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Artes Academy (need players, again...)
Link | by on 2008-09-19 05:37:50 (edited 2009-04-28 18:50:05)
This is my 1st time making an RP so...if there's errors please tell me. and i really hope to make this RP successful.

This is another school RP...a random one if i do say so myself...based on Mana-Khemia...but not exactly the same XD

All are welcome to join. Just try to be active...XD

This RP may not be fully original. The maps, and terms are not made by me copyright by the real makers...XD

Artes Academy...a school for teenagers who have a talent in alchemy. It is located in an unknown place so...enrollment is based on invitations by the school...most of the students didn't aware of this until they are enrolled...

-there are 3 courses: symbology (spells and alchemy symbols), combat, synthesis (must take all)
-class is held once a week(subject differs). so...lots of free time...or rather...assignment XD
-part-time work can be done when there is no get money
-detention will be given if you failed the course so no free time >:D
-there are school events!
-there are monsters outside the school, divided by 9 levels

1. basic rules apply
2. battles will be free-style...but no god-modding.
3. you cannot control other characters unless you have permission from the user or me.
4. you can control up to 3 of your own characters but please use them.
5. use script style.
6. any questions and suggestions? don't hesitate to ask me.
7. have fun!!!



Character List

Course Schedule



follow this format please
Status: (freshman, sophomore, senior)
Age: 16(freshman) 17(sophomore) 18(senior)
Specialty (for students and teachers): symbology, combat or item synthesis
Weapon: for those who wants to use weapons, for those who don't will have to follow those who have weapons, for safety purposes
Bio: a bit about the character
Appearance: pic

Here's mine:

1st character
Name: Hiiragi Akira
Status: Student (Freshman)
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Specialty: Combat
Weapon: Katana
Bio: Akira has been excluded from the society for unknown reasons, so he traveled around the world. When he got an invitation from the Artes Academy, he seemed surprised and decided to go there. Thus his story in the Artes Academy begins...

2nd character
Name: Gai Cecil
Status: Student (Senior)
Age: 18
Specialty: Combat
Weapon: One-handed sword
Bio: Gai is a senior student in Artes Academy who is good at using a sword. He's the head of the 1st workshop after his seniors left.

3rd character
Name: Sakai Fuuji
Status: Teacher (Combat)
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Specialty: Combat
Weapon: Claws
Bio: Fuuji has been teaching Combat in Artes Academy since he graduated. He is the homeroom teacher of the freshmen. Friendly but can be very violent. He's very agile and uses claws in combat.

Re: Artes Academy (need players, again...)
Link | by Mr. Eria on 2008-09-19 06:10:35 (edited 2008-09-20 21:45:26)
OOC: Yowh~ Trade in characters ? :] -The First one who Joins- I am not sure if I am too active here, so don't mind, Kira-sama?

Name: Asakihime Izumi
Status: Student (Sophomore)
Age: 17
Gender: female
Specialty (for students and teachers): Combat/Range
Weapon: Knights' Sword
Bio: In her old school in Japan, she was treated badly by the girls and the boys, saying she was a weirdo. When she was too desperate to search for a new school, she received a letter from Artes saying she was invited to Artes Academy. Although she specialized in Kyudo during junior schools, but then she played with her late Grandfather's English Sword well shortly before she was invited to Artes. She likes reading books about Combat/Range technique, but sometimes she also tends to read about Symbology and Synthesis since her older Sister, Eria who was born in London teaches Synthesis. She also likes playing music instruments, especially flute.


Name: Asakihime Eria
Status: Teacher
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Specialty: Synthesis
Weapon: Wand (water)
Bio: She is Izumi's older sister. She was born in London and studied there, meanwhile her younger sister was born in Japan. She graduates in synthesis, and received an invitation to teach in Artes after her younger sister. A serious, mature person, but sometimes she can be a really kind person. She keeps a pet named Mizu, a cat who likes water. She shares the same hobby as her sister, but she also plays cello.

