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Dattebayo Permently stops subbing Bleach & Naruto
Link | by gaara5 on 2008-07-18 23:40:47
after i got pissed off with peopel uploading them on youtube. i tried to stop them all from uploading streams from veoh and from youtube. Now this is too serious and now DATTEBAYO has finally and permently drop both bleach and naruto. It's een 4 years and now they dropped it.

here is the whole news.

Attention Dattebayo fans,

Effective immediately, we are terminating our subtitling efforts on the "Naruto Shippuuden". This decision is not up for discussion and not negotiable. You can guess why this is happening, and no, there is nothing you can do about it as there will always be assholes who want to piss in the pot so to speak.

It was a difficult decision, but it had to be done.

It's been a fun 4 years!

Dattebayo Fansubs, LLC - We've never been more serious

the more news here

Dear leechers,


We have warned everyone repeatedly on the issue of streaming our subs.

We sincerely appreciate everyone's efforts to spread the Naruto/Bleach love, but were growing increasingly frustrated, not to mention worried, over our repeatedly ignored requests not to upload our material to Veoh, Youtube and other streaming sites.

Perhaps you guys aren't aware, but the flagrant disregard for our requests puts us in an increasingly vulnerable position as a fansubbing group. We don't want to be shut down (which is something we are in constant threat of) and if our rules are not honored, we may well be.

Therefore we once again make this request:

* Please do NOT upload any of our released episodes to streaming sites.

Since it's hard to get people to comply just by writing in these news, we need to get your attention. So effective immediately, we are forced to stop releasing our subtitled episodes for ALL our current projects until the request is met, full stop. This includes Naruto, Bleach, Pitagora Switch and Pokemon.

We regret that we have to take such a drastic stance, but our requests have gone ignored for years. There's not much more we can do to protect ourselves and to continue bringing these episodes to fans, but we believe that taking these precautions now will keep us operational for the long run. And we hope to keep bringing these episodes to English-speaking fans for a long time. Please help us by abiding by our rules.

Here’s the issue: Dattebayo translates and subtitles anime, and released the episodes for public download on our website. Lots of well-meaning fans then take these Dattebayo episodes, re-encode / cut them into parts and upload them onto streaming sites like Youtube or Veoh. THIS IS BAD. The reason is not because Dattebayo is stupid or annoying or mean.

1. It's disrespectful to the subbers’ wishes, but more importantly,
2. Fansubbing is not legal, and with the popularity of Naruto/Bleach growing, legitimate companies have licensed them for DVD releases outside of Japan.

That makes fansubbers a target - although Dattebayo makes no money, legally the companies have all the right to shut us down. Because Dattebayo is a prominent fansubbing group, it's at constant risk and legal threat. When you put videos on Veoh/Youtube, that exposes the group and makes it a big target.

To this end, Dattebayo has politely and repeatedly asked uploaders on many streaming sites to STOP UPLOADING our files. Many people assume that the uploaders have Dattebayo's permission, but that's not true. The uploaders have basically ignored all polite requests to stop. With recent changes to Youtube "copyright enforcement" policy, it's nearly impossible to get Dattebayo material removed once it's been uploaded, therefore leaving our work in horrible quality for everyone to view.

Which is why Dattebayo has decided that we will put a hold on all our subtitled episode releases until the uploaders comply. We've been way too nice so far by letting this issue slide, but this is the end. Here's our (repeated) request to everyone who butchers our work by uploading it to streaming sites. STOP. If you're an uploader, please DO NOT UPLOAD DATTEBAYO SUBS to any more streaming sites. If you're guilty of doing this in the past, and your streaming site account is still valid, GO AND DELETE ALL THE DATTEBAYO VIDEOS WHICH BELONG TO YOUR ACCOUNT. We NEVER gave ANYONE permission to upload our work to ANY STREAMING SITE. If you're not an uploader and want to help, flag our work you find on streaming sites as copyright infringement, send private message to uploader asking to remove content, etc. This is probably futile due to immense amount of idiots who are unable to read yet are able to figure out how to click "upload" button, but it doesn't hurt to try.

It might be annoying to have to figure out how to watch anime without Youtube or Veoh, but trust me, it's really not that hard. And some fans complain, "I don't know how to do it! It’s too hard! I need Veoh!" Well, if we fansubbers can figure out how to download Naruto, translate it, time it, edit it, encode it, release it - surely you can learn how to watch it. Or you can always (and should) buy the DVDs when they're released officially.

