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Link | by RayStormX on 2008-07-31 21:19:45
I just find it interesting that one of my friends claim to be a masochist. from what I know (and it's not alot), masochists derive pleasure from pain. to such a degreet that it turns them on. Of course, me being totally ignorant of such a concept I have never heard of before, I began asking a bunch of ridiculous questions, such as:
"so if I punched you in the face would you be like 'ahhhh it's so orgasmic!' "?

everyone has their own thing I guess but what I want to know is what drives people to become masochists and why do they indulge in pain? I'm quite curious, also I'm wondering if theres anyone out there who has friends who are masochists or are one themselves.

idk. I find it peculiar. might be normal in some culture I've never heard of. ya never know.

Raystormx wooo maplestory

Re: Masochism?
Link | by on 2008-07-31 21:24:17 (edited 2008-07-31 21:29:25)
well at least masochists are better than sadists!
emo people who cut themselves are good example of this type...
only masochists understand themselves and well as of what causes them to be one
maybe its extreme sadness... or maybe just some loose screws in their heads..

Re: Masochism?
Link | by zparticus27 on 2008-07-31 21:58:34
this strikes my curiosity as well...

so um if i say..,in theory mind you, that i feel uh alive if i feel pain, then am i a masochist?

and is it really the pain that excites them or is it the release of endorphins caused by the pain
that gives them that "high" pleasure?

Re: Masochism?
Link | by RayStormX on 2008-08-01 15:30:35
well I like hotsauce alot, especially that mild euphoria I get from that tingling sensation from my mouth, and at times if I use too much hotsauce I get a painful flame (from being too hot XD) does that make me masochistic?
in context masochism, masochistic, are usually applied sexually to varying degrees, (so states wikipedia, and sure sometimes you can't trust it but it hasn't failed me yet), so no, I dont think that means I'm a masochist.

Raystormx wooo maplestory

Re: Masochism?
Link | by Yamishi on 2008-08-01 15:33:46
all my friends say i'm a masochist because when i get hited (like 1000000000 times a day) i just laugh and say that was fun or crazy


Re: Masochism?
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-08-01 17:15:39
Ironic, they showed an episode of "That 70's Show" today,
and Fez's ex-girlfriend (forget her name, it was an older episode),
she's definitely was one. "Was", when she came back I think she changed... a little... if not... O.o`


Re: Masochism?
Link | by on 2008-08-02 07:42:07 (edited 2008-08-02 07:45:25)
"so if I punched you in the face would you be like 'ahhhh it's so orgasmic!' "?

xD Them stupid blokey american comedies are to blame xD

Masochistic ppl are always the ones who keep on facing depressing issues~ whether it's from their peers or others--- even if it's not their fault, but they seem to accept they are a part of the issues. Hurting themselves more to find instant purification~ it's pretty saintly insane.

But some don't fall in that category--- the boys from Jackass see pain in a joyful, humourous matter xD

Ironic, they showed an episode of "That 70's Show" today,
and Fez's ex-girlfriend (forget her name, it was an older episode),
she's definitely was one. "Was", when she came back I think she changed... a little... if not... O.o

Fez had few gfs throughout the series. Which one you're talking about, DA? The fat chick that wore car-pic jumper, the girlworker from immigration bureau or the insane schoolgirl or Kalso's friend? xD Fez's awesome, btw xD

Re: Masochism?
Link | by RayStormX on 2008-08-04 21:04:25 (edited 2008-08-04 21:05:46)
on a more serious note, would what w00t0s said about masochists facing depressing issues, include cutters and emos?

EDIT: as for 'saintly', that reminds me: the philippines, in some provinces, do this holy week and one of the events is where you beat your own back by swinging a macelike thing back and forth and it bloodies your back.

Raystormx wooo maplestory

Re: Masochism?
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-08-04 21:13:14
[@w00t0s] lol, re-read the options you just laid out. XD
The "fat chick" was Ronda, though she wasn't "fat", just... "thick"? Wrestler sized, haha.
The other girl, who I loved was "Nina", who worked at the DMV, right? She was friggin' hot, god ol' mighty.

The "insane" one, is the one I was talking about.
Her name is Caroline, that just popped up in my head now. *high5sSelf*

The episode, just to give you an idea,
Fez met up with Caroline at the Pubb (or whatever),
he also met Hide there. Caroline was piling up multiple packs of salt packets... for some reason.
Fez offered to buy her a drink and went in line,
and I forget what she said, something about "pain" and "love", but she held her breathe and like, nearly killed herself.

I'unno, I don't remember exactly, but jesus, it's kinda scary, heh. :O

Also if when you're replying, could you explain Kelso's friend? I don't remember this girl, hmm.


Re: Masochism?
Link | by on 2008-08-05 02:35:18 (edited 2008-08-05 02:41:56)
Raystorm: on a more serious note, would what w00t0s said about masochists facing depressing issues, include cutters and emos?

EDIT: as for 'saintly', that reminds me: the philippines, in some provinces, do this holy week and one of the events is where you beat your own back by swinging a macelike thing back and forth and it bloodies your back.

I would say, yeah. And the masochism fascination could derive from certain environments (i.e goth/black metal scene, abuse, other horrific incidents) that can affect a person greatly and be absorbed to the idea, for his/her own good. I can't say those points are definite, but they could provide us clear ideas on a masochist's point of view. Not in a stereotypical way, but in a rational way.

