Welcome to my first RP. If you got any questions/suggestions/corrections, just tell me through PM or post in this RP. Okay this is the prologue for you guys find out the synopsis. Erk sorry for the crappy grammar...
2080. Mankind has once again succeeded in space colonial since humans settled at Mars. The terraforming of Ganymede, which is purposed by IGTO has become reality. Nearly 70% of Ganymede, one of the Jupiter's moon is habitable for humans and a colony named North Atlantis was already built and the inhabitants, mostly consist of scientists and some civilians are having a great moment until a long lost recon spacecraft returns to Ganymede....
[Ganymede Orbital Space]
An old and damaged recon spacecraft begins to enter Ganymede's atmosphere. The IGTO Spaceport contacted the pilot of the spacecraft.
Radio: "Identify yourself, Spacecraft IC-4A5."
???: *robotic voice* "This....this is Pri...Private Johnson, pilot of..of the Recon IC-4A5"
Radio: "Hang on for second Recon as we're identifying you. *seconds later* Okay, Recon IC-4A5 you have been cleared to land on Ganymede. I'll sending the coordinates for our Spaceport.
As soon Recon receives the coordinates for IGTO Ganymede Spaceport, the spacecraft begins its descending procedure to Ganymede.
[IGTO Spaceport, Command Room]
The Recon Spacecraft enters and lands into the hangar of the Spaceport as soon as the hangar door opens. People on the Spaceport Command Room starting to chatter heavily as they're puzzled how Recon returned after lost contact with Ganymede for 6 months. 1st Lieutenant Jackson Riley, head of the Spaceport becomes nervous about Recon's return.
Riley: "Are you kidding me? That stuff has lost contact with us for 6 months and now it returns? Oh I don't feel good about this...!" he replied with a bit of fear.
The radioman(Wilson) who was in contact with the pilot of the Recon, tries to explain the whole stuff.
Wilson: "Look I'm not kidding you sir! I'm heard him saying Private Johnson and IC-4A5 and it matches with our military flight database records!" he exclaimed.
Riley: "Well, where's Recon?"
Wilson: "Recon's in the hangar bay sir. What shall we do with Recon?"
Riley: "Take some soldiers to the hangar bay and check Recon. Don't let those guys in hangar bay get near with Recon until you and soldier's there. Got it?"
Wilson: "Affirmative sir."
[IGTO Spaceport, Hangar Bay]
Everyone's moving here and forth. Even the medical team has arrived to check the pilot's health condition. For now, none has neared Recon. Minutes later, Wilson arrived to the hangar bay with some military armed men. The workers of the hangar bay looked a bit shocked. Some of them asked:
Worker 1: "Erk, what's that all about? Another military cover up or what?"
Worker 2: "Yeah, I wonder you soldier boys do something crazy I guess~!"
Wilson ignores the comments made by them and ordered the soldier to form a defensive perimeter around the spacecraft. Then Wilson ordered one of the soldiers to open the spacecraft's door. As soon the soldier opened the door, he is shocked. As he gasped, a swarm of 4-legged alien emerge out of the spacecraft and lunged towards the soldier. Upon seeing that, Wilson ordered the rest of the soldiers fired at the aliens. Fear and panic can be felt throughout the hangar bay as the workers and medical teams run for their lives.
Wilson: "Fire, fire, fire~!!" he shouted when he shoots his rifle.
Unfortunately the alien's quick speed and high tolerance of pain has claimed some the soldiers. As Wilson kills one of the aliens, he and another soldier retreats. At that moment, a figure appeared from the Recon. That figure has sent Wilson a chill through his spine.
Wilson: "What the...? Oh no it's trying to shoot us!"
The huge 2-legged creature begins to charge its twin auto laser cannon and moments later it lets the the guns loose and streams of orange laser coming out from the cannons, piercing Wilson and his teammates. The huge alien lets a roar and the rest of the 4-legged aliens stormed the rest of the hangar bay.
As the invasion continues, numerous of unknown alien spacecraft makes its way to Ganymede...
RP System
Okay after that prologue above I'll be introducing the characters you can play, enemies and weapons that you may use in this RP.
You may play the RP as a survivor of the colony and RRTS squad member. RRTS(Rapid Response Tactical Squad) consists of 4 peoples, that is Leader, Heavy Weapons Specialist, Medic and Special Task. Only 4 person can play as RRTS.
Leader: The dude who orders and leads the RRTS squad.
Heavy Weapons Specialist: The dude with a knack with big mean guns(minigun,rockets) and explosives. He's also the one who got tons of explosive charges.
