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The best way to deal with terrorism
Link | by gant on 2008-10-02 05:28:42
As you all know, incidents of terrorism have been on the rise in recent times. Besides the usual run-of-the-mill bombings, there've even been certain incidents where terror has been caused without even firing a single shot. In the face of such a situation, what do you think should be the best way to deal with it? Should we blow all terrorists and their families sky-high to kingdom come, or should there be a tit-for-tat campaign? What do you guys think?


Re: The best way to deal with terrorism
Link | by Goenitz86 on 2008-10-02 21:21:29
I love the concept from the movie Swordfish. Make terrorism so horrific no one will bother to try it.

Re: The best way to deal with terrorism
Link | by emphysema on 2008-10-03 06:40:01
We all live for a purpose in life. Shame if we can't respect oneanother's purposes. Right? :D


Re: The best way to deal with terrorism
Link | by on 2008-10-03 19:15:08
be brave! XDDD

Re: The best way to deal with terrorism
Link | by on 2008-10-06 05:18:46
When you think the idea of blowing up terrorists is good for mankind, don't you think at the same time it sounds so vulgar yet unethical to any humans of many morals? It's like Nokia stopped buying coltan (a mineral used for mobile/cell phone manufacturing) from Congo countries due to rebels stealing the poor's rations and wealth.

I loathe terrorists. What they see is the one side of the coin, not the other. They blow themselves up to injure the enemies of outside religion or beliefs, pardoning the innocents who assumed follow their religion. They would never want to change and rationalise things, and sadly because of that status quo, they are not being ethical to their own race. I rather not demand the government to perform ethnic cleansing. I believe things would change, even within the hearts of the terrorists. Even terrorists had been toyed by the wealthy corporates.

Re: The best way to deal with terrorism
Link | by on 2008-10-07 22:55:47
hmm, been thinking about this since you put it up...a difficult question.
To outline what i think would be the best way for dealing with terrorism (i will be specifically be addressing Islamic terrorism (i.e. that which concerns the broader international community, since purely localized movements such as the LTTE are a different matter altogether).
The following steps should be taken to deal with the issue
I. The creation of a self-perpetuating Iraqi regime that is neither anti-American nor pro-Iranian.
II. The creation of a stable, effective regime in Afghanistan that can keep the tribes under control and marginalize the Taliban and other Jihadist forces.
III. Marginalization of Taliban and other Jihadists in Pakistan via restoration of the NWFP/FATA to control by the Pakistani state.
IV. Efforts by States to combat and subvert grass-roots terrorist organizations.

How to do this? Principally by a)Military/police operations to liquidate radical core of Jihadist movement in a given region b)engaging in talks/diplomacy with collaborating groups (such as the PKK, Sunni, and Shia militias in Iraq) or even the terrorists themselves in an attempt to get them to express dissatisfaction through legitimate means.

Re: The best way to deal with terrorism
Link | by on 2008-10-08 10:41:46
When you have people who record them cutting off prisoners heads and showing it on t.v. and making women blow themselves up because they are running out of man power, these people you can not reason with. The only thing you can do to protect yourselves and others is to kill them before they kill you.

"It's better to be used, then to be useless."

Re: The best way to deal with terrorism
Link | by Haoie on 2008-10-09 01:23:23
That no fly list is hopeless.

If each mistake being made is a new one, then progress is being made.

Re: The best way to deal with terrorism
Link | by on 2008-10-09 08:36:49
darkstranger:When you have people who record them cutting off prisoners heads and showing it on t.v. and making women blow themselves up because they are running out of man power, these people you can not reason with. The only thing you can do to protect yourselves and others is to kill them before they kill you.

How can you just leave it to that?! These terrorists sure ran out of choices, and I bet they would NOT want to do these disgusting things to non-Muslim prisoners! They will change if specific plans are put to place, like what rocketg suggested. We can't be pessimistic over and underestimate terrorists' intentions--- they conduct Jihad rituals only for the name of Allah, and they sure are NOT pretending that the violence still goes on after all the holy suicides been executed during the years of war. They cry for change, they cry for peace, they cry for a new beginning.

Re: The best way to deal with terrorism
Link | by on 2008-10-10 10:46:00
How in the world can you say that? Cutting off someones head IS NOT a cry for peace. Blowing up schools and buses full of innocent people IS NOT a cry for peace. These people have been killing each other for decades. Going in there and putting a sign with rules on it (more or less) and telling them "ok, your gonna play nice now ok?" and then leaving won't change a thing. Most of these people don't really even know of a good reason why they kill each other anymore. They are raised on hate so that's how they live.

