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Aaaahh...? Guys? Dragonballz???
Link | by Moulin Rouge on 2005-05-22 03:14:18
Hey Every1!!
Does some1 ever heard of Dragonballz??? 'Cause i don't see anything on this website about it! And it's anime too!!
Anyway, i just love it!!

Does any1 recognize the song "Jan Janka My Way" ??? I would love to have the english translation of it, cause it's japanese!!

Bai Bai!! Moulin!!

Re: Aaaahh...? Guys? Dragonballz???
Link | by Sammi on 2005-05-22 05:57:29
Dragon Ball Z? LOL I watched the re-run of that 8 years ago. Imagine how old it is. I sorta liked it back then, and they're still playing it here (in Canada).

Lyrics translation? Try That's where I go for most lyrics, though they often have mistakes in them.

Re: Aaaahh...? Guys? Dragonballz???
Link | by pie on 2005-05-22 09:05:19
i would recommend u not to watch it that is all im going to say

Re: Aaaahh...? Guys? Dragonballz???
Link | by angel on 2005-05-22 11:42:41
i've seen it before. i used to be obsessed with it but then i just stopped watching it. i think i've seen the whole thing. overall, it's ok!

Re: Aaaahh...? Guys? Dragonballz???
Link | by firemiste on 2005-05-22 14:14:43
I've seen a bit. My little cousin used to be obsessed with it.

Re: Aaaahh...? Guys? Dragonballz???
Link | by DOOM Anomaly on 2005-05-22 23:15:40
I like Dragonball Z, though I like Dragonball more than Z or GT. Though Budokai is an awesome game series.

- -This has been yet another senseless post By: DOOM Anomaly- -

Re: Aaaahh...? Guys? Dragonballz???
Link | by pie on 2005-05-23 18:00:06
99.9% of dragon ballz is made up of people screaming "HAAAAA" or "AHHHH"
u wait like 1 hour then they fight.. its annoying

Re: Aaaahh...? Guys? Dragonballz???
Link | by angel on 2005-05-23 18:10:30 (edited 2005-05-23 18:21:51)
i know...when they say like 'give me 5 minutes to regain my strength!!' and it ends up being the whole 30 minutes episode. i'm just like ' that was 5 minutes!! that was the whole episode!!' but overall, it's ok. some episodes are fun to watch.

Re: Aaaahh...? Guys? Dragonballz???
Link | by pie on 2005-05-23 18:32:02
lol, the first series "dragonball" was better then dragon ballz and gt coombined... at least that series you dont have to wait a decade to see them fight

Re: Aaaahh...? Guys? Dragonballz???
Link | by angel on 2005-05-23 19:26:15
lol...i know. they take like a week to show a 30 MINUTE FIGHT!! it takes soo long and they drag it!! i'm just like 'you're wasting my time!! MOVE IT!!! you're suppose to have superpowers, but you move like snails!!'
unfortunately for me, i haven't seen 'Dragonball'.

Re: Aaaahh...? Guys? Dragonballz???
Link | by DOOM Anomaly on 2005-05-24 16:30:42
One thing I love about Dragonball is after every episode the guy says something around "Tune in to the next HEART-POUNDING EPISODE of DRAGONBALL!!!" He makes it sound so intense, it's awesome. :D

- -This has been yet another senseless post By: DOOM Anomaly- -

Re: Aaaahh...? Guys? Dragonballz???
Link | by pie on 2005-05-24 18:38:58
i hate it because u see them fighting and blasting in the speed of light
then in the GT series they dont blaste enemys like they are afraid or something.

Re: Aaaahh...? Guys? Dragonballz???
Link | by humblemonkey on 2005-05-26 05:38:32
lol whats wrong with DBZ? I like it... along with every other weight-training musclehead in America, heh. :)
But ya, I know, weeklong fights with constipated people with tails will get on your nerves after a while.

Re: Aaaahh...? Guys? Dragonballz???
Link | by angel on 2005-05-26 17:21:44
lol...i think the only wrong thing about DBZ is when the fights are way tooo long and it drags on. that's the thing that always gets on my nerves. but overall, the anime is fun to watch. =)

Re: Aaaahh...? Guys? Dragonballz???
Link | by pie on 2005-05-26 18:08:05
yeah... it irritates me, like when goku was turning super saiyan 3, that took sooo long. all you hear is ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh for like 2 hours. then after that you hear them talk?! WTF TALK!? werent they fighting?!

Re: Aaaahh...? Guys? Dragonballz???
Link | by angel on 2005-05-26 19:45:28
i know!!!! it's really annoying!!! it's like watching an song opera but it worser! lol...i think they are talking because they are admiring how weird looking goku is in his super saiyan 3!! ??? lol...just kidding! they are probably just making some plans or something.

Re: Aaaahh...? Guys? Dragonballz???
Link | by pie on 2005-05-27 19:27:36
song opera? i though its called a soap opera..seriously..

Re: Aaaahh...? Guys? Dragonballz???
Link | by angel on 2005-05-27 21:25:46
my bad pie. it's a's soap opera. lol.

Re: Aaaahh...? Guys? Dragonballz???
Link | by pie on 2005-05-27 21:31:56
hehe dam right =)

dragon ball was funny what happened =(

Re: Aaaahh...? Guys? Dragonballz???
Link | by humblemonkey on 2005-05-28 20:27:44 (edited 2005-05-28 20:28:09)
DB was funny. Heh, I wonder how much more time during the whole series (DBZ) is them talking and how much is fighting? The ratio probably is something like 100:1 (100 of blah and 1 of aaaa).
Just out of the blue... I heard something about a live action DBZ film with Jackie Chan... anyone else heard this?

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