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The World's Inevitable Rebirth [Always Open~]
Link | by dachreom on 2008-10-17 21:00:35 (edited 2008-10-25 19:11:25)
In the year 2040, the world hasn't changed much. Technology advances, population increases and stuff like that. Magic, however, is on the verge of a tremendous breakthrough that the world didn't know. It involved mimicking the unique signature that each person held into a small doll-like object known as a Golem.
The Golems were bigger than normal buildings [Imagine the size of a Gundam] and were equipped with weapons that responded to the person's unique signature.

Eventually, this project had been exposed to the whole world by one man whose name was eventually lost in the confusion, but there was still one name the world still calls him: The Higher Being.

Soon, people started to crave for that power even if it was still just a working prototype. All the nations eventually held the power of the prototype Golems, but one thing was wrong with those prototypes: They would strengthen the most abundant emotion of that person. With this, the rise of greed and power hunger from some of the nation's leaders led to a war. A war that is still present until this point: The year 2060.

Now, the world is starting to crumble. The few people that still believe in being able to bring the world back are 'chosen' by telepathic communication in the form of a dream. If that wasn't strange enough, when the chosen people would wake up from that dream, there would be a door in front of them that had never been there and a key that they never have acquired before in their left hand.

Opening this door would lead you to what seems like a small city. It was like a utopia; it had blue skies, flowers and almost anything you could wish for. It truly seemed like it wasn't involved in the war. The city was filled with magic practitioners that avoided the war.

Too bad it was, this 'city' was located on the moon where they knew the world couldn't spot them. The city had only one school: Kaichou Academy. This academy taught the people everything that the normal school provided except for one thing: They trained Golem users. Unknown to the warmongers, the Golem had been completed and the only side-effect it has is once you form the contract, you cannot turn your back on the road to leading the world into a better tomorrow.

1. All Gendou rules apply.
2. No God-modding
3. Please keep things PG-13.
4. Romance is fine.
5. PM me if you want to confirm something.
6. Have fun~


-The Golems are as big as Gundams. XD
-The Golems can turn back to their cute, little forms at will.
-The Golems have minds of their own.
-A Golem's interface depends on the user.
-The city is high-tech.
-Earth isn't a barren wasteland, it still looks like Earth... except with war.

School picture:
Thanks to aegis/ Rise for the picture.
If you still have any questions, please feel free to ask.
Character sheet:
Name: Self-explanatory
Age: This can be anything, but be realistic.
Gender: Male or Female
Picture/Description: Your character's picture or a simple description.
Golem: Golem's name, picture, weapons
Bio: Your character's history, attitude, anything you want to add.
I'll post my character after I get some people~

Re: The World's Inevitable Rebirth [Always Open~]
Link | by aegis93 on 2008-10-18 01:46:55 (edited 2008-10-21 01:26:40)
Name: Rise Kujikawa
Age: 17 years old
Gender: Female
Golem name: Magus
Golem weapon: fist
Golem pic:

Bio: Golem user.She already use golem when her age 10 years.She make contract with golem because she tired with the war.

Say to me if I must change it

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Re: The World's Inevitable Rebirth [Always Open~]
Link | by on 2008-10-18 02:27:21 (edited 2008-11-15 05:22:48)
Name:Kenji Kurayami
Golem Name:Skeith,the Terror of Death
Golem Weapon:Scythe,Swords
Bio:A quiet and shy kind of guy.Usually seen with headphones on and sitting inside the library reading books.Is rumored to have a split personality(as seen in pic).One of the finest swordsmen the academy made.Has a chronic illness that has no known cure yet.Due to this he is only allowed to fight for 15 minutes.Has a dual personality.His 'other' self is his polar opposite.'It' usually comes out when his life is in danger.Strangely enough when 'It' comes out his chronic illness disappears.

Re: The World's Inevitable Rebirth [Always Open~]
Link | by syaondri san on 2008-10-18 05:34:34 (edited 2008-10-18 05:45:27)
hasn't started yet right?
here's mine...