Sadly being a American I wish setting up a goverment there and leaving would work, but it just won't. But pulling out will have have the whole area implode.

"It's better to be used, then to be useless."

Re: The best way to deal with terrorism
Link | by on 2008-10-11 05:07:04 (edited 2008-10-11 05:10:59)
darkstranger:Cutting off someones head IS NOT a cry for peace

Obviously they are crying for this disgusting way to end! Their violent actions are crying out loud for peace! Hatred brought nothing but endless discrimination and fake promises to the nation. They don't want to live on hatred~ and of course the government is to blame. Terrorists make mistakes too~ and they are definitely feel denial and guilt for doing the extreme Jihad act.
I know myself that my opinions are not that reliable~ but I don't like to have only one side of opinion when commenting over something.

Re: The best way to deal with terrorism
Link | by emphysema on 2008-10-11 05:35:57
We see only what the media shows us. There are things that are out of public knowledge.


Re: The best way to deal with terrorism
Link | by on 2008-10-11 08:10:11
What do you mean they don't want to live on hate? They've been living on hate for decades. These people have no remorse for their actions. You can't have a concise and still do the sort of things they do.

"It's better to be used, then to be useless."

Re: The best way to deal with terrorism
Link | by on 2008-10-11 21:18:09 (edited 2008-10-11 21:23:05)
well, the largest and most prescient terrorist movement is that which identifies itself as in the name of Islam, I am merely specifying this movement as opposed to others---its size and international nature set it far apart from other terrorist movements. Other movements are much more focused on an individual region and are not a geopolitical concern for the international community, examples would include the LTTE, IRA, or FARC. i never claimed nor implied that the movement encompassed the billion plus members of the world's second largest religion or that they are in any way supportive or approving of this movement. They consider their holy war to be Jihad, and would probably argue against the more mainstream definition---i am not claiming that is the whole of the concept and am well aware of its more personal/metaphysical connotations---it is just what they call themselves, and it seems reasonable to call a movement by the name that its adherents identify it as. Please do not distort my statements or make wild accusations that are not contextually supported.

Re: The best way to deal with terrorism
Link | by on 2008-10-12 16:10:00
Yeah, the denmark comics showed just how smart these people are. To show their outcry for a Denmark comic they do what?.....Burn American flags and blow up a Fast Food joint.

"It's better to be used, then to be useless."

Re: The best way to deal with terrorism
Link | by samsonov on 2008-10-12 18:04:37
It depends on the side you are to say if it's terrorism on just "freedom fighters" sort of thing. In any way, only through social justice on the so called breading grounds we can achieve something.

Let's think, we can't get rid of it through some sort of injection our values onto them, 'cause those who attacked in London or Madrid were under theoretically the influence of those values, or those conflicts in Colombia and Ireland, though in this one the whole thing is over, i hope. We can say the same about those in the occupied territories in Israel.

Militarily, just think on occupied territories or in Colombia, billions of dollars put into the military and they still got no peace. And even more evident is what happening on Iraq.

However if we do it socially, we might easy really good things, since without that all radical movements lose their support, including warmongers leaders occupying important position at the State. For instance, if the US wasn't on Iraq solely to exploit the resources and actually get some real work on improving living conditions to all parts of the population, i'm pretty confident that things would be better. If in Afghanistan, the Karzai government actually do something for their people, most likely there wouldn't be a rise of the Taliban. If Israeli government didn't expelled millions of palestinians and oppressed the remain of them on the territories, the radicals would need to find a new reason to sustain their attacks on western institutions. The same goes for many other examples.

All those so called terrorist movement have a strong social connection, if it's possible to minimize that aspect, all their strength is gone, after it's not the leaders who make the attacks, but the common joes. However i gotta say that one can really fast think that if someone is poor, or politically oppressed you got a potential terrorist, the reality in fact is that individual got a tolerance to what others can take away from them, in many places that has happened and in many others that's can happen in a near future.

I know it's a bit naïve my vision of the best way to deal with this social unrest, but it's what i think XD

Re: The best way to deal with terrorism
Link | by on 2008-10-12 22:24:42 (edited 2008-10-12 22:29:50)
Samsonov, i completely agree with your statements regarding Afghanistan! Both the coalition forces and the Karzai government have done little to nothing to improve the lives of the Afghani people, besides building roads, though that was really for military purposes more than anything else. Even in Kabul electricity is limited to a few hours a day, and condition is worse everywhere else. US/NATO forces efforts at social 'help' nigh exclusively consists burning down all the poppies---the best growing, most hardy, and most profitable crop available---and forcing farmers to starve or sell off their daughters to survive, hardly a helpful strategy. Likewise, the Government officials seem preoccupied lining their pockets and advancing their own interests rather than those of the nation. A significant investment in infrastructure would do wonders in winning the hearts and minds of those people who begrudgingly cooperate with the Taliban.

