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Ash Like Snow - Gundam 00
Link | by Ergzay on 2008-02-11 10:27:37 (edited 2008-02-11 10:31:02)
I just downloaded the non-karaoke version and got the karaoke version. Whoever the uploader is seems to have gotten them mixed up. The label on the website says its not the karaoke but the ID3 tag for the label says it is the karaoke.

Edit: Oops mistaken, actually the song is just labeled on the inside as the karaoke version, even though it is not. So if you click on the right one on gendou you get the right one, it just doesn't look like it until you play the song.
So the problem now is just the ID3 tag needs to be edited for the non-karaoke version.

Re: Ash Like Snow - Gundam 00
Link | by gendou on 2008-02-14 11:11:16
Thanks for catching that.
I have fixed the ID3 tags.

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