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Hyadain! (*0*)/
Link | by katherynedeviantotaku on 2008-08-02 10:13:20 (edited 2008-08-03 00:49:35)
Who doesnt love the work of Hyadain? xD
He is my favorite video uploader of the Nico page, his songs are just brilliant!
What do you think?
Here I leacve some of his best videos! ^^
[If u dont knlow him...]

FF4- Four Fiends of Elements

Western Show on Super Mario Bros

The World Warrior II


My best Friend [You cry wiht this T_T]



Re: Hyadain! (*0*)/
Link | by on 2008-08-23 23:59:15
/rofl the 2nd one is just too funny!
Mario looked really freaky! buahahahaha!

Re: Hyadain! (*0*)/
Link | by zparticus27 on 2008-08-24 00:39:16
holy crap! a hyadain appreciation thread!hahahaha

his songs are EPIC!hahaha

i love the FF4- Four Fiends of Elements!hahahaa
plus the lyrics rocks!hahaha

here's some of my faves (well my all time fave was posted haha)
sabin raps

terra's theme

epoch/silbird...(freaking awesome chrono trigger!hahaha)

Re: Hyadain! (*0*)/
Link | by Dark on 2008-08-24 08:38:57
One of nico's prime stars xD

they have their own youtube account so you can anticipate there for new releases of their songs

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