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What do you think Halo 4 should have? (spoilers)
Link | by Jinseta Ava on 2008-03-11 12:19:36 (edited 2008-03-12 06:58:37)
Don't buy the bull! The fight is not over! (and if it is, the'll be another at some point)

Those of us who have beaten Halo 3 on higher difficulty have seen the very end after the credits. Master Chief's ship is seen headed towards a planet with many lights, possibly a Forerunner world.

Now Halo 3 is a fun game, but there are some things lacking. And quite frankly, if Bungie doesn't fix some it, the fourth will proably flop.

So then, what are your thoughts on the matter?

The Paper

Re: What do you think Halo 4 should have? (spoilers)
Link | by RayStormX on 2008-03-11 22:35:33
they should make it extremely long. about 2+3 combined. and then they should have a scene where Master Chief's armor breaks and he's finally exposed once and for all.

Raystormx wooo maplestory

Re: What do you think Halo 4 should have? (spoilers)
Link | by meow on 2008-03-11 22:38:34 (edited 2008-03-11 22:38:44)
Bunji? It's Bungie first off. And it is Forerunner not Forrundder.

I personally will end up buying Halo 4, but will not enjoy it very much.

Halo 3 and Halo 2 suck. And they always will.

The next one coming out is Halo Wars. An RTS as opposed to a first person shooter.

I will definatly be buying it is much more promising.

As for the 4th, it will still sell and it will definatly NOT flop due to its gigantic fanbase and Bungie's money which can be used to "perseude" other sites into giving good reviews.

Re: What do you think Halo 4 should have? (spoilers)
Link | by Jinseta Ava on 2008-03-12 06:58:00
My bad, Bungie, I got it right that time. I just forgot the 'e' in the other one :p Still, that's a little hatefull, don't you think?

Also, the Halo games don't suck. At worst, they've scored decent ratings on notable reviews such X-Play. While you can accuse Halo 2 and 3 of having average gameplay, you can't argue with a story based off of popular novels.

I have also seen the RTS. I can't say if it is good or bad, but I've had my fill of RTS and won't go for it.

As for Halo 2, it had excellent gameplay, a huge number of new features. It improved on the first Halo by allowing you to board hostile vehicles, and offered a ton of new weapons and new vehicles on both sides. All of which made the gameplay all the more enjoyable, and with the difficulty levels, the game was made extremely hard to beat. (which I did :p).

Halo 3 was a bit lacking in comparison. They indroduced destructable phantoms and scerabs. They introduced new equipment which was a nice improvement over the second Halo. However, there were only a few new vehicles and weapons. The hornet is an excellent flyer, but with the changed controls on the banshee, its the only flyer worth using. There's the chopper and prowler. Both are usefull with advantages and disadvantages, but after removing the specter, it all ends up being a disappointment

The were only a few new weapons. There's also the firebombs and spike grenades. Those are fun. Still, they could've done more here. Especially on the human side. There's also arial battles in multiplayer. There's only two maps where you can have a decent battle thanks to the kill-zone that's meant keep players from leaving the boundry.

What should be in Halo 4? Water and space battles first off. There should be oportunities to use larger vehicles such as pelicans and even scerabs (at least in multiplayer). New human weapons as destructive as alien weapons. The environment shoud be more destructable. Bungie should also work to make their game more difficult. Halo 3 wasn't as hard as Halo 2.

If you'd like to point out any more spelling errors meow, you're welcome to help out ^_^

The Paper

Re: What do you think Halo 4 should have? (spoilers)
Link | by Hrumph on 2008-03-14 06:02:22
I think the first was better than two and three, but I don't think two and three failed. Well, I don't think three failed. I hated two.

I don't think it'll be called Halo 4, but yeah, I'm pretty sure that something's coming. I like raystormx's ideas, the only problem with it being that long would be that the multiplayer probably wouldn't be as fun. Space and water battles sound interesting, but would probably be extremely hard to implement. Imagining shooting a laser at a rock and getting a triple kill on the three people camping below gives me a warm fuzzy feeling on the inside... Full agreement on the difficulty.

Shorty, don't correct people's mistakes when you can't correct your own. It's 6:59 in the morning and I haven't slept, yet the mistakes in your post are blatantly obvious to me. Definitely, not definatly. I doubt that was a typo, since you made that mistake twice. Also, "I will definatly be buying it is much more promising." Not even going to comment on what's wrong with that one. I hope that "perseude" was on purpose.

I don't care if people can't spell or choose not to. Just, please, don't correct other people's grammar/spelling when you can't handle your own.

Re: What do you think Halo 4 should have? (spoilers)
Link | by Jinseta Ava on 2008-03-14 06:38:21
Eh? What do you think the fourth Halo will be called?

Yes, I think a nice addition would be a rocket warthog. Just for multiplayer. That way you don't have to bug someone with a rocket launcher to get in the passenger seat when they'd rather go on foot. They'd have to give the rockets homing abilities on vehicles to make it an improvement over the guass.