Name:Edward Treslic

golem: Wonder Genzel
golem's weapon: Trident laser, a red laser (from the skull mark) with a heat that almost the same as a magma, Genzel need to restore its temperature afterward; Ballistic Blast, a wave of rocket appear from Genzel's mouth; autofixer, another smaller golem appear from the mouth and reconstruct Genzel's destroyed part but it is limited.
(The ship one... ignore Nanoha that flying nearby...)

bio: a Golem creator from Europe (UK) he even makes himself half golem by changing some parts like his right hand and left foot become robot. he do this because he has an accident with his first prototype that makes him lost his part of body.

A cheerful person who didn't really like the war itself knowing that it makes him lost his mother and little brother. his father is nowhere to be found...

syaondri Wow... Sos brigade's tank won against a gundam... syaondrilet the flow of the time take us grow more than now

Re: The World's Inevitable Rebirth [Always Open~]
Link | by H on 2008-10-18 07:20:39 (edited 2008-10-21 02:17:40)
name: Hikarigaoka Ryuukage
age: 19
gender: Male
(reference: Feel - OZ)

Hikarigaoka Ryuukage, the embodiment of void, his soul is so empty and full of void that it drains his spirit. The Hikarigaokas, being one of the most influential family in the world, know that they must train this boy even harder than any other family members, both physically and mentally, in order to save his life before his own soul corrupts it.
Ryuukage lived a childhood full of family love and heavy training, to the point that his soul's emptiness is fully covered up and is no longer a harm to his life. The Hikarigaokas were also glad that he's able to live his life like any other teenagers.
However, when he reached the age of 17, the Hikarigaokas faced an unexpected grave terror. Being one of the major family that controlled the flow of Japan's poitic, they accidentally discovered the secret of magic and the reality behind the creations of golems, which was supposed to be deleted along the disappearance of "The Higher Being". This incident made the "Guns of the Other World" hunted them, killing many of their subordinates before the Japanese government and other major families hided them in a safe place. The incident ended with the whole information being deleted for good, and the Hikarigaokas who have known the secrets have their memories altered. They are also forced by the "Other World" to support the war, along with the Japanese government and any other families that had supported them before. However, a family member managed to save a piece of paper from the document.......
Ryuukage, on the other hand, was severely traumatized by this incident, causing the emptiness within his soul to grow again even faster. Running out of options, the Hikarigaokas have no other methods to save his life, but to cover up the void as much as they can.

Now, 2 years after the incident, Ryuukage claimed that he'd been having strange dreams... According to the last piece of 'secrets of golems', those dreams might be the last hope to save his life, and the world...

golem: 修羅神 (ShuraShin / Shura God) Ialdabaoth
type: NINJA (Heavy Melee Critical Attacker, Hi-Mobility, Evasive Action), Mounted-type golem
height: 24.7 m
weight: 77.2 t
weapon: Martial Arts

Chibi / Human Form

different than other golems, Ialdabaoth's small form is a human sized girl

alias: Shinko (claims her name to be Ashura)
height: 160 cm
weight: ???
weapons: Martial Arts - KiShinKen

Shura Interface
Most of the time, Ialdaboth acts on its own consciousness. However, when things get serious, it has the capability to follow exactly its master's physical movement. This is very useful when fighting against strong enemies, where maneuverability is very important

Vitality System
Ialdabaoth feeds on its master resolution, making it runs on 'resolution-based energy system'. If the master has no will to fight then Ialdabaoth won't receive any energy input. However, if the master is full of fighting spirit, it is possible for Ialdabaoth to receive infinite energy.
Life Regeneration capability

Shinka (bulk-up / evolve)
Ialdabaoth is capable of evolving when its master reached a certain level of resolution

Special Moves
機神拳 (KiShinKen / Machine God Fist)
Kishin-ryuu combo attack

機神双獣撃 (KiShinSouJuuGeki / Machine God Twin Beast Attack)
Ialdabaoth gathers energy around its fists and punches forward, launching two dragon-like blasts that enter the target's armor and bursting out