Dattebayo is providing a SERVICE - a free, fast, reliable service. Fansubbers would like to keep providing the service, so we hope everyone can understand why this decision has been made. Dattebayo's wish is NOT to shut down anime-sharing - it’s to keep it alive for the long run. Please help by considering the bigger picture.

Without streaming sites, anime-watching may become less convenient, that is unfortunately true. But it's better than shutting down fansubbing entirely - because then you'll have no anime at all.

Dattebayo Fansubs, LLC. Taking internet seriously for the last 3.22 years

P.S. This is NOT a troll. Also, NO ACCOUNT on Youtube is operated, given permission to upload, or approved by us. So stop asking.

UPDATE: HOW YOU CAN HELP -- Since YouTube "policy change", it's not as effective to flag individual videos as it used to be. However, you can still report them as spam, inappropriate, etc. The best solution is to report entire accounts, as that would also result in all their videos being removed. Majority of users who disregard our requests create single-role accounts strictly for uploading copyright infringing content. Reporting the users is possibly by clicking "report background image" on the bottom of their profile, such as this one or this one or this one. Be civil in your comments, mention that these are single-role accounts created solely for the purpose of copyright infringement uploading, that they have been repeatedly banned in the past, etc etc. It was pointed out that not all Youtube have a reportable background image, in that case open a new browser, paste "" into the addressbar and enter the offending username after username= part. Thanks!

They finally did it..I can't believe they finally stopped.......WEll time to find new subbers

Re: Dattebayo Permently stops subbing Bleach & Naruto
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-07-19 00:01:05
They said the same exact thing not too long ago.


Re: Dattebayo Permently stops subbing Bleach & Naruto
Link | by dood. on 2008-07-19 03:05:29
okay, they could be bluffing again, but this would still be pretty bad news... that is, until another dedicated fansubbing group picked up the animes =/
i myself am guilty of watching a youtube-version of an episode (sorry, DB!)

Re: Dattebayo Permently stops subbing Bleach & Naruto
Link | by ricci on 2008-07-19 03:54:14
i have mixed reactions on this one. i do know dattebayo is a very good fansubbing service. they have the right to inform the videos that were subbed what to do with it.

but we cannot control people all over the world, they may post half or even whole of the programs subbed by DB. i even saw one that they subbed in french!

well, if they want to stop, let them be. but look at it in another way, they became more famous because of these streaming sites.

Re: Dattebayo Permently stops subbing Bleach & Naruto
Link | by gaara5 on 2008-07-19 17:05:54
The only way to help them and bring them back is to ban everyone from uploading naruto shippuden and bleach on streams like youtube and veoh. so let's help them out. and they aren't bluffing. i had a talk with them and they aren't. they are too dang serious

Re: Dattebayo Permently stops subbing Bleach & Naruto
Link | by shenhu on 2008-07-19 17:09:10
Honestly, how hard is it to download the anime and watch it yourself? And you're not supposed to be uploading the stuff on youtube in the first place lol


Re: Dattebayo Permently stops subbing Bleach & Naruto
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-07-19 19:29:59
"The only way to help them and bring them back is to ban everyone from uploading naruto shippuden and bleach on streams like youtube and veoh. "

How do you think we can do that?
We don't have the power to do that and we're not in any position to do as well.

The fact is, this is always gonna be an issue. Fansubs should know this issue right away.
You can't blame the admins of these sites, it's the users who do this.
I've seen YouTube staff do their best, but it's just too difficult a task to take care off.

I understand why DB is upset. I would be as well.
I'm going to see where this leads to. Hopefully, it dies out soon.
I just checked their site and they released a few more Naruto: Shippuuden 66 episodes...


Re: Dattebayo Permently stops subbing Bleach & Naruto
Link | by gaara5 on 2008-07-19 23:37:45
Yes but when 66 came out that's when they stopped. next to that. ui have someone who can take care of those people which is some of the directors and creator of naruto who can take them down. trust me i can pull some strings and make a rule of not uploading naruto shippuden and bleach. besides. I help veoh and youtube alot -__-. next to that. me and a few friends might plan to make our own fansub group better then dattebyo for naruto and bleach.

