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Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-12-09 04:27:07
Heylows evvyonez!

Starting tomorrow, I won't be as frequent as usual when visiting Dx
I am having xmas exams this and next week :( So do notice my absence or even my unfrequent replies xDDD Buat taktau je xDDDDD I'll be back :)

@kira: I dah buat open house on Sunday night cuz buat takbir raya :) (Tempat neighbourhood I'm in pun cukup ngan orang melayu, kebanyakkan keluarga) Ok la tuu xD Masak pun rendang daging ngan nasi himpit. Teh tarik pun ada :D It was alright :) On the next day, pergi rumah kawan ayah saya kat town, dia pun buat open house :) Aah, great times.

@deTea: Own beliefs tu sometimes are not that appropriate xD What happens tetiba diorang express something negative about our religious belief kat public blogs... tu yang tak baik tu.

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by mjia on 2008-12-09 07:34:26
@Woots:*hug*no worries.^^.Exam?Ganbatte!!!Good luck to your exam.^^

@sammeh:Me too,Cintamu.XP

@Bkno9:I hope i can go least one time.T_T.Kimchi?okay,i wont eat too much then.XP

@Bakaro and Ryusuke:Welcome!enjoy.XD

@yuwei:Wb!!How r u lately?**hi5**me too watch vampire knight guilty now!

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-12-09 14:14:58
._. just found out this thread..

._. seriously need to check on the forum often..
but i feel..
like '-'...
feel like..stereotype '-';;

never mind..just ignore me

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-12-09 16:23:44
lol welcome to the thread XD

best of luck in your exams! :D house XD

hello! how's holidays?

welcome to the thread!
apa yang tak tau? lol

lol play pranks...xD
then nobody cook for're eating maggi or go eat outside? XD

14 ekor...meriah tu XD

sini pun asyik hujan jer...sejuk XD

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by yuwei on 2008-12-09 18:53:05 (edited 2008-12-09 18:53:32)
hello everyone...

@ mjia & reimu
i hv been back 2 ipoh these few week...
struggling to find a job. too boring at home. no internet access.

@ everyone
selamat hari raya haji

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-12-09 23:01:23
wow i just know bout this thread....its good to have someone from my own country here as friend... hi everyone..!

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by dt-chan on 2008-12-09 23:11:43
@ryusuke & dean
welcome to the group.. :)
hope u enjoy ur time here & pls dont be shy to ask if u need something.. ;)
anyway.. care for some introduction..??

yeah.. long time no c.. & selamat hari raya haji to u too.. ^^
and good luck finding job there.. i know how hard it'll be, but, hang in there.. ~_~'

oh yeah.. it'll be bad if they did that on their blogs.. but i (still) think its just fine to do the "korban" openly tough..
its nothing to be shame of.. but i guess its gonna look weird if its been done in less Muslim-populated area.. -_-'
anyway.. good luck on your exams.. dont study too hard (esp in the cold weather there..) or ur brain will "frozen".. XD

*fondles chia* dont forgot some souvenir for me kay.. :p
*run & hide under desk* XD

*huggies* fancy seeing you here adel-chan.. ^^
enjoy & take your time here kay.. ;)

well duh.. i really LOVES playing pranks on people ya know.. (yeah.. im naughty..) XD
of course la nobody cook for me if im left alone.. lol & altough im "pretty handy" in cooking, i just feel VERY LAZY to cook since no one around..
so yeah.. i eat hot cup megi for breakfast & go out to KFC or McD for lunch & dinner.. lol

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by Photobucket on 2008-12-10 00:44:53
A very warm welcome to all members! : D
Please, feel free at home in this thread. Read the rules and play nice too! :3
*does the Mikuru Beam pose*

I would've taken a photo and done the real thing but LOL : P
Nope, we still haven't have our full Haruhi Committee here yet.
Looking for Kyon applications, please apply to our Haruhi XD;;; (I'm kidding)

Anyway, just back for the moment to reply to all the messages I failed to reply! XD;;

Late reply but it's at Sunway Pyramid, not KL this time :)
Reasons are probably cause it's close to my college (And the college is SWARMING with plenty of people who are from CF actually. orz)

And LOL, I'm selling my friend's artwork, not mine : P I'd sell next year when I'm more confident enough.
I did sell some last year but they didn't sell too well : ) Oh well.
And the userbar you can pass it to me later : D

orz I promise I will upload more artworks, yes.

