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Digimon Games....
Link | by LigerZeroX on 2005-05-24 05:59:25
I don't really see this tread... so i decided to amke one... Back to topic... does anybody ply digimon games?

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Re: Digimon Games....
Link | by Hikari on 2005-05-24 06:54:57
I have played Digimon World 1, 2, and 3. I haven't finished Digimon World 2...

Hikari Mienai

Re: Digimon Games....
Link | by Steve_Fox on 2005-05-24 06:59:58
Me i hav played:
Rumble Arena 1 and 2
Digimon 1 and 2 (still haven't finish both)
Battle Card (Digimon)


Re: Digimon Games....
Link | by Koshiro on 2005-05-24 07:33:49
Digimon World 1 WAS REALLY GREAT!!! The world is so huge! You had to make digimons join your town and i thought that it was really cool to see ur town develop and develop and develop into a REAL TOWN... from agumon all the way etemon and more! Ahh those were the days... I still remember the first time i went to Toy Town with my Numemon and he went inside that Monzaemon(Teddymon) shirt... haha... and all his stats were like automaticaly brought up to 300...

Digimon World 3 was also great... They decided to use the "Pokemon" Battle System and that was really cool too... Sadly... You can only have the 8 main Digimons... But that was good enough actually cos u can do the DNA Digivolve stuff... They also followed the main anime style... Your Digimons can evolve, but they would go back to their first stage after battle... And that was kinda CUTE!

One of the worst games i ever played would be Digimon World 2... Oh my god how dumb can a game get?! After the success of Digimon World 1, they decided to screw up so everyone will hate digimon... haha...
Aniwae, what's so bad abt this one? Oh well they decided to follow Dragon Warrior Monsters style of play...
Ok I know some of you would already be saying, "But Dragon Warior was a good game!! You just dont appreaciate games!"
I myself love Dragon Warrior... But what i hate most is a TOTAL screw up of Dragon Warrior...
Everytime you go on a mission, you'll of course be going to dungeons... IS THERE ANYTHING TO DIFFERENTIATE THE DUNGEONS?! Omg they all LOOK the same... And then there is this upgrade thing u're suppose to do to your awful looking "walking pod"... And if you dont upgrade, you would all of a sudden run out of "oil"... and you would have to restart the whole dungeon ALL over again! And so u decide to replay the dungeon... Ok i know some of you have excellent memories... So most of you would have probably remember your last route... EH? WAIT A MINUTE? Why does the path look different? Yes ppl... You are in the same dungeon... But all of a sudden everything has decided to reshuffle themselves and you get a totally different route but with the same grey and brown look... And then there are these traps and viruses which appear in great numbers... If you dont upgrade your mobile pod and dont have the detector, KABOOOM... If you upgrade and notcie the trap, But dont have the proper "defusing kit", KABOOOM... Oh yes you can walk a longer way... Oh great... No more oil... So the solution? Throw the game away!

Ok so enough with the missions.. Let's talk about the Digimons... Ok so you go around leveling up your Digimon and all of a SUDDEN you found out something... How come my Digimons are stuck at level 11?! Oh yes ppl ur digimon cannot level up any further unless you DNA digivolve them... Ok so eg i fuse my stingmon with x-vmon... Ok lets do some quick math... stingmon(lvl 11) + x-vmon(lvl 11)... based on the show you'll get Paildramon maybe at lvl 11 too... BUT NOT IN THIS GAME!!! Instead of getting a Lvl 11 Paildramon you'll get maybe a vmon at LVL 1!!! Yes you have to restart training your Digimon AGAIN... But wait... Wouldnt the wild Digimons be of a higher lvl at the time? maybe lvl 10? Yes they would still be... But you're the idiot running around with a lvl 1 Digimon... Ok so maybe u can fight with 3 Digimons... So what?! After all you'll end up using 2 lvl 11 Digimon and 1 lvl 1 Digimon which you wish to train but dies in every battle...

Ok so that's the bad points... Any good ones? Oh well the Digimon have voices... Oh wait... That's a BAD point... They totally screw up on voices too... So the attack is Rock Fist... But the Digimon would say "iwfhjdsfdf" instead... huh? what the hell was that? Ok some maybe correct... But MOST are not...

Can't i just stop saying bad things about Digimon World 2? No cause it's not a good game at all... When a Digimon does a Rock FIST attack, the animation shows the Digimon throwing a rock... Metal Greymon's missile comes from his mouth?! Yes... And he can even shout "GIGA BLASTER!" while the missile comes out his mouth... His Horn Buster attack shows him pushing forward his claw... And his claw emits some ultra waves that eventually hit ur opponent on the other side... Oh yeah the voices is kinda bad too... When Metal Greymon uses Giga Blaster, he has this deep voice about him... But when using Horn Buster, it sounds as if he is having a sore throat... Omg... that's sad...

Aniwae the storyline for this game is quite good and like all Digimon games, the gameplay time is very long... There is also replay value... I did replay the game about 2 times... That means played 3 times in total... But I never got around completing it...

