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Bad Day for me........
Link | by 恵 Serie 美 on 2005-05-25 19:46:23
Ok guys today is a really bad day for me and one of my good friend's. My friend wrote and posted 3 page morning paper about our friend and im going to show you guys what has happened........

"Everyone turn around this is important." this is what began the school day today. Not the ringing of the bell at 7:55 but that very phrase.
I turned around to see a counsoler of my school, her name is Mrs.B (i wont use full last names). She said some of the most nerve racking words I will ever hear
"This morning Mike A. was found dead in his bedroom."
After that last word the room went dead silent....jaws were open...eyes didn't blink for a solid second. Everyone in the room was hit with a sudden wave of truth that they didn't see coming.

There I sat...right next to where Mike sat everyday since the 2nd semester. I now knew that I would never see him in that seat again...ever. Mrs.B continued and asked any of Mike's friends to come with her so they could talk. My friend, Steve, who also sat right next to Mike got up and so did I. WE walked out with silent despair and such shocking and unexpected news. We found ourselves in the boardroom, where all important meetings were held, and we sat...we just sat words could describe...what was going on at that moment...all I could say is "That shit is crazy." The counsoler finally got us to talk and later on she asked for names of Mike's other friends that weren't aware of the tragic news. My friend and I listed a few people, even though we knew Mike's list of friends spanned from classmates, to the football, and wrestling team.

The people we listed were probably some of Mikes closest friends, I knew Mike since freshman year since he was in all of my classes and in some of my classes this year. When Raiju and Jason came in they felt the wave that I had gfelt early this day, even though the feeling was still there, and they were hit 2x harder than I was. Especially since Jason was Mike's next door neighbor, and Raiju only lived a few houses away. Instantly their faces filled with disbelief and statements like "This can't be happening!" or "This is just another one of his pranks!" We all wish it was but sadly it wasn't so. Once again the room fell silent...the air was filled with sorrow. Soon more people came in as more people were able to fill in more names...and one by one the coulsoler hit them with her words of despair.

We all agreed that someone like Mike didn't deserve such a thing to happen to him, though I think no deserves such a thing. Mike was a great guy who got along with everyone, he loved computers, games, and sports, and was willing to seek other intrests as well. Probably one of Mike's greatest attribute was his prankster skill and his always positive attitude. Now u all probably think I'm giving him more credit than he deserves since he has passed on, but ur dead wrong.

Later on I decided to leave because I think I gathered enough will to carry on through the day, unfortunately I wasn't able to cry or let alone shed a tear and I think he deserved it.

Once I got to class I saw that everything was normal...and it was so sad. Seeing everyone joking around and playing around...but I couldn't blame them they didn't know. I only knew that my teacher knew what had happened when I saw the look on his face. I had to act like nothing had happened.
-------------------Extra Info
Also none of the consolers wanted to let anyone know what had happened, even though I think there way of letting his friends was quite bad. What they did was go into each of his classes that he had today and announce that he had passed away, I know Mike knew a lot of people but he didn't know many juniors or seniors and garunteed something like this gets to one of them they are going to blab to everyone.

Even I can show respect for someone's personal privacy.

1 lil thing

Answer me this:
Lets say U die, or a close friend dies. And someone at ur school lets u know, but says not to tell anyone else (maybe friends of u or the person.) Now would u like that the whole school knows ur dead? Thats not to bad is it? Well now let some idiots get ahold of this information and start making shit up (side note: at the time of his passing the only thing that the school knew was that he was dead AND NOTHING ELSE) like he commited suicide or OD'ed on drugs.

Unfortunately such rumors started. Theres 3 things U gottta know about Mike
1. He got his driver's license 2 days ago
2. School ends next wednesday
3. Mike couldn't stop talking about the summer footbal camp

Now tell me does that sound like a suicidal person?
---------------------Extra Info
Back to the story.

At one point I couldn't stand the act. I went outside to where my teacher was and just told him. I just thought it was so sad and odd how I knew such terrible news, and had to keep to myself, and that everyone else around me was having just a normal fun day (I dunno I found it odd).