Re: Artes Academy (need players, again...)
Link | by Doomlight on 2008-09-19 07:03:32
Name: Michael Adrian
Status: Foreign Student :)
Age: 16
Gender: male
Specialty (for students and teachers): First Aid
Weapon: riot shield and a blue barret (United Nations) Medical Kit
Bio: He is from Canada who was invited into the Artes Academy. Nothing is know about him except that he always carry around a first aid kit. Michael excels in firearm accuracy and tactics. Rumors are that he left his former school because of a recent incident that happened a year ago that involved the police. No prior convictions or charges.
Appearance: N/A *

Re: Artes Academy (need players, again...)
Link | by on 2008-09-19 07:12:55 (edited 2008-09-19 08:05:59)
Name: Len Rosenkrantz
Status: Student.(Freshman)
Age: 16 years old.
Gender: Male
Specialty : Combat
Weapon: Fists
Bio:Len is adept at using fists. During his childhood, he was always bullied. He has a friend who died because of bullying named Nagi. He enters Artes Academy to be stronger and be more knowledgeable. He wants to become stronger so he can protect those who are important to him. Now he is in Artes Academy with his strong determination.(BTW, he also loves music. Haha. :3)


Or this one:

Re: Artes Academy (need players, again...)
Link | by on 2008-09-19 08:38:32

Name: Deviant Fiorire a.k.a POO
Status: student (freshman)
Age: 16
Gender: female
Specialty: symbology
Weapon: wisdom?..ish a weapon xD
Bio: Poo, ish a meek girl. Her parents were one of teh famous symbologist that have heard. They died when she was young and have inherited her parents wisdom in symbolgy. She loves being alone and with nature. Has the ability to read any kind of symbolism.

Poo also ish a blind girl.

She had the honor to have recieved a letter from Artes Academy and have entered through scholarship.


Re: Artes Academy (need players, again...)
Link | by syaondri san on 2008-09-19 15:59:58 (edited 2008-09-20 21:07:52)
Name: Sanward Elric
Status: EX-teacher, now a staff in student's store (buying or collecting rare ingredients for student or teacher.)
Age: 28
Gender: male
Specialty :"was" item synthesis
Weapon: only a laptop with the size of a grain, and a multifunction metal arm that can fire a blue electric beam for a devastating blow, it can also work as a grapple hook.

Bio: he was the youngest teacher in this class until he accidentally broke his right arm and left leg and become unable to synth again due to his unstable hand. his inside is also become older faster than anyone that he had already felt many dangerous disease. Even so, he still miss the time when he teaches item synthesis, so he still work at Artes Academy to gain fund on creating something unimaginable (what is it? Let the time flow...^^).

Appearance: I guess, i can't have the picture, is it okay? as the replacement,i will tell you the description, the hair is straight and dark yellow color, the face is round with a sharp chin and orange eyes, and have a white skin except for his right arm and left leg which are metal made. he is rather short and rather thin.

Name: ServeTron V.02 "Yuutsu"
Status: none (it is a robot)
Age: about 4
Gender: does robots need gender? well by voice it is a he
Specialty : combat and item synthesis (if Sanward told him to, but is still not too good)
Weapon: electraclaw, an electric hand that every ST have, but this one has been upgraded so the electricity can be gathered up in a ball before hit the enemy; !!head impact!; the ability to launch its own head to the enemy and blast it of, hurt the ST a bit but hurt the enemy a lot, a system restore is needed after this movement.

Bio: the second type of robot Sanward creates, talk less do much that is what STs job. But not for this one, Yuutsu (the name was given from Sanward's former assistance that died in the same accident where Sanward lost his own hand and leg) was talkative and Sanward needed to warn him many times if he get out of the limits. very loyal to Sanward especially know that Sanward made Yuutsu to cheer himself up.

Appearance: a small cylinder yellow head with a black button on its top and a circle black eyes. the body is a part of three blue cylinder that stacked properly. the leg is another long yellow cylinder, while the hand is shorter than the leg and have a claw on its edge.

are these character counts?

syaondri Wow... Sos brigade's tank won against a gundam... syaondrilet the flow of the time take us grow more than now

Re: Artes Academy (need players, again...)
Link | by on 2008-09-19 17:24:37 (edited 2008-09-19 18:40:51)
Name : Itoshiki Nozomu
Age : 21
Status : Teacher
Gender : male
Speciality : Offensinve Symbology
Weapon : Offensive Symbology

Appearance : Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Bio : Itoshiki Nozumu famous for graduating Artes academy with the highest score for symbology . But better known for the lowest Ever score in synthesis. He Ended up becoming a symbology teacher in artes academy. He was never a secure member of normal society being Rubbish in every acedemic subject he never scored over 3% in anything until one day he recived a open invitation to Artes academy where he excelled in symbology but again failed in everything else , how he ever became a teacher is beyond his students.

