha
nice to meet ya XD
have fun doing stuffs here!

Re: new but not that new..
Link | by υƞιϲo on 2008-11-07 20:46:51
Welcome and you gotta enjoy foruming and chatting here in Gendou.

Re: new but not that new..
Link | by on 2008-11-07 21:48:02
welcome ^^

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