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Im losing my mind
Link | by Joshua on 2005-05-20 12:46:17
Hey everyone. Schools almost out and im dying from the anticipation. I cant stand the people in my school. Love the school and the teachers for once but the students here are the most ignorant batch of morons I have ever had the displeasure of sharing a classroom with. How bout all of you. Looking forard to summer? Am I alone in my hatred for the weak minded?

Re: Im losing my mind
Link | by firemiste on 2005-05-20 14:07:43
Don't think that you're the only one who is fed up with ignorant people. I have to live with one. As for school...let's say I'm not very happy with waking up at five-thirty every day.

Re: Im losing my mind
Link | by DOOM Anomaly on 2005-05-20 15:58:27
School is more of a double-edged sword for me. While I love being around my friends, I do not enjoy waking up too early at times, and I do not like to be bothered with too much troublesome work. Either way, I am not too thrilled about the summer. I'm working and sleeping all summer.

- -This has been yet another senseless post By: DOOM Anomaly- -

Re: Im losing my mind
Link | by gendou on 2005-05-20 16:01:50
Josh, you will enjoy college. there are stupid people wherever you go, but once you get into upper division classes there are truly very few. one of my largest quarels with human culture is its tendancy to churn out people who are genuinly uninterested in science and the universe. although america has its shortcomings, i find that the best argument for america being a good place is that its citicens are able to freely persue knowlege. events like the hipocracy going on in the school board in kansas lead me to bleive that the bible belt sucks balls. i should probably stop ranting and start working.

Re: Im losing my mind
Link | by Meganekko Girl on 2005-05-20 16:42:14
I am a strange person. I suppose maybe it is because I go to a very intresting and intellegent school, but I enjoy going there and even waking up at 4:30 every morning. Mental stress from exams and such but I can deal with it. I really don't know what I am going to do when school is out, I have no other freinds which are really near by because I am in such a faraway district. But ah well. ^.^ * Rant rant... bleg *

I'm a tentacle monster. Stuck in a school girls body.

Re: Im losing my mind
Link | by 遥かレイ on 2005-05-21 09:04:10 (edited 2005-05-21 09:07:55)
For some reason as the end of school approaches the more I dislike it. All I want is to just get away and never see any of those people again (especially condsidering that I'm losing sleep worrying about final exams...o.0 What am I doing here? I should be studying!).
I would always look forward to summer but now I really don't care. I always plan to do something interesting or productive and never get around to doing it. Then, I become so bored and lonely that I want to go to school again. Then when school starts I remember why I hated it so much.
By the way,I have to get up at five in the morning to go to school too and live nowhere near any of the other students. T.T

Re: Im losing my mind
Link | by Sammi on 2005-05-21 13:06:24
Ack. I hate school more and more, and yes, some people are hard to tolerate. Thank god they're graduating. And great, exams are coming up. My hardest two subjects are on the same day. *cries*

But after that, I have a two month summer vacation! Yay for that =)

Re: Im losing my mind
Link | by Chung-kun on 2005-05-21 15:58:01
muhahahaha (im from UK)
this year i be gettin a 3month SUMMER HOLIDAY MUAHHAAHHAHAHAAAA
i be off skool within a month time since i do these exams :P

Re: Im losing my mind
Link | by Sammi on 2005-05-21 16:34:46
3 months! Wow, lucky! I wish our holidays were longer.... how nice it'd be if school was 2 months and summer (well not really.... it'd be spring, autumn and winter) vacation was 10 months....

Re: Im losing my mind
Link | by firemiste on 2005-05-21 17:34:32
The only bad thing about school ending is the exams, which are simply a pain in the butt. Since I live in New York, I have to take regents. Two of them-Chem and Bio. Ugh.

Re: Im losing my mind
Link | by pie on 2005-05-21 19:14:05
i know exactly how u feel firemiste, im from new york too =)
and dammit soo much exams in the end of the year >.<

Re: Im losing my mind
Link | by Sammi on 2005-05-22 05:35:49
Aww ><
How many exams do you guys have in total?

Re: Im losing my mind
Link | by Koshiro on 2005-05-22 10:08:30
I'm waiting for my next school to start in 2 more days!
I seriously don't know how i'm gonna get use to NOT wearing uniforms and such... And I seriously hope i don't get idiots in my class again... Oh well i enjoyed 6 months holiday waiting for this school to start... but sigh... it ends in 2 more days...

I was just getting use to the six months...

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Re: Im losing my mind
Link | by Joshua on 2005-05-23 09:01:51
*Shakes* I have made it to the last two weeks. I am holding onto my sanity so far but who knows. Luckily the last week only has four days and two of them are only half days. Finals will be pretty easy. I dont think i mentioned this but im in a new school so being a sophmore I get to be top of my class for the rest of high school. Hoorah.

Re: Im losing my mind
Link | by pie on 2005-05-23 18:08:10
sammi, so far i am counting 6 exams and counting from april. 2 more comeing up i think or 1 dunno ><

Re: Im losing my mind
Link | by angel on 2005-05-23 21:47:53
i took chem and bio in my last year of highschool (last year - 2004) firemiste.
chem was good but bio totally ruined my life!!=( To make it worst, i took calculus which sucked because every1 in my class was soo competitive.

well, good luck every1 for your exams. i have get back to study too!!

Re: Im losing my mind
Link | by Sammi on 2005-05-24 12:58:38
>> pie
Aww.... 6 is a lot. And I thought my 4 was bad X_X Good luck to you!

Re: Im losing my mind
Link | by John on 2005-05-24 15:04:25 (edited 2005-05-24 15:08:06)
Personally I can't wait for school to end, I'm not much of a morning person. As for exams i'm not too worried, I barely study at all and I still get by with good grades. I know that's not a good way to go about school, but it's who I am. I just don't worry about things like that. Good luck to everyone with their exams!

Outside the dream world life can be harsh, even cruel, but it is life- Auron from FFX

"People are ignorant, they'll feel better as long as someone gets punished"-Rufus, FFVII

Re: Im losing my mind
Link | by Torched Pancake on 2005-05-24 17:26:52
i actually hate the last 3 weeks of school the most. i usually take a lot of ap classes, so i have to deal with studing for them, as well as all of my stupid teachers trying to cram 9 weeks worth of teaching into three weeks. sometimes i think they are trying to kill me with stress right when freedom is in sight. evil evil teachers >:P. i just finnished with all of my exams (muhahaha, I've cheated death yet again!) but good luck to all of you who are still trapped in school!

Re: Im losing my mind
Link | by Seph on 2005-05-25 09:11:03
Hmm...half a month left for me....the only regret about summer is i wont be able to spend as much time with my girlfriend as i do in school...

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