2nd character

Name : Takahashi Misaki "misaki"
Age : 17
Gender : male
Speciality : Combat
Weapon : Armour gloves

Appearance : Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Bio : After Falling into a social downfall Misaki tried to take his own life , during the process Itoshiki Nozomu accidently sythinsized a rock that hit him over the head. When he awoke his memory was fuzzy and he couldnt remember what he was there for only the image of itoshiki. a few weeks later he got a invitation to Artes academy . with the memeory he built of Itoshiki being his saviour , after arriving and finding itoshiki as his symbology teacher he was over joyed. now know as the boy who always follows his sensei he is a student at artes academy

Photobucket Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Re: Artes Academy (need players, again...)
Link | by on 2008-09-19 17:42:57
wahh thanks for joining guys! We'll start when more joins.

for symbology what type of weapon you use? XD

your work is selling? i'm not so clear >_>
don't worry about the appearance. the robot your helper?

very good ^^

include combat, synthesis or symbology in your specialty. of course that first aid counts XD

lol i don't mind much. but try XD
include those i mentioned to doom ok? XD

Re: Artes Academy (need players, again...)
Link | by on 2008-09-19 20:14:40 (edited 2008-09-20 07:18:26)
looks good twin kira XD

Name:Kazuma Bon
Age: 19
Status: Student
Speciality: Symbology
Weapon: Katana
Bio: Kazuma is just a laid back, carefree student who loves to fight. He also enjoys hanging out and listening to music. He came to this school to learn more and advance his powers as well as learn new concepts.

Part of the new age Gendou RP veterans: Kira, Rukia, KM Revolution, Smoker, Avian, L, and Ryu.

Re: Artes Academy (need players, again...)
Link | by aegis93 on 2008-09-20 02:34:31 (edited 2008-10-23 22:48:08)
Name : rise kujikawa
age : 16
status : student
speciality : symbology
weapon : gun
appearance :
bio : a freshman.she really like watch anime and she dream become famous idol.But her granpa didn't allowed it.She is grandchild from famous alchemist.has a persona cobernik the rebirth.and she can summon sacred weapon.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Re: Artes Academy (need players, again...)
Link | by on 2008-09-20 04:35:03 (edited 2008-09-20 05:59:20)
more people joins! thanks! we'll start soon...just wait for my post ok?

@kira twin
student's age is 16-18 lol
that specialty of yours add symbology XD so i know what you excel at XD

@eria for the 2nd character can you pick combat? if no then become synthesis teacher...switch with me XD

Re: Artes Academy (need players, again...)
Link | by on 2008-09-20 05:39:59

Thank You!~
Actually, this is my first RP in Gendou. Never tried before, because of difficulties in school.
But I'm sure I'll be active here. :D

Re: Artes Academy (need players, again...)
Link | by syaondri san on 2008-09-20 21:11:42 (edited 2008-09-20 21:12:42)
Un! most likely I will wait more in the student's store to sell anything (include the blue print of invention I made before THE accident of Philosopher's Boom ---when me and my ex assistance accidentally broke and blasted something which made my assistance died and made my hand and leg become like this...---) I got in the morning, go to the Peak at the noon, and do some workshop cleaning in the night (if it is necessary)after re-opening the student's store once again at six to nine pm...

Yeah! Yuutsu will be my bodyguard at the Peak (I can't and shouldn't move much, remembering that my metal arm wasn't completed yet, so it will be dangerous if I used it too much), and also sometimes it will keep the store open when I wanted to go to the beginner's forest to pick some raw fruits I planted.

There is a vending machine in the student's store so if neither I nor Yuutsu were there just use it, it will be used until I have another partner in student's store...

it counts right!? ne!? ne!?

Ok then student's store open for business on everyday (including in festival or any other holiday, but not when the festival is on |I don't want to miss the joy too!|) from six to twelve am and six to nine pm!