機神猛撃拳 (KiShinMouGekiKen / Machine God Furious Attack Fist) (LOCKED --- acquired via event)
While powering itself up, Ialdabaoth would walk towards the enemy, then dash with its whole body, now glowing with the Ki from its master. The Ki paralyzes its target and Ialdabaoth delivers a combination of punches and kicks, and eventually launches the enemy up to the air. It would follow up by jumping to the enemy and delivers a shattering kick

轟覇機神拳 (GouHaKiShinKen / Roaring Supreme Machine God Fist) (LOCKED --- aquired via event)
Ialdabaoth charges and explodes with its master's Ki and resolution, leaving a massive crater. It then quickly dashes forward and proceeds to hammer away at the target rapidly and lets out a final punch that causes a dragon-like Ki to rise and pierce the enemy. Ialdabaoth would ride inside the piercing Ki to shatters the target with its final kick

Gendou City Crossover RP! ~Coming soon~

Re: The World's Inevitable Rebirth [Always Open~]
Link | by litterbox012 on 2008-10-18 08:11:16
me wan join
name:sakura Newa
Picture:Anime Pictures, Images and PhotosIgnore the 2001 thing^^
Golem:Fire Golem Pictures, Images and Photos
Golem in doll size:Sori I cant find any.Maybe a describsion?er.looks like the original golem but in a much cuter way^^
Bio:She stopped growing at the age of 10 becoz of a curse her mother had set upon her.Her mother had predicted tat the day will come when her daughter,Sakura,will control a Golem also.Attended Kaichou academy at 13 years old.She knows tat once she started a contract she couldnt turn back but she still insisted to become a Golem user.She isnt like the character her mother predicted her to be.She was quiet n soft but rarely shows her emotions.Quite hard to understand in contrast to the evil, do-all-for-her-own-gain type of girl.Loves to look at the clear skies.It seems that she gets cranky when it rains.Tat may be where her FIRE Golem comes from.


Re: The World's Inevitable Rebirth [Always Open~]
Link | by dachreom on 2008-10-19 00:22:58 (edited 2008-10-27 07:10:41)
[[I think I forgot to mention a few things:
1. You can board the Golem like a Gundam.
2. There are usually 'missions' everyday.
Missions will range from destroying powerplants to engaging in a war with the enemy.
3. I'll try to make a map of the academy, but help will really be appreciated.]]
Now, would anyone care to start?
Name: Isaac Reyndalt
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Picture/Description: 5'11, Black hair with bangs falling a bit below his ears, sapphire-blue eyes. Almost always seen wearing a black, sleeveless, hooded parka with graffiti-ish clouds near the bottom, jeans and white shoes. Since he has pretty bad eyes, he has to wear glasses, but they're not really thick or anything.
Golem: Ziz, Emperor of the Sky

Golem Interface:
Bio-Armor: Isaac doesn't choose whether he gets to board Ziz or not when Ziz is brought out of its doll form. He is immediately enveloped into the Golem, unable to get out until Ziz is turned back to its original form.

Using the bio-armor interface, Isaac 'becomes' Ziz. He gains vision of what Ziz sees, usage of arms and legs and the katar that Ziz uses. Damage to Ziz doesn't deal physical damage to Isaac, but instead it deals mental damage to him.

Golem Weapons: All of Ziz's weapons can make it overheat
The 'Overheat' Katar: Capable of making a Golem go into a state of overheating by simply stabbing the Katar inside it. Pierces most armors.

Blackout - By scattering electromagnetic particles into the air, Ziz is capable of causing major interference on the radars of the Golems in the area. The only downside to this is that those with the completed Golems suffer 20% of this effect.

Monarch's Wings: Ziz is capable of absorbing light into his wings, causing the wings to release strange, orange particles. This causes the overall performance of Ziz to rise temporarily. Sunlight has a stronger effect on Ziz's wings.

Scattershot: Shoulders release 2 warheads that release 10 homing missiles that detonate into a bunch of particles that could overheat the target if most missiles hit it.

