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What is the longest period you ever get sick?
Link | by leora on 2008-02-16 05:55:10
For me, the longest is only 3 days when i get the fever..

H4pPy G0 LuCky

Re: What is the longest period you ever get sick?
Link | by りんーちゃん on 2008-02-16 06:13:55
The average is actually 3 days--
if it exceeds that, you should go see the doctor.

I think mine was about 5 or a week ?

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Re: What is the longest period you ever get sick?
Link | by karuzo on 2008-02-16 06:16:03
nearly a month

because of dengue.....





that was a very long for m


Re: What is the longest period you ever get sick?
Link | by leora on 2008-02-16 06:18:01
wah, its really dangerous to have a dengue...

H4pPy G0 LuCky

Re: What is the longest period you ever get sick?
Link | by karuzo on 2008-02-16 06:31:01
In my case i am just very lucky.....

yes dengue is very dangerous because it affects your blood [platelet count and water], liver [it went painful i am having hard time to stand up and sometime vomit the food that i ate]. rashes,

Well only awareness is if the fever come up and down for 3 to five days....


if not treated.....


Re: What is the longest period you ever get sick?
Link | by on 2008-02-16 08:31:06
Speaking of dengue, suffered that for err 3 weeks on my first, then 1 week on my second... unlucky of me to get dengue twice.. x_x;
but thank god, I'm still alive ^^

Re: What is the longest period you ever get sick?
Link | by Image and video hosting by TinyPic on 2008-02-16 08:41:23
also because of dengue....

it's like 3 weeks and the worse it's midterms period...

oooh! i heard if you get dengue twice you might not survive...
waaahhh! shin-san is very very lucky to survive... needs to be careful...:0

Re: What is the longest period you ever get sick?
Link | by on 2008-02-17 05:46:55
more than 2 weeks i guess... i think i stayed in the hospital for more than a week.
this was way back then. i always had acute asthma attacks then. :/

Re: What is the longest period you ever get sick?
Link | by on 2008-02-17 07:12:13 (edited 2008-02-17 07:13:29)
Nearly 3 weeks. >_> It was so damn terrifying. I had to go to college while suffering from fever, throat viral infection, runny nose and the first time sickness I had, chest infection. X_X It was just too bad! It definitely impaired my focus to study and revise before the xmas exams last year! X_X The medication from the clinic weren't the best too. Very slow process TT__TT

Re: What is the longest period you ever get sick?
Link | by ~eL~ on 2008-02-17 09:24:30
a day.. well I rarely got sick.. so for me.. 1 day is.. LONG..


Re: What is the longest period you ever get sick?
Link | by on 2008-03-15 16:53:19
I'd say almost a month, cause I got hospitalized when I got sick xD

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Re: What is the longest period you ever get sick?
Link | by forest on 2008-03-18 23:25:21
Right now, so 4 days I guess. I'm still recovering.... DDx

Re: What is the longest period you ever get sick?
Link | by forgotten on 2008-03-25 18:50:03
2 days because of Strep Throat.


Re: What is the longest period you ever get sick?
Link | by on 2008-03-25 21:19:11
I almost never get sick, but when I did, I remember I was sick for about the entire summer when i was 7 years old. I caught the flu it seems, I couldn't get out of bed most of the time, Thank god I was only 7, since my mom and dad had to carry me. I was so weak from the sickness... However, the next longest period would be about 2 days...

Re: What is the longest period you ever get sick?
Link | by Immortal on 2008-03-25 22:51:00
almost a month! reason? bad cold! *sniff!* ><

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Re: What is the longest period you ever get sick?
Link | by rin8 on 2008-03-25 23:28:40
4 or 5 days. I didn't feel too good a few days ahter that too. I'm usually not sick.

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Re: What is the longest period you ever get sick?
Link | by on 2008-03-26 14:55:10
6 days. 6 Long days. 6 days of nothing but america's next top model. worst. week. ever.

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Re: What is the longest period you ever get sick?
Link | by hikarinohikky on 2008-04-05 12:50:25
I feel your pain quack. :C

Does lung infection counts? Was hospitalized for 2 months + therapy.

And to consider of my mental health, my brain was sick fro almost 8 months.

Re: What is the longest period you ever get sick?
Link | by on 2008-04-05 18:51:52
the longest is 2 weeks T-T
ooh it was terrible >.<"

Re: What is the longest period you ever get sick?
Link | by infiltrate on 2008-04-05 22:31:56
I'm sick right now! >.<
The longest I've ever been sick for was in the middle of March this year and it was for two weeks. Two hospital trips and four incompetent doctors later, I only felt better after I forced myself to vomit.
Usually when I am sick though it lasts five to six days.

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