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Tales of Symphonia : Ratatosku no kishi opening
Link | by Lehran on 2008-06-06 04:17:14
Let see that video. It's the opening of Tales of Symphonia Ratatosku no kishi sing by Misono. The name of the song is "Nininsankyaku" (Three legged race). I leave you see guys.

Re: Tales of Symphonia : Ratatosku no kishi opening
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-06-06 09:56:39
What's this thread's main purpose?


Re: Tales of Symphonia : Ratatosku no kishi opening
Link | by Lehran on 2008-06-06 10:19:33
To show you the opening and know who like Tales of Symphonia. I think the member who like Tales of Symphonia will be happy to know Tales of Symphonia 2 is developped

Re: Tales of Symphonia : Ratatosku no kishi opening
Link | by Dark on 2008-06-06 10:27:49
That isn't ToS2
it is just spin-off sequel

I don't care because I don't have Wii but the new characters and song is great but other than that bah =3=

here's a thread I found where you can talk about it.. i think
or the main ToS thread

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