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Who is this God person anyways?
Link | by on 2008-02-11 13:15:41
It has come to my attention that lately lots of people have started to look at Science particularly Evolutionary Biology and Cosmology as “bad” things. As a Cosmologist, Physicist, and Geologist I simply cannot sit by and watch humanity fall even deeper into the abyss of superstition and incompetent ideology.

So to that effect, I have started working on a new paper, and I was wonder if when it was done, it might be posted here for others to read.

-Thank you for your time. VISIT MY WEBSITE!

Re: Who is this God person anyways?
Link | by gendou on 2008-02-11 18:46:19 (edited 2008-02-11 18:51:40)
Well said!
In response to the thread's title, I would answer that "god" is a fictional character who supposedly created the universe and, some believe, meddles with it even today.
This childish group delusion is perpetuated by viral social institutions which wield the power of the gullible uneducated human mind to spread to all corners of the Earth.
The god of the old testament is a vengeful coot who brings forth suffering upon humans in all ways imaginable.
The god worshiped by members of my religion, the Flying Spaghetti Monster, is a fumbling noodley creature who loves pirates.
The gods found across Japan in Shinto shrines range from embodiments of the elements of nature to a raccoon with humongous testicles.

I recommend you read, at the very least, The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins, and The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster by Bobby Henderson.

Re: Who is this God person anyways?
Link | by on 2008-02-11 20:37:57
Oh, I'll do you one better. I've set in on over a dozen of his lectures. Good Stuff. But for me, no one says it better than Daniel C. Dennett. Please, if you wish check out his book,Breaking the Spell: Religion as a natural Phenomanon. I am also a big fan of Isaac Asimov, and Carl Sagan, as well as The old goodies like Kant, and Fredie nee-chee!

I took the title from oolon colluphid of "The hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.!


Good answers by the way! VISIT MY WEBSITE!

Re: Who is this God person anyways?
Link | by on 2008-02-11 23:25:57
God is mythological concept common more or less every culture in the world, though it varies in detail. This thing is often seen as immortal, omniscient, and omnipresent, but not always, this thing exists on the spiritual level and not as a physically tangible object, though it can affect the physical word as it desires, often in ways inconsistent with the known physical laws that govern the universe. This God concept serves as as origin story for the creation of the world, its inhabitants, and often the universe itself, and as an explanation for a myriad of other phenomena that were otherwise unexplainable upon the invention of the concept. God's third major aspect is also the main reason the concept has endured in society in spite of it being archaic and obsolete, that is it serves as a sort of cultural glue and pillar; a common religion is a mainstay in maintaining a morally homogeneous society, and thusly, is integral in perpetuating society itself as it has henceforth existed. These "religions" are superstitious orginisations with unique ways of interpreting the God concept and practically applying it to daily life. However, in spite of serving as an important factor in cultural mould and resiliance, adverse effects of religion and God invariably arise, namely ignorance of proven scientific law, superstition, xenophobia, and bigotry. A rectification of this seems unlikely, for so long as the God theory remains pervasive, the hoi polloi will remain unenlightened, but without it, many of today's cultures and societies would cease to exist and the anthropological landscape of this world would experience a major tectonic shift; as well as many individual lives be affected negatively by increased alienation and loss of purpose, until new cultures and societal archetypes could form and apply alternate solutions to these mental/emotional crises.

Re: Who is this God person anyways?
Link | by gendou on 2008-02-12 01:40:22
You mean you've seen Dawkins give lectures? I'm envious.
Ah, I nearly missed the Hitchhiker's Guide reference.
I will check out the Dennett book you suggested, and I have some of Asimov's Foundation in the queue as we speak.
What by Kant would you recommend for starters?

Re: Who is this God person anyways?
Link | by renshi_sho on 2008-02-12 03:22:08
God= A convenient excuse to 'sin' (what is true sin anyways?) 6 days a week and feel good about it because you can get forgiven on the seventh. What a shambles. I'm major mind when it comes to physics and theory pertaining the creation of everything, I'm a fighter and as such I've learned that I could die at any place and anytime. So why worry about it? I just go about guided by my own moral compass not someone else's. I can't speak for physics (I just don't have enough specialist knowledge for it) and I can't speak for religion (I have too strong a will to follow something I don't understand fully) so I have to just go by what I see. And what I see for god is a big excuse for people to justify blowing each other to smithereens and using sciences to further the destruction of our already ill fated race.

