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Ceres, Cerestial Legend
Link | by Kenshin on 2005-05-18 12:48:38
whoa! the Manga sooo kool, but the beginning reminds me of Pretear lol. Is there a anime tv show base on this manga? and if so what is it called? thanksz

Re: Ceres, Cerestial Legend
Link | by Aria on 2005-05-18 13:12:59 (edited 2005-05-18 13:15:08)
Yea, it has the anime's called Ayashi no Ceres...I think in America they also call it, Ceres, Celestial Legend...I Could only say that it's dramatic


Re: Ceres, Cerestial Legend
Link | by Ails on 2005-05-19 10:34:00
I don't know if the anime follows the plot of the manga... but the anime is a must watch...

It isn't like the Vampire Princess Miyu tv series where everything is completely different from the manga... :(

When crossing a long and high bridge, don't look down to see how deep you can fall but look straight ahead to see what's awaiting for you...

Re: Ceres, Cerestial Legend
Link | by aya_san on 2005-05-19 20:46:46
i agree but the manga is much more interesting cuz i read that they kinad rush the anime and i read the manga and it's better than the anime

jeanie vong

Re: Ceres, Cerestial Legend
Link | by Avi on 2005-05-20 02:03:01
I wouldn't watch the anime until you're done with the manga (which hasn't fully been released in the US, if that's where you're reading it). The manga is much better, so watching the anime will only spoil the end of the series for you. Also, my friend who has experienced both, says the anime is darker, which is amazing considering how dark the series is overall.
I'm a big fan of this series, too, so I'm holding off on the anime so I can read the manga. I haven't read vol. 11 yet, but I'm going to soon.

Re: Ceres, Cerestial Legend
Link | by YeNg on 2005-05-21 04:04:06

I dont know about the mangas but I watched the anime.. "Ayashi no Ceres"
it was okay.. not that thrilling or anything....
It tells sumthin about love that beats the bonds of time...

Re: Ceres, Cerestial Legend
Link | by Daisuki on 2005-05-21 09:54:47
Of course this manga rocks because It is the QUEEN of manga artist who write it : Yuu Watase !!!

I love all her manga..if you like Ceres then try Fushigi Yuugi

Re: Ceres, Cerestial Legend
Link | by nut on 2005-05-23 02:45:39
i love yuu's works and ceres is one of the most touching animes i have yet to seen hope more of her works will become animes soon... by the way is it true there is a sequel to ayashi no ceres but in novel form?

Re: Ceres, Cerestial Legend
Link | by firemiste on 2005-05-24 15:04:06
I've read the the entire manga but havent seen the anime. (u can get the entire manga at It's soooo good. Love Yu Watase's art-all her manga is good.Yeah there is a few sequals to the manga in novel form. Tooya and Aya have a daughter, etc. Havnt read it though.

Re: Ceres, Cerestial Legend
Link | by lei8iel on 2005-05-25 01:57:15
i'd read the manga and seen the anime.. i agree that the manga is better than the anime... the anime is too short... there're lots of parts in the manga that they didn't include in the anime...
but the art is soooo good.. of course it's yuu watase's work!!!
i love her works... wish all of them have an anime version :)

dies mono dies

Re: Ceres, Cerestial Legend
Link | by Retasu on 2005-05-26 19:18:04
I have all the DVDs for the anime and about 7/8 of the manga. I am HUGE fan of Yuu Watase, including her Fushigi Yuugi and Alice 19th series. I absolutly love her artwork and am a huge fan of the manga. Although i cried during the anime, i still love to get into Yuu Watase's work more and more. You could say shes my favorite manga artist.

[removed due to size limit violation]

Re: Ceres, Cerestial Legend
Link | by Rei on 2005-05-27 02:39:34
Wow!! All DVDs? Cool! I'm a huge fan of her too, and Ken... whatsover (creator of Love Hina and Mahou Sensei Negi).

I have all chapter of Fushigi Yuugi though... But not Ayashino Ceres, cause my sister's not so interest in it, and dosen't let meh buy -_-'

Image hosted by Lina da coolest!!

Re: Ceres, Cerestial Legend
Link | by firefly on 2005-06-03 16:17:45
i've read the manga and seen the anime and i must agree with the others that the manga is much much better! the anime cuts out a large chunk of the storylines from the manga... and they reduced my favorite character Shuro to a couple of minutes towards the end of the series! argh...

~*Take some time to read*~
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

Re: Ceres, Cerestial Legend
Link | by Rikku on 2005-06-07 05:33:35
I've read the manga up to what vol.8 I think and I have seen some previews of the anime which I might add I want really badly! I love toya I could just die! lmao! he is so hott!

You think you know who you are and what is to happen with your life you have no idea......

Re: Ceres, Cerestial Legend
Link | by on 2005-06-29 17:39:10
Have anyone notice that sometimes they cut out a lot in the anime then in the manga or vice versa? Then that makes you wonder if they are doing it on purpose or not to see if you follow up on what the publisher are doing...


Re: Ceres, Cerestial Legend
Link | by on 2005-11-06 19:02:33
OH this Anime is on my Wish list
I'm waiting to Watch it

Re: Ceres, Cerestial Legend
Link | by schir-rei yukeiko on 2005-11-07 00:50:14
ayashi no ceres is one of my fave animes!
how romantic but the ending is so tragis that after 2 years of living happily, God has to take touya's life away from aya!
watch it! for sure you will love it!
but the episodes are only 24!





i am a filipino and i dont know whats the english for kakabitin!

schir-rei yukeiko

Re: Ceres, Cerestial Legend
Link | by lei8iel on 2005-11-07 01:28:49

dies mono dies

Re: Ceres, Cerestial Legend
Link | by aya on 2005-11-07 01:56:00
ayashino ceres?love it!!!!aki is one hell of a shonen!!and toya is so cute...


Re: Ceres, Cerestial Legend
Link | by りんーちゃん on 2005-11-07 04:10:40
I wanna watch these following Yuu Watase works:
Alice 19th
I think I like the Imadoki thingy more than Alice 19th based on synopsis. ^^

For the Pinoys, alam nio saan makakita ng Imadoki at Alice 19th full series? Feel ko ang hirap hanapin. Dati nga, ang hirap hirap hanapin ng Evangelion pero it was worth it. Ang ganda ng EVA. ^^

  m y . L i F E . i . t r a d e . i n . f o r . y o u r . P A i N .

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