Later once second hour ended I pressed on to 3rd hour. I had lightened up a bit since I kept thinking that Mike would want me to be a bit happier. Once I got into 3rd hour I sat away from the group a friend's I usually sit with. I didnt' want to sit by them because I knew they would know something was up, since I was so quiet and bleak.

Lunch rolled around and I thought it would be somewhat harder. One friend of mine, Nicco, thought something was going on with where they were sitting. I just had to tell him that there were other reasons, and boy were there.

Eventually what I thought would happen...well...happened. Someone, probably from my first hour class, let out and lost my respect instantly, (even though they probably didn't give 2 shits for Mike's personal privacy) Most of the people at my table heard of a rumor of Mikes passing. One person at the table, who didn't, made a joke and even though I wanted to hit them I knew that they had no idea so I couldn't help. But since they knew the rumor I thought the facts should of been told. I let them know everything I knew and warned them about making stupid shit up. After a minute or 2 the table went back to its normal chit-chat, since most people at my table only knew Mike from certain classes or from the hall and I couldn't hold them against it.

3rd hour eventually ended pretty much like normal, though every now and again the sorrow filled me of Mike's death. Once 4th hour came around I finally confirmed why everyone thought the teacher was so great, her name is Ms.Lee. She told everyone who had heard the rumors about his passing. She also told everyone that the only thing that EVERYONE KNEW that he was gone and no other detail about it, no detail on how or why just that Mike was gone. She aslo told everyone in class to respect him and his family by not spreading fake and shameful rumors around.

The day continued like it normally did, I got some kicks out of the video final my group made since it was so stupid.

So that was my day at school today, great wasn't it?

Now don't anyone feel sorry for me. Feel sorry for Mike. Who died during the last week of his sophmore year. The only thing that people could think what happened to Mike was something Lung/heart related, since before he had to leave football for 3 weeks for something lung/heart related which Mike never really divulged.

R.I.P Mike

By Brad-DeathG
------------------End of True story that happened to me today.

There is really nothing else to say.......

Re: Bad Day for me........
Link | by humblemonkey on 2005-05-25 20:39:57
That is a very good thing you did for him. Its instances like that when you really know who is someone's friend. Im sure he would appreciate you doing that and feeling that way about his privacy, whereever he is.

I can relate to you, man; same thing happened to me when I was in school. A guy that sat behind me had a heart attack one day and died. Though I barely knew him, I really felt sad.

Its times like these that really puts your life in perspective. I hope that he finds peace in death, and I'll pray for his family.

Re: Bad Day for me........
Link | by DOOM Anomaly on 2005-05-25 23:12:36
Passing friends or people in general is quite an unfortunate thing. Whether you know them or not, when someone dies, it is a sad thing. A boy recently passed away at my school last week, though I did not know the individual personally, 'tis still a sad event that one's life was ended so prematurely.

'Tis a weakness we can never avoid.

- -This has been yet another senseless post By: DOOM Anomaly- -

Re: Bad Day for me........
Link | by StriderNeko on 2005-05-26 02:22:48
I agree, you did the right thing for him and his family. His name and the memories everyone carries of him deserves respect, not rumors; I'm sure the facts of what happened will be determined soon, so hopefully, that will stop those who have nothing better to do than spread stories; It's nice when a teacher feels the same way, too;

When I was in grade school, a friend of mine was struck by a car and killed... I went through the same thing, and I even remember someone cracking a joke, when he didn't grasp how serious everyone was being... Of course, everyone fell dead silent at that point, and I think then he realized what a jerk he had been on his own...

It's one of the most difficult things to deal with, but honor him with the memories you and others have, and you will get through this;

Re: Bad Day for me........
Link | by Steve_Fox on 2005-05-26 07:34:20
Death is a part of life...

no one can avoid/stop it.

"Nothing lasts forever but try to cherish every moment ur with it"

Though ur friend passed away he will always be there 4 u...