As for space battles, I wouldn't mind sinking an enemy ship in one of those fighters. For water, they allready have vehicles that hover, if they're lazy, they can just come up with hovercraft battles.

As for length in the campaign, I almost got board by the time I reached the end of Halo 1. Sure, there were some pretty memorable experiences, but if not for the warthog escape, I probably would've fallen asleep at the end. I guess they could make it a little longer, but what I really want is a large multiplayer field. One twice the size of sandtrap at least. And screw behemoths, I want a scarab, dammit! *sigh*

New tanks would be a nice addition as well.

The Paper

Re: What do you think Halo 4 should have? (spoilers)
Link | by meow on 2008-03-14 22:57:23
I wasn't trying to be rude by correcting you, just trying to help you so if you were to post this elsewhere, you wouldn't get tornt o bits by fanboys.

I'd like to add that reviews are opinions, and I have mine. Just because X-Play and other gave them decent scores, doesn't mean I have to.

Halo 2's multiplayer was somewhat improved with destructible vehicles, and ability to board vehicles, but they totally ruined the weapons.

They took out the Assault Rifle and made the Pistol into the "Magnum."

Even duel weilding wasn't even worth it.

In Halo 3, not much was changed except a very limited amount of armor customization, and some new maps as well as reintroduced weapons.

For the firebomb, it is not in ANY multiplayer maps by default.

I personally think it was a waste of time in game anyway, since you can only use them in Campaign and Forge.

I do agree with the water battles part. It would be fun to introduce some sort of water-craft. I don't really think space battles would be practical, but it is an interesting thought.

And for the story, only MGS is more confusing/stupid. I like MGS and Halo, but the storylines are ridiculous. Assuming you are talking about the Halo books, Halo's storyline is not based off of popular novels, popular novels are based off of Halo.

Re: What do you think Halo 4 should have? (spoilers)
Link | by Hrumph on 2008-03-15 00:40:12
Ah, I mistook that. Sorry then, didn't lie about it being 7 in the morning and my judgement was off ._.

The Magnum is Halo 3 actually isn't as horrible as people make it out to be. If you dual wield them and get consecutive headshots, I think it kills faster than the battle rifle (not tested). Halo 2 I pretty much avoided, so I never tested it there, but I do truly miss that Pistol... The part about the firebomb is true, but some of my friends play custom more than anything, so I guess it's good for people like them. I doubt too many people would mourn the loss of it, though, if Bungie removed it.

I have no idea what Halo 4 will be called, but if I were them I'd name it something else so they could reduce the flak about Halo 3 being the "last Halo". Scarabs in Multiplayer, if the map was massive, would be insane. It'd be like a moving base/superweapon hybrid, probably making it so that it would take more strategy to win a round. It would also make sniping a lot more fun.

You should work at Bungie, if half the stuff you've put here were implemented, then Halo 4 would be incredible.

Re: What do you think Halo 4 should have? (spoilers)
Link | by Jinseta Ava on 2008-03-15 19:35:51 (edited 2008-03-15 19:47:49)
Amen. I'll have to find the staff's addresses so as to brutally m-, I mean, submit an application in person...

I stand corrected about the novel. My friend led me to believe the novels came first. And thank you also for the corrections. I fear of making n00b mistakes daily, and that first post did border on n00bish -_-

As for Halo 2 weapons. Should they have left the assult rifle in there? Yes. Would I have used it? No. There isn't a better machine gun experience in any Halo (short of the turrets) than duel wielding smgs... even if they pull up on your aim.

The pistols should've been toned down anyways in my book. In Halo, they were like mid-range sniper rifles. I was able to take out elites with that thing (and grunts at long-range). With the introduction of the battle rifle, it was a good idea. It would've been a better idea to double the damage and keep it a single wield. I did come up with a pretty good tatic though.

In multiplayer, with the pistol and needler, I came up with the 'bumrush' tactic. I'd fire the needler at mid-range while the other guy was zig-zagging to dodge, then fire pistol headshots at close range to finish him off. This worked 60% of the time. It was pretty effective against enemies with battle rifles.

Still, that's not my style. I'm a sniper. A damn good one too, heh heh.

Anyways... it isn't that hard to set up a custom game in Halo 3. I've cooked up a ton of maps, many that use firebombs. You just have to be careful that you don't start a game in the forge lobby like I did once...

And for the record, when I think of spacebattles, I think of Star Wars Battlefront. Since Halo is a FPS, I highly doubt something like that will happen. There's always the possibility of a high-mobility mech custom made for Spartans. That would be wicked...

Eidt: How about this - Rocket Warthog - Make a two-seater warthog with a rocket turret on the back. The passenger would fire a wire-guided rocket. The rocket would be aimed with a targeting reticle before launch, then by a waypoint that indicated where the rocket would land after it launched.