Hope you enjoyed my speech... haha... Have a nice day... Hate my new school... gave me a running nose... lol

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Re: Digimon Games....
Link | by LigerZeroX on 2005-05-24 20:56:46 (edited 2005-05-25 02:21:52)
To koshiro:Dragon worrior monster? U play tat? Wow...

btw... Digimon world one and two are actually incompletable game... Even thought i have finish world two and fight all my way to level100 in tear dome, there's no boss digimon in there and is only for u to catch more strong digimon and fight with your friends...

Digimon world 1 is even worst... u can continue to play until the year 10...(Digimon) and u still can't finish the game...

But the good thing about the both is that you can battle with your friends... Hope you guys know that....

How about Digimon battle chronciles on PS2? Anybody play?

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Re: Digimon Games....
Link | by Gengtaro on 2005-05-25 01:16:29
i have play digimon 1,2,3,and card battle.

Re: Digimon Games....
Link | by LigerZeroX on 2005-05-25 02:48:00

I heard tat in Digimon Card battle, u can get magnamon and very rare cards... how do you get those... you know anything about it?

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Re: Digimon Games....
Link | by Hikari on 2005-05-25 06:00:10
I love your speech Koshiro! All you said was RIGHT...that's why I stopped playing it.

Hikari Mienai

Re: Digimon Games....
Link | by LigerZeroX on 2005-05-25 06:10:39
about digimon world 2 koshiro... it's not success of DW1 and not many ppl hate it though... it just that it get boring after a while... the best DW3... and trust me... DWX is very bored(if u get the english version... it would be better)...

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Re: Digimon Games....
Link | by Koshiro on 2005-05-25 06:57:08
Hei Kira... In digimon world 1, if you defeat Megadramon, it's considered you completed the game you know... And that's quite fast... You just need 50 points in ur town... Besides collecting digimon to your town is only a side quest... Hardly shake the main quest...

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Re: Digimon Games....
Link | by Koshiro on 2005-05-25 07:02:07
The problem that i noticed with Digimon World 3 is that you had to repeatedly go back and forth among towns... It's kinda annoying... The moment u reach a new town... they will say u have to go back and something like that... It's a bit annoying to me...

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Re: Digimon Games....
Link | by LigerZeroX on 2005-05-25 07:02:11
Nope!!! You still have to beat Machinedramon in order to complete the WHOLE game... In fact, i still haven't got to mount Infinte... Because i Still can't beat that damn Airdramon!!!

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Re: Digimon Games....
Link | by Koshiro on 2005-05-25 07:04:04
i thought his name was Megadramon? Im not sure but all along i thought his name was Megadramon... But aniwae i thought going through his lackeys shouldn't be a problem? I recommend using that phoenix digimon thing... kind of useful...

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Re: Digimon Games....
Link | by LigerZeroX on 2005-05-25 18:56:26
Well, Annoying is annoying, but a least u get to train your digimon faster that way... The only annoying part is the Mirage Tower in the dessert... I took quite a long time to get to there... Like said about 1hours or so?

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Re: Digimon Games....
Link | by Koshiro on 2005-05-27 07:48:24
Ah ha I got to agree on that place... Can't recall exactly but i remembered battling a giant sand worm over and over again...
first few battles enjoyed killing it... when it gets old, i just RAN AWAY!!

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Re: Digimon Games....
Link | by LigerZeroX on 2005-05-27 18:19:54
Haha... what i got is airdramon 2 and MAildramon... Seem to me that they like my Blackwargreymon Very much... hahaha

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Re: Digimon Games....
Link | by Caveman on 2005-05-29 18:51:01
i have playe digimon 1, 2, and 3. I am looking forward to getting digimon world 4 witch i think has came out or maybe still in producton. I completed the digivolution list on digimon world one and i also got every digimon for my town. i beat the game in so many ways. in digimon world one 1 i got bored after i got three mega lvl digimon and stopped playing it. Im still undeafeated to others. digimon world three is my favorite. i maxed out my digimons level by continually attacking fish by fishing. i beat cardmon so many times and i got tons of boosters from him.if you can get a turbo controller it can definately help with leveling up.

Caveman's Words of Wisdom

Re: Digimon Games....
Link | by LigerZeroX on 2005-05-30 04:59:39
Digimon world 4? No... It's Digimon World X! And it's already out in the market... Quite fun....

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Re: Digimon Games....
Link | by 破壊 on 2005-06-03 19:01:25 (edited 2005-06-04 13:57:35)
I bought this game on june 2nd and its a little fun that its a action rpg. I play it wit my friend the multi function is kinda cool but exp sharing is really bad. Im a lvl 23 Dorumon and still i have no digivolutions except veemon that i got at lvl 16 like wat gives?? I know that u cant digivolve even if ur rookie is at lvl 100 bc u need sidequests to unlock forms and its soo hard. even on normal mode. Well I need to train more. I still prefer digimon world 3 because the story is really good and also has destromon!!! and I think this game has nothing to do with Digimon X evolution the movie or is it taking place right after the movie>????

o and the game is suppa hard im stuck in undead yard and i dont know wat to dooo...

Re: Digimon Games....
Link | by LigerZeroX on 2005-06-04 22:34:51
Some part are link I guess, I nv really get into the game... I now concentrating on my DMW3 and DMW..

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