HAHAHA. Discount, I am not sure. I'm just the salesgirl and promoter : )
I've not heard anything about discounts on fan artworks (Since to me, the prices are considerably cheap XD) but there are discounts on certain other stuff sold there. :) Who knows?

@Yuki DT
Le zomg, it feels so weird someone from Gendou calling me after my internet alias XD;;
Yup, I am working there, but lol, no free passes, sadly : P
Next year, artworks most prolly. Help? I will let you know if I need one, nyon ; D
LOL, what's for sale on my store?
We have bookmarks, artbooks, badges, and some other stuff : ) Some are original art creations, some fan arts :)
My roomie is most probably selling Vocaloid Bookmarks so ;D do look out for them!

@Haruhi Bkno9 Harisen Sensei
Sou, majokko deshou : D HEHEHE. Or you can just drop by our booth.
But please, no photos of meh. I'm camera-shy : P

: D *runs off for work*


Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by bkno9 on 2008-12-10 05:31:00
*My love for all things tsundere~~*
If there was a robotic version of tsundere, EVE from WALL-E would be it XD

well, it'd be good to get to know the staff of Eirtakon. Who knows, you might even help out for the next one XD

What you said about religious beliefs and practices are quite true. Dekat tempat orang tu, kenala moderate sikit. It's not hard to imagine their surprise if you tell them you're 'sacrificing' animals to god. For the outsider, it's mind boggling.
Come back soon~!

yeshu.. after that we found out that the lab asst. only 'chloroform' them. But I'm told with sufficient amounts, even humans can die from inhaling too much chloroform, or go into deep coma.
LOL, actually Adel was posting for awhile before XD

wat's inside the frog? it's hard to describe.. but you can guess what some of the organs are..and smelly.. very smelly >_<; it's not an experience i'd like to go thru again, if given a choice.
Some of my frens who did Biology in F6 also 'operated' on white mice, but the smell was no better.

one of the reasons why i DO NOT want to start collecting figures >_< But I'm getting more and more drawn to nendoroids and glass cabinets. GAH~! NUUU~~ MUST.RESIST.
-_________-||| <-- bkno9 as he watches DT fondling mjia

halo halo~! gendou's a nice place to meet other fans of errr.. a lot of stuff. XD We have a cooking club, and a mini-skirt club to mention just a couple.
But a lot more 'ghost members' just login to download anime music, since Gendou's primary focus is that. >_<; Good that you decided to look around the forums and post XD (Sorry for replying in English, my bahasa PHAIL sikit T_T)
Ask anything if you need help XD

oh yeah, you mentioned you are from Ipoh. SO AM I @_@

here's one way you can do it XD next year, ask your mom/dad to go with you >_<; It's just like a big club where you're meeting ppl with the same interests, that's what you can tell them as well. The CF ppl go thru a lot of pains to handle the event professionally.

>_<: you mean you just 'found' out about the new thread, AFTER 19 pages? 0_0
*bonks Adeline* XD

Welcome to the Malaysian's thread~! XD
yeshu, please intro yourself a bit~!

@Mikuru rinrin Nodame-ojousama aka thread mascot XD
*goes into Haruhi mode*
Mikuru-chan.. i've got some GREAT ideas for the sequel of 'Mikuru the Legendary Battle Waitress from the Future' XD It involves lots of costume changes +______+

Actually, a lot more ppl preferred the CF when it was held in Sunway previously rather than TimesSquare last year (was it?) GAH~~ I want a Miku bookmark~! I may be in the mood for artbooks as well, that always catches my attention XD I 'almost' bought one during AFA, but finally deciding against it. ORZ.. at sgd68 it was a bit out of my budget >_>
WHAT~? NO PHOTOS~? There's no way you're escaping this time X3 Uhm.. maybe a group photo of Haruhi, Yuki and Mikuru? Since I'm planning to go with DT XD