Re: Dattebayo Permently stops subbing Bleach & Naruto
Link | by P.M. on 2008-07-20 18:35:03
See.... in the U.S., well, Dattebayo's warning and final decision came as a low blow and heart-stopping news. Specially when we don't speak or read or know any japanese. I guess now we have a reason to learn it and stop depending on other people to do it for us... or maybe someone really cool and awesome from will start their own fansubbing site and I won't have to go through 4+ years of japanese language courses to be able to understand my favorite animes. Please do so if you're up for it... I'm sure everyone here in Gendou, and out there... will really appreciate it ;P
Have a wonderful day!
Thanks for this awesome website... I really enjoy it :D

P.M. Just a very happy manga/anime girl :D

Re: Dattebayo Permently stops subbing Bleach & Naruto
Link | by on 2008-07-23 10:22:29
This thread should be retitled. Bleach has yet to be dropped. only shippuuden has. I believe they have dropped the series for good. They havent warned people not to upload their content and people do anyway. I think they have valid reasons to drop it. Naruto is a licensed anime and they could get into some deep trouble if companies wanted put a lawsuit against them. Maybe they're bluffing maybe they arent but either way we dont have any way to watch current up to date subs unless a fansub group steps it up.


Re: Dattebayo Permently stops subbing Bleach & Naruto
Link | by on 2008-07-23 11:10:02 (edited 2008-07-23 11:12:48)
who knew somethin so small could turn out 2 be such a huge damn deal...

in my opinion, just like bootleg cd's, fansubin or w/e yall call it wont stop...ok so what they makin threats and rantin back and forth that its illegal. Thats life. One way or another ppl will get around this and continue 2 do it. After all i aint got that much time or as much memory 2 be dl'ng ep after ep so ima do the easy way and hit up veoh or youtube

Part of the new age Gendou RP veterans: Kira, Rukia, KM Revolution, Smoker, Avian, L, and Ryu.

Re: Dattebayo Permently stops subbing Bleach & Naruto
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-07-23 11:24:49
There are threads like this around the net,
and the majority of users are saying it's another scam, YHBT.

The episodes being on YouTube and Veoh is their main complaint,
so if they stop which I still think they won't, then what else?

Also, I've read around and it appears that another sub group subbing it is possible.
Also, some might be a bit better without fancy stuff,
though as long as they have good and accurate translations and translation notes, I'm good.

As for Bleach (if needed), there was some group called "Flompel" or something that was exactly like DB.
Though if nobody subs The DiamondDust Rebellion, I'm going to be super irate.

But, we'll see what happens. Bleach airs a bit before Naruto does,
and for those who were unaware, Naruto did not air last week,
and I've read that this is one of DB's times to announce such announcements.


Re: Dattebayo Permently stops subbing Bleach & Naruto
Link | by on 2008-07-23 18:36:27
Sad.... well, I can't comment much on this though I do understand DB's stand. Don't think most people will wanna put themselves infront of a shooting gallery.. and there is not particular reason they should other than their interest to provide fansubs to people...

Guess I'll go watch chinese subs then... *ish glad that I can read chinese*

Re: Dattebayo Permently stops subbing Bleach & Naruto
Link | by Vu on 2008-07-23 21:57:55
I think they are lying because episode 67 suppose to air on 7/24, according to

Re: Dattebayo Permently stops subbing Bleach & Naruto
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-07-24 05:11:17
Oh I can't wait... but we know it's not Bleach cause I saw 181 yesterday, so that's cleared.


Re: Dattebayo Permently stops subbing Bleach & Naruto
Link | by nightsreach on 2008-07-24 05:27:38
As Ray said, they only stopped subbing Shippuuden.

I think this is bad, some people upload such bad quality episodes on youtube. >.<

I sincerely hope it is a troll, but if its not, there's still some good groups out there.

"Life is change, chaos, filth and suffering. Death is peace, order, everlasting beauty."Adopt one today!

Re: Dattebayo Permently stops subbing Bleach & Naruto
Link | by on 2008-07-24 17:05:25
ROFL XDDD 67 has been released. I havent dLed it yet so it could be a troll but if it is indeed episode 67 then even they had me fooled. i will update once i have it dLed


Re: Dattebayo Permently stops subbing Bleach & Naruto
Link | by Darknesszen on 2008-07-24 18:40:43
Yes, it's only Shippuuden cause I just watched the latest Bleach that I downloaded from them, like you're supposed to >_>;.


Re: Dattebayo Permently stops subbing Bleach & Naruto
Link | by Pacho on 2008-07-24 18:44:00
Rofl yea...They are dropping shippuden O.o. but in episode 181 in bleach they said "their not dropping bleach" o.o

-Sorry for my bad grammer, english etc. >.>

Re: Dattebayo Permently stops subbing Bleach & Naruto
Link | by on 2008-07-24 21:15:48
Yea its 167 alright XDD. It kinda makes me embarrassed that i actually believed them this time XDD.


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