Every Alchemist should bring their own ingredients, but if you can't find it, you can contact me and with a deal your ingredient will be there when you needed it!

is it going to start soon?! Come on! Whoever read this RP come and join please!
neh... is it okay if i say that? ....................!

syaondri Wow... Sos brigade's tank won against a gundam... syaondrilet the flow of the time take us grow more than now

Re: Artes Academy (need players, again...)
Link | by on 2008-09-21 00:35:50 (edited 2008-09-21 05:14:09)
Name: Luke fon Fabre
Status: Student
Age: 17 (Sophomore)
Specialty: Combat
Weapon: Schmitar(A One Handed-Sword)
Bio: Originated from the noble family, Luke has been on Artes Academy for a year to learn artes, synthesis and many more. Despite his admittance to the academy for one year, he still a bit ignorant to the world though. He occasionally messes around, but Luke still always get the job done.


Re: Artes Academy (need players, again...)
Link | by on 2008-09-21 03:07:29 (edited 2008-09-21 06:14:02)
I'm starting. Please make a story before you come to the academy...XD
Read mine as a guide. XD can control my character (the teacher) for now.

@sophomores and seniors
do whatever story 4 now. include the principal's speech below.

Nice! but tho i know shimitar is a sword plz type it XD
btw in my story the student is you...XD so then just add whatever.

i see. soo...alchemy-made vending machine? XD

Great! :D

It was a fine evening...somewhere in the world...when suddenly...

Man: Hello there. You are Hiiragi Akira I presume.

Akira: *gasp* When did he appear? I can't sense him...

Man: Don't give me that look. I have a business with you.

Akira: What business? More importantly...who are you?

Man: I am Sakai Fuuji. I'm here to invite you to the Artes Academy.

Akira: What? Artes Academy? Why me? *looks puzzled*

Fuuji: You have the talent.

Akira: What talent? *looks even puzzled*

Fuuji: Alchemy.

Akira: Alchemy? what is that?

Fuuji: You will see...if you come there. *smiles*

Akira: ...

Fuuji: Here's a letter of invitation. *hands letter*

Akira: *takes the letter* Thanks...

Fuuji: Oopps...I must get going now. There's a lot of letters to be sent. See you there. *vanishes*

Akira: Hey wait! ...he's...gone...

Akira: *reads the letter* hmm...I'll go there...and find the answer to all the questions.

The day after, I went for a journey to the designated place in the letter. I arrived a few days later...just a day before the first day.

[Arte Village]

Akira: So...this is it...the designated place...but i don't see any school.

Woman: May I help you?

Akira: there any school here?

Woman: Speak the password.

Akira: Password...what...*checks his letter*

Akira: Artes Academy...where the talented gather and benefit.

Woman: You may enter. You will get your uniform and a place to stay for the night.

Akira: Thank you...*walks in*

In there, I saw quite a number of students...around my age. They were excited.

Woman: Hiiragi Akira right? Here's your uniform. Get a good rest. Tomorrow's gonna be a busy day.

Akira: Thanks...*takes the uniform then goes upstairs*

[in a room]
Akira: hmm...another person...i'm tired so later...*goes to bed*

[The hall]

Principal: Tomorrow is the orientation day for the freshmen. Please behave yourselves.

All students: Yes Principal!

Principal: You may go now.


Gai: I'm gonna be a senior tomorrow...Huh

Student: Come on Gai, don't tell me you're sick.

Gai: Sick? Me? It's just your imagination.

Gai: I just hope the freshmen are good that I can get a good team for our workshop.

Fuuji: Oh hey you two! Mind if you help me with the preparations?

Gai: Sure thing. Come on!

Re: Artes Academy (need players, again...)
Link | by H on 2008-09-21 03:20:53 (edited 2008-09-21 03:22:31)
whoops, kira has started already

name: Karasawa Bantouji (nick: Banji)

status: student (senior), research subject

age: 18

gender: male

specialty: none (low grades in all subject), drains all symbology attacks

weapon: anything, prefers environmental weapons (immediate area weapons)

Known throughout the whole academy as a 'dame-ningen', he's a total slacker who has no interest in his study and can't even do a proper combat simulation. However, he has the 'Blood of the Void', which converts symbology attacks directed to him into his own energy. The Artes association offered a scholarship and provided him with his necessities as long as he agrees to be their research subject. Wanting to know the origins of his power, Banji and his family accepted the contract. He treats the academy members as his own family, be it fellow students or teachers.