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-12-10 15:52:15
ohhh only chloroform...

lol really? i never noticed that she posted before that lolz

lol mikuru beam pose!!! XD

ohhh i not too well? DX

hmm sorry for making you wait for so long...but i'm kinda busy with stuffs lately...i have so many err unfinished avy requests >_>
i'll try to do it whenever i can :'D

wait did i see right...VOCALOID STUFFS!!! /goes into fanboy mode

lol KFC and MCD...XDD
got so much money? XD

hi! welcome to the thread!
more about yourself? lol

aww i see...what work are you planning to do? XD

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by Photobucket on 2008-12-10 21:09:32 (edited 2008-12-10 21:21:49)
WOOT. I am alive today: I think : D
*pops in with the Mikuru Beam Pose*

: DDD Yes, I've been dubbed as the Mikuru of this Thread. Thanks to DT and Bkno9, who are Yuki and Haruhi respectively, because these two are always up to no good D:

Yup, it didn't sell too well. It's hard when you're not from DA/CF Forums, and people don't know you.
But it's like a group work so : P Next year, I'mma thinking solo but that depends if I think I have the time.
No worries. Take your time with the Avatars/Sigs : D I have to go make a new one for myself too now : <

And lol, I did draw something last night. But I think 3/4 of the community will be against it since it is YAOI >: =D

@Bkno9 Haruhi Harisen-sensei aka the thread's blackmail guru
*makes a run for it*

LOL, it wasn't held in Sunway - It was always held in a school NEAR Sunway. And yes, Times Square was a bit of a hassle but it's cheaper compared to the prices now in Sunwat Pyramid. : <

A group photo? Ermm... We'll see >D
OOH! DT is going! : D AWESOME! Can't wait to see you guys there.

Because I am random:


And now I am off.
Artworks next time. I tried to upload my slapping cat.fla but PHOTOBUCKET HATES MEH D:
*shakes fist at Photobucket*


Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by mjia on 2008-12-10 21:34:23

@Yuwei-san:No internet access?LOLXD.i faced this problem as well last friday,saturday and sunday when i went holiday at Penang.


@Dt-san:XP.I promised i'll buy it for you.Do you wan me to post laju you after i come back from the trip?*hugs*XD


@Bkno9-san:I guess cannot.Maybe my mother will go with me but not my father.T_T.Besides,i don wan to let them feel bored when i'm the only one enjoying in CF.T_TMaybe,i'll go oneday after i'm an adult.XP

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by Photobucket on 2008-12-10 22:53:22
*hugshugshugshugs!* I misses you loads, nyon! : D
How've you been?
And hahaha, come on to CF :) Bring your mother along, and get her to feel the CF experience.
I mean, I've met a lot of adults who aren't interested in animes who came to CF.
I sold KH2 Calendars to quite a number last year. XD;;


Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-12-10 23:29:16
lol i was once kyon...XD
iunno who took my place after i was MIA though XD

wait what's CF? i only know DA XD

hmm that means in every event like that there must be...people who are from DA that sells stuffs? O_O

YAOI! rofl
/lik---against yaoi XD

anyways err...can i has eh vocaloid stuffs? /puppyeyes XD

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by Photobucket on 2008-12-11 03:22:23
Woot, I am active (actually, I'm not. I'm just killing time because I don't want to finish up my final two flash work)
Well, you can be KYON~! : D
Time to get assemble the rest of the SOS though. But hey, wait, isn't THAT HARUHI'S JOB?!?!?! D: !!
*waves the SOS Banner*

CF - Comic Fiesta
And yes, popular ones. : ) Very popular ones. Namely, Kid-chan (but for some reason, I think she won't be there this year cause I heard there's another convention down in Penang)

: DDD Reimu, are you a closet yaoi fan? >: =D
*nudge nudge*

Vocaloid - You have to ask my roomie. She's selling them : D

I'm up for a jabber.
You guys can add me : )
BTW ^ This email will be taken down in 3 days. ^^;; I have insecurity issues.


Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-12-11 04:19:25
thank you~~

there you are !!
where have you been?! you have been disappeared in the single club
MEEEP ~~ you know how to use VOCALOID?!!

