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Moniter Hardware Porblem
Link | by EricSoLazy on 2005-05-26 22:33:34
I went to bed last night with a moniter working, turned it off but left the computer on, woke up, went to turn it back on, no luck. toke apart the case and couldnt find any burn marks on the board or blown fuses, the moniter was about 7 years old... any suggestions of what went wrong?


Re: Moniter Hardware Porblem
Link | by jihi on 2005-05-26 23:14:49
Hmm, can you post some of your computers specs, like OS, Processor Type, RAM, etc? Also, I am guessing that you are either using another monitor or another rig, but are you trying a different monitor?

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Re: Moniter Hardware Porblem
Link | by StriderNeko on 2005-05-27 02:19:25 (edited 2005-05-27 02:25:07)
First thing to check, is to make certain if it's the monitor itself or the PC... I assume you've tried another Monitor (I know it's obvious, but still...)? (Another reverse way of testing this would be to try your monitor on a different PC..);

Assuming it really is the monitor, do you smell any electrical smoke smell?? I've had cases where I could never find where the monitor was burnt, but I could smell enough to know that it was definately smoked...

WARNING: Though this may be redundant, if you've messed with this sort of thing before, but if you've opened the monitor's case, *BE CAREFUL*!! Components within will carry an electrical charge for a good long time after it was unplugged, and can easily knock you on your @$$ if you touch the wrong wire or coil...

One side thought... Are you using a "UPS" (Uninterruptable Power Supply) to power your PC, or perhaps a surge strip? If it turns out that your monitor was damaged by unclean power or a surge or such, you may be eligable to collect on the warranty that the UPS or power strip manufacturer offers...

Re: Moniter Hardware Porblem
Link | by EricSoLazy on 2005-05-27 08:45:57
Hmm Dual Xeon 2.0 Ghz 500mhz processors, 512 DDR Ram, Tyan MoBo, 1 ATI 9600 XT 256mb card, 1 ATI PCI Rage video card, 7 SCSI 18 GB hdd and 2 EIDE Hdds, Cd-rom. Computer is one year old, on a battery backup/surgeprotector so was the moniter.. checked all the obivous stuff.. I was using 3 moniters anyway.. I dont really need three, but its sooooo nice to have it


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