Blinding Speed: Ziz can force itself to go into a state of overheating, but increases the overall performance significantly. After using this, Ziz is forced to cool down for 6 minutes. All operations will cease to function for the duration of the cool down.

Psychedelic: Only achievable when Monarch's Wings' energy output is high.
Ziz's armor rapidly turns into an array of colors, you can only see the outline of Ziz whose armor is engulfed in different colors (Green, brown, purple, red, etc.). This drains most of the energy from Ziz, so Monarch's Wings have to distribute the remaining energy to the rest of the Golem. Failure to do so will result in an abrupt overheat. Using Psychedelic, Ziz can disable the senses of the Golem pilot temporarily. (Not being able to see clearly is the most obvious: Hallucinations, etc.).

Bio: Isaac's father worked in the military. When the war came, his father was already contaminated with the evil the prototypes brought. He watched his father murder his entire family after an attempt to make them join the army. His will to unchain the world with countless lies led him to Kaichou Academy. Knowing that he could never turn back anymore, he made a contract with a Golem.

Isaac's a friendly guy, but he's somewhat rebellious and doesn't like wasting time. He's the kind of guy that won't listen to your orders if they're irrational. He's also the kind of guy that loves looking at things fly through the sky. This is where Ziz probably gained its superiority in aerial combat and its speed.

Ziz in Blinding Speed is probably the fastest Golem on campus. The multiple side-effects of Ziz are its apparent downside, but a healthy amount of light will prove otherwise. Ziz's armor is rather frail and can't store that many weapons, so Isaac has to rely on his piloting skills and surroundings to win.

Re: The World's Inevitable Rebirth [Always Open~]
Link | by syaondri san on 2008-10-19 05:17:48 (edited 2008-10-19 06:20:20)
@Dach: Whoa, Jehuty! nice one^^. oh my doll is the one that Edward holds in the bio (the black one see it?) The beginning? What if it starts in our own room like you've mentioned? I'll start with mine 'kay?
Edward: "No... don't go Father..." he said while sleeping.

Edward: "No mom... It's dangerous... You too! NO!!"

in his dream...

Edward: "No... how can this be..." start to cry... "I-I... I cannot believe this...

??(female): "Do you wanted to stop this war...?" the voice is echoing...

Edward: "W-who are you!" looks worried as the battlefield scene starts to blurring
and fades into white...

??(female): "Answer me..."

Edward: "No... am I dead..."

??(female): "No, you can stop the war..."

Edward: "Or am I crazy... so this is how crazy people feel..."

??(female): "Aw man... come on... would you stop this war or something!?"

Edward: "Alright-alright Geez... what a compulsory.... Okay I wanted to stop this happy? and I wanted to do this from a..."

Ed awakes and find out he is on his bed...
Edward: "long time... huh?... A door? where was it come from?"

then Edward tries to open the door... he sees a newly scenery. He never seen this kind of place before...
Oh the school... does it have any grading... I meant was it like Freshman, sophomore, senior thingy or 1st grader and etc.?

syaondri Wow... Sos brigade's tank won against a gundam... syaondrilet the flow of the time take us grow more than now

Re: The World's Inevitable Rebirth [Always Open~]
Link | by aegis93 on 2008-10-20 01:17:11 (edited 2008-10-20 01:42:28)
I think we can't ride golem.So, I update My first post later.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Re: The World's Inevitable Rebirth [Always Open~]
Link | by dachreom on 2008-10-20 01:23:39 (edited 2008-10-20 01:24:51)
[[I <3 Jehuty. You start either in your room or in the city. (Depends on your profile.)

People I expect to start in the city:
Isaac - States that he already made a contract.
Rise - 10 year old Golem user, now 16.
Sakura - Came to the Academy at the age of 13, now 15.

People I don't expect to start in the city:
Edward - Doesn't state anything about the contract
Kenji - Same as above
Ryuukage - No bio. >.>]]

[[No grading or anything, but I guess seniority and age still count.]]