._. sorry...

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by Photobucket on 2008-12-11 05:23:31

Hahaha, yes, I am always here : ) Well, I am now, back again. Was gone a while.
The Singles Club confuses me so much, I'm taking a break from it. There's so much going on it just confuzzles my brains. Plus everyone's like talking so many topics at one time, it so hard to keep up, really.
: D But I'm always here in this thread, haunting this thread as always, so you can always find me here.

Ehh, no, I don't know how to use a Vocaloid (even though I'm cosplaying one), sadly, but I know someone I collaborate with does : ) If I do learn how to use it, I'll let you know ; D Heh.


Where are my Haruhi and Yuki when I am alive and kicking in this thread? D: This is like an outrage!
... Then again... I better run before they get some weird concoctions of suits out XD;;;



Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-12-11 08:22:41 (edited 2008-12-11 08:23:45)
Man time's sure passes very quick, a blink of an eye and now's December. I wished that I could control time like Sakuya(a char from Touhou yes) XDD My PC games are crashing like hell >.< Play more than 2-3 hours and be prepared to have your game crashed Dx I guess I don't have to go PLKN now. Second batch for the lulz and I always wanted to get into the first batch >.< Well at least I can finish winter animes xD Gonna get myself a partime job... Grazing couple of bullets in Touhou btw... Erk trying my best to relate everything here since I missed a page again~~~

@Meeeeep omg the Ninjin loves you yeah soonng~~! I hope that someone uploads it xO
Oh yeah meepie, are you going to cosplay in CF or just going there? Ahh I see Sunway Piramid, but erk I need bus tickets to go there....Lol Mikuru of this thread? xD

@Bkno Ahhh a fan of tsundere~ Well Shana for me anyways! Lol EVE as the tsundere char xDDD

@adel hey lool trying to get someone back into your Single's Club xDD By the way nice chat club especially the DJ stuffs.

@Reimu Yaoi lol and Vocaloid Dx

@w00tdude/w00t0s D: Xmas exams! Anyways good luck in that!

@Eria thanks for claim pic! It's tooo awesome...and regarding R@F, probably we could negotiate :D

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by bkno9 on 2008-12-11 08:28:55 (edited 2008-12-11 16:53:01)
yeap, adeline came in around the time you went missing XD i guess that's why you guys never met b4.
Kira, you forget. Bkno9 was once Kyon, cos he remembers stealing a couple of hugs from Kira-Yuki XD Back then, Haruhi was... *sweat* 0_0... i forgot her name >_<; She went MIA around the same time you did.

And then Meep appeared, and I took on Haruhi cos I bullied her so XD
*hugs Mikuru-chan*
Or did she pin the Haruhi tag on me? Hmm...
But LOLOL you can be Kyon if you like. Or even Tsuruya-san XD Mori the maid from the Agency? XDDD

@Mikuru Rinrin Nodame-Ojousama
Rinrin dear.. I've only been gone for a couple of days @_@ Good that you're back~! *huggies* XD
Since when did i become this thread blackmail guru~~? =_____=

And yeshu, I'll definitely drop by your booth, with DT. I'm still looking forward to a picture or two of Mikuru though X3 And LOLOLOL you linked back to Seimei's page. I haven't checked it for awhile now. And what about RaeRin?

Me? Assemble the rest of SOS-Dan? All that's important to Haruhi is that she's got Mikuru to bully around~!~! X3 I've sent Kyon off on a wild goose chase, and Itsuki to bug him. Yuki's recently gotten very absorbed in playing dating sims.
All that means is that I'm getting Tsuruya-san to hold the camera while I have lots of costumes for you to try on. *EBIL LAUGH*

AHAHAHA, either one of your parents will do, probably whoever's closer to you XD It'll be a good experience for them too, to get to know their daughter better. Adult~? 0_0 Erm.. define adult?

LOLOL no worries. It's good that you're back XD

Someone's already in Xmas mood I see XD

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-12-11 08:46:37
lol sorry es..wasn't meant to drag people back to Single Club
thank you for your compliment
Single Club people made it =D

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