(reference: Toudou Kai - Utakata)

Gendou City Crossover RP! ~Coming soon~

Re: Artes Academy (need players, again...)
Link | by dachreom on 2008-09-21 06:41:27 (edited 2008-09-24 01:48:23)
Name: Isaac Reyndalt
Status: Student (Sophomore)
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Specialty: Item Synthesis
The Clockwork Raven:
Isaac's very own creation during his freshman year at Artes Academy. As the name implies, it is made of old clock parts (it even has a clock on its chest!) from the academy's clocks. The raven is capable of flying, attacking and more. Even if Isaac doesn't usually use it for such reasons, it still packs quite a punch. It could withstand an outstanding amount of force before something breaks off. Unfortunately, the raven can only stay up for only an hour before it needs to be 'winded-up' again. The winding-up process was used with an alchemy circle at the back of the machine raven, it only responds with Isaac's alchemy signature though. The raven can also be repaired through Isaac's alchemy. The insides of the raven were weapons: needles from the wings, a mini-howitzer that uses mana from its surroundings in its mouth and the ability to self-destruct.

A usually carefree and cheerful person, Isaac is known as the 'Clockwork artist' in Artes Academy. Though he's a slacker, he often wanders around campus making 'sculptures' out of materials you can find out of garbage cans all around the school, but he would take it down after a while.
Isaac was born in a rather normal family, he was invited to Artes Academy after he started having 'urges' to create objects out of regular household things. (His parents encouraged him to go since they couldn't afford his 'urges' any longer)
During his first year, he wasn't very serious about anything. He made things out of his classmates' books, bottles, etc. There was only one great masterpiece, however: The Clockwork Raven. By using alchemy, he could inject life into the machine, causing it to move, fly and do all kinds of things. But after being almost suspended, he finally realized that he should respect the possessions of others.

Appearance: (I'm sorry that I don't have a pic, so I shall describe him.)
5'11", dark brown hair with the bangs falling a bit beneath his ears. Light skin color.
Eye color is sapphire-blue. Always wears at least three watches on his left arm.

[Do the Sophomores and Seniors need to start outside the academy or are they automatically in the academy?]

Re: Artes Academy (need players, again...)
Link | by Mr. Eria on 2008-09-21 06:44:01

Principal: Tomorrow is the orientation day for the freshmen. Please behave yourselves.

All students: Yes Principal!

Principal: You may go now.

[Still in the Hall]

Izumi: I see... Tomorrow new freshmen came in.
Eria: That's mean I'll start teaching tomorrow, too.
Izumi: So nee-san, what shall we do now?
Eria: Why don't we check the store? Nee-san need to by new synthesis materials to use tomorrow.
Izumi: I see.. So.. I'll just go to the workshop, then. I also need to the preparations for tomorrow.
Eria: Okay then, imouto. Take care!
Izumi: Okay, nee-san!

Izumi: Hmm... It's like this place is still like a ruin..


Izumi: ...


XD I can't Rp very well. Sorry~ XD

Re: Artes Academy (need players, again...)
Link | by on 2008-09-21 06:51:27 (edited 2008-09-21 06:53:08)
thanks for joining XD

thanks for joining :D
start inside the academy. include the principal's speech then do whatever you wanna do...for now XD

lol it's good...the way i see it XD

Re: Artes Academy (need players, again...)
Link | by on 2008-09-21 06:52:52
[Artes Academy, The Hall]

Principal: Tomorrow is the orientation day for the freshmen. Please behave yourselves.

All students: Yes Principal!

Principal: You may go now.

[Artes Academy, The Hallway]

Luke: "Well a year has passed and I already becoming a sophomore student now. Time sure passes very quick."

Ichijou: "Yeah I'm agreed Luke. First time when you arrived here, you kinda blurry though."

Luke: *chuckles* "Well the academy is kinda big though. I hope that this batch of freshmen would be more smarter I guess."

Ichijou: "So where to, Luke?"

Fuuji: Oh hey you two! Mind if you help me with the preparations?

Gai: Sure thing. Come on!

Luke: "What about helping Fuuji-sensei?"

Ichijou: "Yeah sure why not?"

Luke: "Fuuji-sensei, anything we can help you?"

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