"How long has it been since I've involved myself in this war...?" Isaac thought, looking at the ceiling of his dimly lit room as he laid on his soft bed. The morning sunlight found its way into his room through the open windows. "No more than a month, I think.", he answered himself as he sat up. "Honestly, the school is more of an organization than a school... Bent on changing the world for the better." Isaac said to himself as he got ready to go to school.

"...Oh yeah, I believe they said something about starting the missions soon." Isaac thought, pushing up his glasses as he carried his bag filled with all his things including his Golem doll. "Ziz and I are going to need to have some battle simulations... It's not like I'm that proficient in land as compared to air... Heck, I rely on my environment." Isaac thought, smiling at his own comment as he stepped out of his room, revealing a long corridor.

Looking outside, you can see that it is a building. "I wonder... why didn't the magic practitioners just change the world with their magic?" Isaac thought, knowing that Ziz would reply to this question. "Because... you can't strip freedom from anything. Changing the world will leave unsatisfied people." Ziz's somewhat deep voice echoed in Isaac's head as he looked at the city from the window with a clear view of the city and its facilities. "People won't stop yearning for a better tomorrow, even if the present they live in will be the best it could be." Isaac and Ziz said in unison as he started heading down the stairs, ready to get to school.

Re: The World's Inevitable Rebirth [Always Open~]
Link | by syaondri san on 2008-10-20 02:22:33
@Dach: Neh, the one who calls me can be my Golem right?
Edward: "Uh... where is it... actually..."

WG (Wonder Genzel): "I have long waited you..."

Edward: "Who's there?!" he says while making himself prepared for a battle.

WG: "I am your Golem..."

Edward: "W-what?! Who are you! And mostly where are you?!" suddenly the area around him becomes darker with a big shadow... an engine voice can be heard...

WG: "Up here"

Edward: "What the..."

WG: "So, a ride for a contract master?"

syaondri Wow... Sos brigade's tank won against a gundam... syaondrilet the flow of the time take us grow more than now

Re: The World's Inevitable Rebirth [Always Open~]
Link | by on 2008-10-20 21:12:57 (edited 2008-10-22 17:24:21)
Name: Alton Traigos
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Description: Photobucket

Golem Name: Xios The Judgement.


Usage: Xios engulfs the user, fusing the two together in an organic/mechanic sense.

Doll Form: The doll form of Xios was actually formed to make Alton's gauntlet.

Weapons: Swords of Judgement: Enchanted weapons. Xios is equipped with 4 swords, allowing maximum range and precision during melee combat.

Portal of Final Destiny: The portal is a second dimension where the Judgement Rule is set. This prevents Enemies from using underhand tricks to beat their opponents, and is a set of laws that govern the natural state of sportsmanship.

Deus Ex Machina: This power drains him of all power, making Xios revert to gauntlet form for at least a week. Deus Ex Machina translates to God of the Machine. This ability allows Xios to either Alter himself or any Golem/machinery in any way. The power lasts for a few minutes, but can change the outcome of the battle. Thus earning the name, Deus Ex Machina.

Bio: Alton was never pure at heart. In fact, he did not even want to help the world. However, the Golem of Judgement claimed him to be the one to create a better tomorrow. Alton welcomed the power, but he needed to convince Xios that he truly wanted a better tomorrow. However, the "better tomorrow," Alton thinks of is much different that everyone else in the city...

Re: The World's Inevitable Rebirth [Always Open~]
Link | by aegis93 on 2008-10-21 01:46:18
[At the a forest]

Rise : When the war will over Magus ?

Magus : I don't know master.Maybe it will over soon.

Rise : Yeah, I hope so.Let's go to school Magus.

Magus : Yes master.

Rise : don't call me sound like I'm getting old just call Rise.

Magus : Okay, Rise.

Rise : Good. now let's go.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Re: The World's Inevitable Rebirth [Always Open~]
Link | by H on 2008-10-21 05:45:52
I won't be going to the city until I developed my character well


"Do you want... power?"