The Paper

Re: What do you think Halo 4 should have? (spoilers)
Link | by RayStormX on 2008-03-17 10:39:57
personally I haven't taken quite a liking to the Halo series yet (that might change if I own a copy of the game XD) but I think these things should be added:

similair to that vehicle where 2 people can ride with 1 on a gun (warthog, I think?) they should have some aerial vehicle like that. maybe a chopper of some sort.

a grenade that creates a space where everyone just continually loses health and their speed is halved, making it difficult to escape.

and a modified shield grenade that reflects bullets right back at the shooter. broken? not quite. a single rocket or explosive will take care of such a shield.

and more character models. there was two, last time I checked.

And the game should be called

Halo 4: The fourth installment.

nah just playin. idk what to call it. whatever is fine.

Raystormx wooo maplestory

Re: What do you think Halo 4 should have? (spoilers)
Link | by Jinseta Ava on 2008-03-19 08:56:41
Emm... Halos 2 and 3 have most of the stuff you're describing in one way or another...

The Paper

Re: What do you think Halo 4 should have? (spoilers)
Link | by RayStormX on 2008-03-19 13:25:33
ah really? i didnt know there was a shield absorbing grenade XD just a shield one

and I dun have the game so...yeah.

they should put the zerg in the game. and Master chief and the alien must team up (once again) to fight the hive.

Raystormx wooo maplestory

Re: What do you think Halo 4 should have? (spoilers)
Link | by Jinseta Ava on 2008-03-19 14:37:16
... Nope, you don't have the game...

They do exactly that, the Chief and the Arbiter... and Halo 3 has a power drain. Its generates an emp that knocks out shields and vehicles. Nasty little thing...

You know, anit-tank grenades wouldn't be a bad idea. It could be an equipment that you could stick onto a large vehicle. Get revenge for all those times someone turned you into roadkill...

The Paper

Re: What do you think Halo 4 should have? (spoilers)
Link | by taichokerorogunso on 2008-03-25 00:48:53
for those of you who think their really good at halo. If u r so good did you try the halo championship on live? I thought i was good but i barely made it to the semi final round. i got killed in so many ways i thought wasnt possible and also i hate the ricochet snipers they bounce the bullet off the wall or ground to shoot your head. that was so bs.

and i hope halo 4 never gets released cause im sick of giving money to microsoft. halo 3 was short and graphics werent that great as they hyped it to be. The flood is gone so wats MC doing on the forerunner planet? is he going to fight them now? and someone said MC should take his armor off. umm if you read the books the armor is his life support. and to use the armor you need to be bio engineered through painful surgery to make the suit move and etc. most of the test subjects died so thats why there were only 200 spartans hence the game halo wars will show how many u can get in the game.

Re: What do you think Halo 4 should have? (spoilers)
Link | by taichokerorogunso on 2008-07-08 00:09:51
read a book? about video games? the only thing i read a picture books about anime called manga!! i dont need long paragraphs to understand a couple of secs and turn page hahahahah!!

Re: What do you think Halo 4 should have? (spoilers)
Link | by h4xordude on 2008-07-08 12:11:29 (edited 2008-07-08 12:12:54)
I'm not going to brag tachi but in the original halo national championship (halo 1 for xbox, back before XBL was fully up at the time) I placed 7th in the nation. It was a tournament held in Washington DC. Personally I found the regional championship that decided who'd go to be a joke since random people off the street decided they'd join in cause they thought the game looked pretty (it had only been out 2 years at that point).

Of course after playing on XBL I've realized times change, and although I'm probably nowhere near top tier I did make it to the quarterfinals of the weekend Team MLG playoffs on two separate occasions. I don't play online much anymore though.

Also I just want to say I've been an avid fan of the story. I read the original 3 books all before halo 2 came out, and I read Ghosts of Onyx and Contact Harvest in the past year (Contact Harvest I found to be a little lacking towards the end though).

And not to get on your case taichokerorogunso, but although the textures could've used some work on some parts, the effects and graphics overall (especially lighting....dear gosh that HDR was overkill...) were excellent. The only games I've seen with clearly better graphics since then were Crysis (which only really has great graphics in the alien spaceship and at the beginning) and Unreal Tournament 3 (which has impressed me with how efficient it's game engine is for PC). If you want to go into details about how the anti aliasing is poor in halo 3, then keep in mind the fact that it has to render it at 1900x1200 preemptively and then convert it to either 1080p (1900x1080) or 720p (1280x720) before it actually appears onscreen. Heck, most console games don't bother with AA anyway.

GETTING BACK TO THE TOPIC OF HALO 4 THOUGH (sorry about all that above, I like to rant at times whenever it comes to graphics...XD),

I think the forerunner planet should have mutated long evolved forerunner ninjas armed with crowbars so that the half life 2 people will cut it out. :D

But seriously, I wish they'd show some of the other spartans that are talked about in the novels... I know they aren't "official" canon but after the whole thing with Halo Wars you think they could put in Linda or one of em now...

EDIT: OH and mechs. Halo Custom Edition maps that had mechs were awesome. And multiplayer NPCs that are part of the environment... if you have Halo Custom Edition for PC go look for a map called "not alone..." it's really cool.

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