Re: The best way to deal with terrorism
Link | by gant on 2008-10-13 06:10:19

Thanx for the responses,people! Your responses were all brilliant! But I want now to hold this topic open for all facets of terrorism. Some pertinient questions that'll (hopefully) help us understand what to do with terrorists are:

I. How do we identify a person who might become a terrorist?
II. How do we deal with them on a personal level?
III. What are the moral values that you think need to be inculcated so as to prevent kids from becoming terrorists?
IV. What do you think is the future of terrorism? Where is it headed? Can it be stopped?

Think upon it, and answer. Cheers, everyone!


Re: The best way to deal with terrorism
Link | by on 2008-10-13 13:40:28 (edited 2008-10-13 14:05:20)
Violence only breeds more violence. If you have to repay every misdeed of a country with war and destruction, and they pay you back, when will it end? With each country as a flattend pile of ruble. Being overtly aggressive is what makes people hate someone. Negotiations and diplomacy is the way to go, and if that doesn't work, only as a last resort war is needed. It is also advisable to ameliorate the conditions which breed such animosities in the first place. Most terrorist have some cause they are fighting for (whether you aggree with it or not) and If you take away that cause or make life more bearable, then their reason for fighting is diminished.

~Disclaimer-I have no real understanding of how politics works, this is just my humble opinion.~

I. It is hard to just look at someone in a crowd and say, "he/she will become a terrorist." The people close to a person should look for warning signs, like an acute amount of social or political discontent. I'm not talking about the dime-a-dozen wannabe anarchists. Someone whose rage is feirce and undeniable, who thinks violence is the only way to resolve the worlds problems. Oh, and if they say "I want to change the world, through ANY means neccessary" that helps too. [I'm not saying Malcom X was a bad guy or anything]

II. All I could say is ask them to consider their act of violence and if the outcome will really CHANGE anything. If it does change something, will it benefit their cause? In a paroxysm of rage, people follow extremist leaders because the feel that they will bring about change. But if they sat down and considered it thoroughly, some (probably not many) might actually see their folly.

III. Well, every religion has some thing in it against violence. If they were to see the suffering they caused, alot of time to their own people who are innocent bystanders, they would wonder would God approve of such violence and destuction. We need to teach them the value of human life (as a creation of God, whichever God they may adhere to) and the hubris it takes to take that which they did not create.

IV. The future of terrorism is just going to be more ways of killing more people at once. Biological weapons have been and I believe will be used more in the future. There is also cybercrime (like in GITS :D)

pump~pumpkin pumpkiiin~! Bounen no Xam'd, watch it now!

Re: The best way to deal with terrorism
Link | by on 2008-10-13 17:06:34
I. It is very difficult to identify potential terrorists, to sort through the proper demographics or the population in general would not only be a gargantuan task, but also violate an untold number of our political/civil rights/freedoms. The fact that many terrorists come from a middle to high income background and are well educated, in addition to the downtrodden further complicates matters. So I don't think we can really identify potential terrorists

II. I believe to combat this at a personal level, we need to try to reach out to and respect groups who are dissatisfied and alienated from our society. Work needs to be made to assimilate these people, improve their condition, and try to get them to take up the national (state) identity of their country as their identity. This is a way to approach the problem at an intrastate level. At the interstate level, helping economic development, increased trade, and cross-cultural exchanges in an attempt to increase understanding would be best.

III. Children pose a difficult problem, as they are influenced by their peers, families, and primary reference groups. The educational system should encourage the settling of disputes through legitimate means, not violently, and encourage participation in civil society and members of other groups/cultures/ethnicities.

IV. In the future, I imagine as the world shifts from the unipolarity of US hegemony to a more multipolar system, we will see the gradual dissipation of the broader international movement. Local terrorism as asymmetric warfare against the state will continue, with dissatisfied nations seeking autonomy. These conflicts will not go away in the foreseeable future, though some may be individually addressed. Some may be addressed as by giving into the groups' demands, id est allowing the establishment of the independent states which they seek. This may work if the IRA reactivates, or in the case of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, or some other movements. Though they may also be dealt with, along with groups merely trying to have a coup d'état, by engaging them and including them in broader society, helping them economically or with other infrastructure (schools, hospitals, etc.) Of course some military/police operations will also be necessary in mitigating the danger.

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