That ritual is very Middle-Eastern o_0;;; whoa.

The "fat chick" was Ronda, though she wasn't "fat", just... "thick"? Wrestler sized, haha.
The other girl, who I loved was "Nina", who worked at the DMV, right? She was friggin' hot, god ol' mighty.

The "insane" one, is the one I was talking about.
Her name is Caroline, that just popped up in my head now. *high5sSelf*

The episode, just to give you an idea,
Fez met up with Caroline at the Pubb (or whatever),
he also met Hide there. Caroline was piling up multiple packs of salt packets... for some reason.
Fez offered to buy her a drink and went in line,
and I forget what she said, something about "pain" and "love", but she held her breathe and like, nearly killed herself.

I'unno, I don't remember exactly, but jesus, it's kinda scary, heh. :O

Also if when you're replying, could you explain Kelso's friend? I don't remember this girl, hmm.

Was it Caroline? Hmm, I hope that's the one--- I remembered where they were on a movie date, she was freakin' Fez out by saying don't you dare you leave me alone, or else I'll kill you (scary face). Fez tried to laugh, but squealed in fear xD
Kelso's friend only appeared in the final season--- where they were police buddies (that's what Kelso see in her) but she had a crush on him (I forgot her name! sorries) xD So Kelso begged Fez to go out on date with her. Sadly Kelso didn't tell her though, so she thought they were all going to a shooting trip. Blam, Fez shot down a bunny, and she was in shock. xDDDD

Re: Masochism?
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-08-05 03:56:42
Yeah, that's her for sure. And I know his buddy, haha, thanks. :P


Re: Masochism?
Link | by RayStormX on 2008-08-05 22:35:52
@w00t0s: on the contrary, it's actually a catholic thing!

Raystormx wooo maplestory

Re: Masochism?
Link | by on 2008-08-18 11:52:08
[Quote Whoots] Masochistic ppl are always the ones who keep on facing depressing issues~ whether it's from their peers or others--- even if it's not their fault, but they seem to accept they are a part of the issues. Hurting themselves more to find instant purification~ it's pretty saintly insane. [Quote]

While I know you singled out the jackass guys as exempt. I would say this statement to too broad still. It makes it seems like even people who cut themselves are masochistic which isn't true. (at least not for everybody).

Masochistics do like pain but it's only for pleasure purposes. If it's just regular pain or anything like that. (something heavy falls on the head, falling off a ladder, etc.) They will still say Ow and be sore and whatnot. It's not like they would orgasism if that happened. i.e Jackass guys. Masochisics pain and pleasure reseptores are sometimes crossed or sometimes fire at the same time. That's why you have different degrees of masochistics. Some like the whole handcuffs, hair pulling, etc. Which is proablly the very lightest form of masochitic. Then you can go deeper like, chokeing, smacking around, etc. Then skip to the bottom with like the gimp outfits and whatnot, whips, etc. That's what Masochistic are.

Just because I'm used to pain doesn't mean I get any pleasure out of it.

"It's better to be used, then to be useless."

Re: Masochism?
Link | by on 2008-08-18 11:54:39
Masochists make me laugh...not in a bad way they just amuse me. Most of my friends are that way I believe...I believe they just get pleasure from pain, as everyone has said. I think that's hilarious lol

Re: Masochism?
Link | by fhfyeodb on 2008-08-18 18:28:19
"It makes it seems like even people who cut themselves are masochistic which isn't true. (at least not for everybody)."

I agree with you. There's often a difference between self mutilation and masochism at least from my experience.
I've had some experience with self mutilation and there are many different reasons as to why one would harm themselves apart from having the pleasure of pain.
I can only speak for myself, but I didn't cut because I wanted to feel pain but because I wanted relief from knowing I took my anger and frustration out on myself if that makes any sense at all.
Heck, most of the time I didn't even FEEL the pain.
So one cannot always equate self mutilation with masochism as a great deal of people do.

Re: Masochism?
Link | by RayStormX on 2008-08-22 16:02:31
when a massive injury is inflicted upon someone, their nerves will not indicate significant pain for quite a while (idk why. must be a fight-or-flight reaction). thas prolly why u dun feel the pain. or you are so preoccupied with the emotional pain that you dont notice.

Raystormx wooo maplestory

Re: Masochism?
Link | by Theodore on 2008-09-04 16:48:27
masochists are just people who enjoy hurting themselves... does not necessarily have to be physical pain. You could have a person who enjoys being insulted or abused. Or more commonly, someone who derives pleasure/excitement/enjoyment from being put into awkward/embarrassing situations.

Theodore Incarneous

Re: Masochism?
Link | by RayStormX on 2008-09-12 02:53:03
" being put into awkward/embarrassing situations. " ?

then I guess that makes me a mashochist??? wow.

Raystormx wooo maplestory

Re: Masochism?
Link | by emphysema on 2008-09-12 03:50:01
"awkward/embarassing situations"? That even enjoyable?! XD How diverse can masochism be!!!


Re: Masochism?
Link | by hitsuiroissa on 2008-09-12 06:07:17
I am one with masochists.

Yet I do not have any psychological reason.

Maybe it's in the personality of the person...if they feel like it or not. xP

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