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Naruto Shippuden Shugonin Junishi no Sho??
Link | by on 2008-09-08 22:53:40
Ok, i was searcing cdjapan a bit, and i saw the "Naruto Shippuden Shugonin Junishi no Sho" title, and i was (still am) WTF???

what is it? it said something about ep 2xx-2xx but the box covers are manga images (coloured).

so does anyone know what it is? there's no info on it on wiki and when i google it it only shoes buying pages that have no real info on it.


Re: Naruto Shippuden Shugonin Junishi no Sho??
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-09-09 12:55:24
I'm not completely sure, but it's the DVD releases for Naruto: Shippuuden.
Although the current Shippuuden series uses 70+ episode titles,
in its entirely, it's in the late 200's or so, thus why fans might be confused.

Here's more of them and release dates:

I googled just now and found this out. Easy.


Re: Naruto Shippuden Shugonin Junishi no Sho??
Link | by Rhizer on 2008-09-10 01:18:46
is it stated how to claim one?

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Naruto Wallpaper

Re: Naruto Shippuden Shugonin Junishi no Sho??
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-09-10 03:39:39
Ummm, buy it online? They're not dubbed yet so I doubt there's an American release for them as of now.
And the dubb is not close to episode one of Shippuuden yet, still in their long filler arc(s).

You can check whatever sites have them up for sell, though they might all be in Japanese.


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