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So whats up with the Phantom?
Link | by humblemonkey on 2005-05-25 20:13:44
Now that E3 is over, all the new info about the next gen. systems and upcoming games has pretty much gotten around now. But I recently heard a small snipit about a console that has kinda lurked in the shadows for I think a couple of years, at least: the Phantom. Apparently it is still in development? Downloadable games I guess? Does anyone know anything about this console? Or for that matter, is anyone interested in it?

Re: So whats up with the Phantom?
Link | by Koshiro on 2005-05-27 07:41:28
Never heard about it... But definitely interested... Care to explain more on the features of this console... And also developed by who?

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Re: So whats up with the Phantom?
Link | by humblemonkey on 2005-05-28 22:07:41
It looks like it is developed by Infinium Labs (who also came up with it several years ago, I think). It is going to be like the next Xbox: ALL their games are downloadable from servers on the internet. Some are rentable too. They also have services for these games too. Apparently it also uses Windows XP... guess Mircosoft doesn't take them very seriously, heh. It comes with mouse and keyboard, too.
Guess the biggest question is what kind of companies will make games for it... without big names, they won't get anywhere, I think.
I dunno about paying for a online service. I'd still rather buy games from a store.

Re: So whats up with the Phantom?
Link | by Sonja on 2005-06-11 21:20:59
Bit late to respond, but I heard a while ago that it was a hoax or something like that... *shrug*

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