"... Who..."

"Do you want... power?"

"... Power...?"

"The power to change the world... or the power to be the world itself..."

"Change...? Be the world...?"

"Do you want it...?"


7 o'clock in the morning... The day is just beginning for this young boy, who turned the alarm off and goes off to sleep again,

"That... was a strange dream... Let's see if I can get a different dream if I am to sleep again..."

As the boy starts to snore, his bedroom's door opened suddenly, with a thunderous sound,

"Ryuukage! It's seven already goddammit! How long do you plan on snoring?!"

Gendou City Crossover RP! ~Coming soon~

Re: The World's Inevitable Rebirth [Always Open~]
Link | by dachreom on 2008-10-21 06:14:27
[[@Ryuu: It's fine.]]
[[@Alton: Please clarify what Xios' weapons do.]]

The school wasn't too far from the dormitory that Isaac stayed at. The sun greeted the city with its rays while the rest of the city progressed. But deep inside, Isaac knew what this was all sort of fake. This was the moon after all...

"It's only been several weeks, but I'm sort of well-known around the academy already... The 'super-friendly-serious-speed-demon guy' is their general outlook of me." Isaac said, sort of smiling as he continued walking with a cute looking hummingbird coming out of Isaac's bag and placing itself on his shoulder.

It was really cute: grayish green in color, puffy, small. But inside, it was speed incarnate and more importantly: Isaac's Golem. "I don't like staying in your bag, it's all hot and stuffy inside." Ziz said in a rather cute and small voice, but enough for Isaac to hear since it was perched on his shoulder. "Don't complain, I lose you easily. The last time I lost you, I had to invoke your Golem form... in the locker room since it was almost Golem simulations time and I couldn't enter the field without showing my Golem." Isaac said, traumatized by that event as this was evident in his constant shivering as he thought about it.

Re: The World's Inevitable Rebirth [Always Open~]
Link | by syaondri san on 2008-10-21 06:22:21
After a while didn't trusting finally Edward agreed to get in. inside of it was a big bridge with a special seat for Ed.

WG: "So, do you wanted the contract?"

Ed: "I don't know... fighting dire with fire? I-Ijust don't know about this..."

WG: "But, master if we didn't do this the war will just keep going on... and more victims will be..."

Ed: "Okay I get it already... hh... so we will scare them with our power so that they won't dare to make another war huh?"

WG: "Somehow like that..."

Ed: "Okay I'd... won't agree."

WG: "But master!"

Ed: "Now, get me out of here quick!" Ed says while almost crying..."

then after a bit more negotiation, Ed was got out from Wonder Genzel and return to his home...

Ed: "Dad... if only I can find you out..."

So, Ed gets out of his house using a Unicycle that he made(a motorcycle with a seat in the middle of it, it is a hovering bike with a green line as the propulsion.)

suddenly... a blast occur near him and he was fainted...

Ed: "Ugh... is it... the end?"

syaondri Wow... Sos brigade's tank won against a gundam... syaondrilet the flow of the time take us grow more than now

Re: The World's Inevitable Rebirth [Always Open~]
Link | by on 2008-10-22 17:16:06
You know, some of those lessons may actually help you.

"I don't really care, Xios. In fact, I really don't see why we have to be on the moon on that matter."

Alton had been transported to the city long before the gauntlet-shaped golem came into his life. His father, Professor Traigos, was one of the first to even colonize the moon. Now that the Prof. was dead, Alton had been left alone to fend for himself in a empty, albeit roomy, apartment.

He despised that Xios and him had connected minds. He also disliked the fact that Xios talks to him through his mind. But the gauntlet was now his. There was no way to get rid of it.

"Ya know, for a golem, you sure think high and mighty of yourself. Who appointed you The Judgement anyways?"

That is something I cannot disclose. Know that I am, and that I serve you. I'm also here to create a better world... You seem to know nothing about that do you?

"Hmph. Let's go."

Will you finally go to your lessons?

"Nothing else to do in this stupid place. Unless you want to help me get back to Earth..."