Medic: You know what is this xD
Special Task: The guy who is nerd in computer hacking, infiltrations and recon. He is a smart guy too.
Survivors could be anyone. Whether it is a normal person, a scientist or a surviving soldiers.
This is the list of weapons that you can use in this RP. You can also make weapons for yourself too, but be reasonable.
W4P Pistol: A reliable pistol which can be loaded with nEx bullets to increase its firepower. The gun is standard issue for all military personnel and securities.
M61 Carbine: A semi automatic rifle which boasts a good accuracy and medium firepower. It is outdated and now mostly securities and escorts use this rifle. Sniper scopes can be outfitted for this rifle.
WP56 Pulse Rife: The IGTO's military issue Assault Rifle. The 90 round rifle fires 700 rounds per min and it has good stopping power despite the recoil and it burns ammo like fuel. Irradiated bullets for the rifle is available although it is rare.
H5X-SG Combat Shotgun: The 7-round combat shotgun delivers lethal buckshot efficiently without any jams. The rate of fire is solved when H5X-SG is mounted with the Auto Shooter which allows the shotgun instantaneously eject all the 7 shotgun shells. Available only for military.
MGX-20 Minigun: The 500 round minigun shreds targets easily with friendly-user interface and minor recoil but the gun is heavy and has a slow reloading time.
Every character can have a maximum of 2 major weapons or a sidearm. That's all for now. Will be introducing for guns in later RP xD
The rundown of the aliens.
Wrencher: Wrenchers are nasty four-legged predators with claws as long as a man's forearm and a jaw big enough to decapitate you in one bite. They're pretty
tough in the beginning when you don't have upgraded weapons, but they quickly
become the RP's zerglings: not difficult individually but a threat in
Brute Mauler: Huge muscular humanoids with sickly pink skin and automatic laser cannons for hands. They usually patrol set areas and
shoot you on sight, even chasing you a little ways off their route if you get
away. Their laser guns do immense damage and they basically don't need to
reload, so make sure to kill them quickly, to have cover, or to be really good
at rolling. Besides shooting, their laser guns can pry through bulkheads and doors. At melee range, they'll slam you with their laser cannons.
I'll be updating this alien bestiary as we progress through the RP.
Starting Location
Starting location is only for survivors since all RRTS soldiers are in a space shuttle heading towards Ganymede. Here's some example you may use as a starting location. Note that at the moment RP starts it's already 3 hour ago since the prologue incident.
North Atlantis: Mess Hall, Centrum( a main hall), your room, Research Floor and other stuffs you can think.
1.God RPing is not allowed. Evasion is doable as long it's not frequent. For newcomers go check the RP Guide on Gendou City.
2.You'll die in this RP if you're not be careful.
3.Maximum 2-3 chars per person.
4.Be always reasonable in this RP please D:
5.Character controls is allowed under the consent of the owner of the char.
6.The RP is freestyle but I recommend novel style :)
7.Enjoy the RP :D
Character sheet example.
Name:(You can put a nick!)
Gender:(Male or Female)
Occupation: (Any job will do as long it is reasonable.)
Appearance: (Picture or words. It's optional though.)
Bio: (About your character and personalities.)
Starting Weapon: (You may use the above weapons or make one yourself but not a Plasma Cannon or high tech weaponry.)
My Character Casts.
Name: Kazuya "Slayer" Nishiki
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Occupation: RRTS Leader.
Appearance: Black short hair with sharp looking black eyes with a bit of beard on his face. Wears full black colored RRTS uniform with a sapphire pendant on his neck.
Bio: A battle-hardened soldier, Kazuya has seen a lot of killings and mass genocides in World Conflict(a huge war) and this makes him a tough guy and an experienced leader. He joined RRTS under the command of his Commander though. A charismatic guy, he does not leave his injured/captured teammates behind and provides help whenever he could.
Starting Weapon: WP56 Pulse Rifle, H5X-SG Combat Shotgun.
Name: Celica Shirozaki
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Occupation: Scientist in North Atlantis.
Appearance: Waist length, pony-tailed black shiny hair, round dark blue eyes with spectacles. Wears a white dress with a black skirt and a cross on her neck.
Bio: An ex-Special Ops soldier at 17, Celica quits her job and becomes a scientist in Ganymede. She decides to have a quiet and happy life on Ganymede after World Conflict which she is involved with. Quiet and resourceful, she tries to escape the invaded Ganymede.
Starting Weapon: W4P Pistol.