Re: Who is this God person anyways?
Link | by on 2008-02-12 07:11:56 (edited 2008-02-13 13:53:58)
Well lets see..., Let me get back to you on kant...he is kinda hard to take in. After reading some of his more "hardcore stuff" you may want to commit seppukku.

Try these.

The Moral Law: Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals

Critique of Pure Reason

Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and Sublime

Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science

Make sure you have some zanex lying around for the after party... VISIT MY WEBSITE!

Re: Who is this God person anyways?
Link | by Ryuusei on 2008-02-13 19:10:19
well i kinda wondered, why this god person, can be so popular anyway??

i mean, theres no real proof of his existence, nor any proof of his interference (hope it spelled right) in this world or our life ~_~

there are only 2 things infinite, the universe, and human's stupidity

Re: Who is this God person anyways?
Link | by Havoc on 2008-02-13 19:28:39
That's the beauty of faith, Ryuusei. There doesn't have to be any proof to believe. Although some would argue that faith is for the simple-minded, I can't help but smile upon them. For them, God is their leader. For me, God is nothing more than a fairy-tale character.

Re: Who is this God person anyways?
Link | by gendou on 2008-02-13 19:42:57
Ryuusei, another consideration is that religious people very often have religious parents (and, of course, of the same religion).
The various versions of god people believe in today were made up by people long ago.
These fairy-tale characters (as Havoc put it) are passed down mainly through the family, reinforced by churches.
Some helpful information is also passed along with it, like morality and life guidelines, so that it seems beneficial.
Of course, morality is not the property of religion.
With morality stripped, religion boils down to cockamamie superstitious nonsense.
A lot of this nonsense answers questions that are equally nonsensical, like "what is it like to be dead?" and "why does the universe exist?".
Many people feel comforted by supernatural answers: "bliss for eternity in heaven", and "god created it", respectively.
These are the simple-minded Havoc is talking about.
Others, like myself and hopefully you, too, feel uncomfortable with these non-answers to non-questions.
The atheist is free to experience the beauty and do good in this life, without any divine instruction.

I ask you, which is more noble: Doing good for good's sake, or doing good for god's sake?

Re: Who is this God person anyways?
Link | by Ryuusei on 2008-02-13 20:22:47
lolz, of course, for goods sake, with 2 "o"s lol who cares bout god anyway ~_~

well, my famz are all catholic (and i was too till i realize that its just silly to believe in fictional character as a divine being ~_~)

well, im atheist for quite some time... lolz

there are only 2 things infinite, the universe, and human's stupidity

Re: Who is this God person anyways?
Link | by renshi_sho on 2008-02-14 03:00:05
Gotta admit, the bible is a fantastic work of fiction, it's got everything you want in an epic novel. Still, I'd rather read terry pratchett...

Re: Who is this God person anyways?
Link | by on 2008-02-14 17:30:02 (edited 2008-02-17 11:53:15)
That really does not prove anything at all. Also, don't forget that there is a counter question to the God element. If he does in fact exist, Why should I or anyone else for that matter bow to him? That is the second line of questioning that does not get as much attention because no one can answer the first question "does God exist?"

I can both prove and disprove God. Watch...

The thumb. The human thumb is a great example for the existence of God. God refuses to prove his own existence because it denies faith, and with out faith God is nothing. However the Thumb is a dead giveaway. It could not have possibly come about on it's own or by chance. There for it proves God exists and therefore by God's own logic, he does not exist. He will now vanish in a poof of logic.

Oh my, that was easy.

Once I get my paper finished, I'll post it here and I really hope you'll give it a look. VISIT MY WEBSITE!

Re: Who is this God person anyways?
Link | by renshi_sho on 2008-02-15 02:30:17
Sony invented the thumb, in the future they will invent the time machine and then through the power of the thumb they will conquer the world with playstation.

And, to be fair to the thumb, it could have come about by necessity. Look at birds, they have opposing claws that allow some form of grip. It's possible that people developed the thumb a lot like birds. Birds are believed to have developed them after being primarily tree dwelling reptiles. Or so it is believed.

Re: Who is this God person anyways?
Link | by on 2008-02-15 06:53:28
Darwin would be proud! That is correct, Thumbs and (Brains) can evolve. They don't need a maker. (Pascals Wager Example). Riping good stuff. VISIT MY WEBSITE!

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