Not yet. Not until you are ready.


Alton walked out onto the streets. He knew for a fact that if he didn't know how to fight using Xios' help, even if he managed to convince Xios of his plan, he wouldn't be able to pull it off. For now, the young Traigos was to learn and grow.

Re: The World's Inevitable Rebirth [Always Open~]
Link | by aegis93 on 2008-10-23 23:16:56
Magus : Rise before go to the academy. I want eat something.

Rise : you strange golem.golem not need food.

Magus : but food in this world is delecious

Rise : oh well.Okay, back to you'r mini from.

Magus : Okay*back to cute form*.Now, let's go.

Rise : Okay don't force me.

[after a while]

Magus : wow, that food is the best.thank you for give me food.

Rise : yeah, of course I bring you food because I will use energy until zero.

Magus : wah... don't do it

Rise : I'm just kidding.We always together for 7 I already think you like my family.and don't hesitate to ask something.*look her watch*.

Rise : oh no I'm late.let's go.and now is golem simulation.

Magus : Yes Rise.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Re: The World's Inevitable Rebirth [Always Open~]
Link | by dachreom on 2008-10-24 02:38:47 (edited 2008-10-24 02:39:59)
[Thanks to aegis/Rise for the picture of the school~ :D
Everyone'll be part of the same class (or as I would like to call, division)to prevent complications and encourage interaction. Do you think this will be a good idea?]

[Academy, 7:15AM]

Isaac walked towards the Main Building, Ziz perched on his shoulder as he walked his way up to the door of the Main Building. "Today's Golem Simulations day!" Isaac said as he entered the school building, smiling since Golem Simulations was his favorite class. It was the only time when he could touch the sky, even if it was fake. He loved that feeling of speed whenever he would soar through the sky with Ziz.

"Even if I'm sort of popular... I don't know the names of most people. It's kind of odd really. They know me, I don't know them. Well, the divisions should do just fine. They're showing the people in each division today." Isaac thought, he walked towards a huge flatscreen computer hanging on the wall with all the names of the students in the school separated by columns with the words 'Division 1' until 'Division 18'.

"Lessee... The other students should be arriving by now, I don't want to be caught up in a crowd. I enjoy my personal space." Isaac said, laughing a bit at his own comment. "Classes start at 8:00 after all~"

Re: The World's Inevitable Rebirth [Always Open~]
Link | by H on 2008-10-24 04:01:26
Ryuukage: *scratches head* Teiou! You could at least lower your voice... Why can't I sleep for just a bit longer? It's not like the war has ended and the school has opened again...

Ryuukage gets up in a very shabby way, after rolling on his bed for a few times and dropping himself on the floor. The girl, who just stormed Ryuukage's room, pulled him up with an angry face, ready to kick his ass at any given moment,

Teiou: *hands on hips* Ano ne.... I am the eldest of the next generation of Hikarigaokas! And it's my job to make sure that all of you are properly trained, especially in warring times like this..

Ryuukage: *gets up* Haihai...
*yawns* [What a troublesome cousin...]

Teiou: *hands on hips* Listen, we have to be prepared in case we are to be attacked...

Ryuukage: *opens window, stares at the sky* The "Underworld".... huh....

Teiou: The "Underworld" had forced the government and the big families to join the war, including our family...
*bitter smile* For now, we have to defend ourselves since the older generations are away... It's better if we don't depend too much on our bodyguards...

Ryuukage: *stares at the sky* [To defend ourselves... To defend this country... To... Stop the war..?]

Teiou: *clenches fists* That's why we need power! Power to defend ourselves! To protect the ones we love! If possible, big enough to stop this ridiculous war!

Ryuukage: *sigh* You just sounded like you're copying some lines from a shonen anime...

Teiou: *drags Ryuukage out of the room* Shut up! That sentence worth 10 extra push-ups!

Ryuukage: *dragged* Geez...... [Power.... eh..? Been getting the same dream nowadays.....]

Gendou City Crossover RP! ~Coming soon~

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