Re: Bad Day for me........
Link | by on 2005-05-26 08:39:30
Sooner or later we'll all die, the end of our life here on earth. I too felt the same way, it's kinda hard to accept death but we must learn to face it in order to go on. Before i die or any of my friends die, i treat each day as it were the last. I dont want having to have regrets of not being able to to do something because it happened once, i took my grand dad for granted, when i was a kid he would always tell stories about the war because he was a veteran, he thought me many things. Eventually i grew up and time passed by, my grandpa was bed ridden because of his illness. I can visit him anytime, thats what i always say to myself. The days became months, he grew sicker each day, one day he asked all of the family members to come. I never attended it because i didnt believe that he was dying, i mean that guy survived the war how could this kill him, but i was wrong. The next day i found out that my granpa has passed away. I was full of regret, i wasnt even able to tell him how i appreciate what he did to me, in fact i wasnt even to tell him anything. I was so angry at myself that i punched the door to my room to the point that i could no longer feel my hands. I attended the funeral to pay my last respect to him. I learned how to accept it because if he saw me right now, he would be sad to see me become weak and overcomed by emotions. He thought me to be strong and thats what i did. So i make sure that this kind of things never happen again by giving everything that i have into everything. Be it shopping with my friends to watching movies i will treasure every moment again for who knows who might death take next, it could be any of them and it could also be me.

Re: Bad Day for me........
Link | by 恵 Serie 美 on 2005-05-26 13:55:34
Thanks guys and also we still dont have a decisive word on his accual cause of death but me and alot of my friends at school are going to go to his funeral tomorrow to say good bye one last time.

Re: Bad Day for me........
Link | by John on 2005-05-27 08:16:12 (edited 2005-05-30 14:48:18)
No fire burns forever, they all die eventually.

"Outside the dream world life can be harsh, even cruel, but it is life."-Auron from FFX

"People are ignorant, they'll feel better as long as someone gets punished"-Rufus, FFVII

Re: Bad Day for me........
Link | by Koshiro on 2005-05-27 09:11:40
I understand how you feel... And i feel for your loss... Even though he was not one of your family members, he was a friend... And to your friend you did the right thing... May your friend Mike rest in peace...

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Re: Bad Day for me........
Link | by Steve_Fox on 2005-05-27 09:53:53
Unfortunately such rumors started. Theres 3 things U gottta know about Mike
1. He got his driver's license 2 days ago
2. School ends next wednesday
3. Mike couldn't stop talking about the summer footbal camp

His Death...
it's imposible for him to take drugs bec. he was so looking to football camp u cant take drugs if ur in a sport it will weaken un.

and from wot i read he's a sporty person.

i think he has problems wid his parents dats y he was looking forward to camp.bec. school was gonna end.

but i cant think why his folks when he had a license he could've juz drove away if he didnt like his folks.

maybe it's about his love life cant take the pressure so he killed himself.

these are juz what i thin i didnt really know him so i hav no right to say these things but it's juz a thought.

hope i answered u question 4 u Serie

and about what if i or my friends die would i like the school to know?
yes bec. they hav d right to know.
people may/may not understand but they still hav to know bec. sooner or later sum1 will notice it and it'll be all to late for pitty or regret 4 the one hu suffered.

And besisides im a friendly guy at school i want evryone to know bec almost all of my batchmates know me.

"If ur gonna go, go out with a bang"


Re: Bad Day for me........
Link | by neko on 2005-05-28 09:23:38 (edited 2005-05-28 11:31:43)
I am very sorry for the bad news and the day you and your friends had, Serie.
I hope you find some peace and closure at his funeral.
I have been where you are, as have many. As will we all eventually. It doesn't get easier, but it hurts less with time.
Peace to you and yours.

"I reject your reality, and substitute my own."

Re: Bad Day for me........
Link | by YeNg on 2005-05-29 00:36:12
I would feel very awful after that incidence! Im really sorry for your friend. I hope he could find some peace.

Re: Bad Day for me........
Link | by 恵 Serie 美 on 2005-05-30 09:57:59
The funeral went well (in a saddening kind of way) and Mike's parent seemed happy that so many people can to see him. But also, i have known Mike for 6 years almost 7 and he has always liked his parents and never talked badly about them at any time. And thanx again guys, this was a good way for me to open up and let out some of my feelings.

Re: Bad Day for me........
Link | by on 2005-05-30 21:30:02
No prob, its better to let those emotions out than to keep them inside.

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