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Gay Rights
Link | by gendou on 2008-04-02 13:48:14 (edited 2008-04-24 22:49:02)

Enough said.

Re: Gay Rights
Link | by on 2008-04-02 13:50:14
i agree, oh wait gendou said enough said >.> my bad XDD


Re: Gay Rights
Link | by on 2008-04-02 14:19:20
...heh whether someone is gay or not is not my prob but i dont hate

Part of the new age Gendou RP veterans: Kira, Rukia, KM Revolution, Smoker, Avian, L, and Ryu.

Re: Gay Rights
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-04-02 14:39:38
I have no personal issues relating to this subject.
They don't need my approval to get married, and they definitely don't need yours.

I feel awful because they're always being harassed and pointed at.
Just let them do what they want and mind your own friggin' business.


Re: Gay Rights
Link | by gant on 2008-04-03 06:32:34
Hey, if they're gay, they certainly can't help it. So let them be. And it's a good thing even straight men are standing up to it.


Re: Gay Rights
Link | by × on 2008-04-03 22:57:31
to be gay or not is everyone's freedom and their marriage i their freedom
i agree with DA-san!

Re: Gay Rights
Link | by on 2008-04-04 00:21:00
i'll second, or rather, seventh that sentiment

Re: Gay Rights
Link | by emphysema on 2008-04-04 08:05:57
That old woman in the picture said the best thing.


Re: Gay Rights
Link | by on 2008-04-05 19:49:59
I totally agree. I don't understand why the rest of the U.S., even the world, can't comprehend this.

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Re: Gay Rights
Link | by on 2008-04-05 20:02:21
The world can't comprehend since its always been guy-girl. If they ever found a guy liking other guys they were said to be the devil or bewitched.

But I see nothing wrong with Gays. Love is love, no matter who it is with..age, sex, race..they should never play a factor in love DX

Re: Gay Rights
Link | by fabiana_seto on 2008-04-05 20:25:24
I never saw elders aprouving Gay rights. Intersting pic!

I totally agree with DA! If they want to merry isn't of our or any other person business. If they love each even better! But no one should have the right to say if they are right or wrong.

But look like that the society doesn't accept gay people even now. But it is good that more and more people support their rights.

 photo dfsrs_zpsd125613e.png

Re: Gay Rights
Link | by Renma on 2008-04-10 21:11:11
Yeah.. Same here.. It's not any of our business..

so why should we make them as outcasts?

Heck,, If they Love each other, Why not?

Re: Gay Rights
Link | by on 2008-04-12 06:45:59
Actually, gay have no place in heaven, its not me who said it but I agree, and God only created 2 gender, male and female..

Re: Gay Rights
Link | by Zoe on 2008-04-24 19:42:12
To silent voice and mud got problems. Gays have rights. I understand you're opinion and all (opinions are opinions) Who said god made boys and gils> YA NEVER! were homo-sepiens we are monkeys!!! sorry but I'm not religious and all because of ppl agains the gays (and golden compass) relegion has lost the edge and so do you two

Re: Gay Rights
Link | by on 2008-04-24 19:46:33 (edited 2008-04-24 19:50:39)

Not all religious people are against gays. Simply because the bible says treat everyone the way you'd want to be treated (just worded confusingly). And, The bible said God made Boys and Girls ;] And that is what many(the majority) people believe. Though, many(religious people) tend twist the words in the bible to suit their lives and to find ways to put others down. Or they follow what they are taught. Hate isn't natural, It's taught.

I personally support gay rights.

I'm Christian.

I'm sure God accepts them as well. After all, (I believe) we are his children.

Not that I'm forcing my religion on anyone o.o;; Lol. =]

Re: Gay Rights
Link | by riezawa on 2008-04-24 20:13:52
First of all, I'm not Christian, but I think most of the Christians I know are jolly nice people. Anyway.

God created men and women, and gay people are still men and women. Does it matter what they do with each other? It's none of our business anyway. Rather than condemn people for loving one another, why not condemn people for hate?

There are more important issues. Look at all the violence around the world today, look at people killing and beating each other up every single day. Look at the anger and hate. Look at the wars, the violence, rape, murder, domestic violence, pedophilia, assault. Is getting rid of that more important or should we be running around verbally abusing or beating up two men or two women who are clearly in love?

So topic: I think all people deserve rights, gay or straight, black or white or brownish yellow, young or old. It hardly matters. No one is less human than anyone else.

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Re: Gay Rights
Link | by RayStormX on 2008-04-24 21:57:31
I'm religious and I dont buy the bull that says gays shouldnt be allowed to marry. remember that episode in family guy?

"wait, so 2 people who hate each other have more of a right to marry than 2 gays who love each other?"

"damn right"

"oh my god...etc etc"

they should have a right to be married.

Raystormx wooo maplestory

Re: Gay Rights
Link | by Blind-Kitsuneblind-kitsune on 2008-04-24 22:02:05
amen! gays deserve all the rights everyone else enjoys

Re: Gay Rights
Link | by The Hermit on 2008-04-24 22:07:19
I have yet to hear anyone object to equal rights for gays on any grounds other than religious. It seems pretty clear to most of us (including some of the more level-headed Christians, hey there illust!) that we should try to treat each other like we'd like to be treated. Why can't the religious nuts get it?

Re: Gay Rights
Link | by Blind-Kitsuneblind-kitsune on 2008-04-24 22:09:36
because they are narrow minded.

I know gay people they are really cool and they have nice outfits lol

but the one think I wanna see is a gay dude who is over religous and hates gays lol uber paradox

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