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Hyperspace: Higher Dimensions
Link | by killadaedalus on 2008-02-10 12:44:17
How to explain this is most difficult. Some things happen in this universe that cannot be explained through mathematical formulae and physics. For example, sound requires the vibrations of air to move, water waves require water but light waves through a vacuum create a paradox. As there is nothing in the complete vacuum of space, there is nothing to make the light wave a wave. So with nothing waving how can light be the way it is? Extensive experimentation has shown that light is in either a wave or a particle. Thanks to the quantum theory. However for this theory will take it to be a wave.

All is not lost! I have a few theories of my own. For example, during the big bang and the creation of the universe (sorry religious people) a massive explosion occurred. Just like the earth spinning and we cannot feel it does my theory rise. Seeing how everything originated from the big bang everything must have been moving with a speed relative to the explosion to begin with. Another theory could be that the vibrations required are a result of parallel universes sliding past each other, just like the tectonic plates on Earth.

Now just like with a normal explosion there are vibrations but seeing how this one was so big and had all the matter in the universe it could spread. We cannot feel the effects because, like the earth, we are moving at the same rate as it. So my guess is that when the big bang is truly over and at the precise moment it ends the big crunch will occur. If there is enough mass in the universe to create a big enough gravitational pull to pull all the mass in again. This will create another big bang and it will start all over again.

However, another theory arises. What if light gets its vibration off of the movement in a higher dimension? If this is so then we cannot see it. Nor can we do anything to prove its existence. Unfortunately we have selfishly evolved into being that can only see what will keep us alive. For example, moving out of the way of a stampede. So evolving into beings that can see light vibrations was not what we had in mind. Even if we could, what would they look like? I will leave that to your imagination.

The hyperspace theory also states that it is possible to travel across the universe in very short periods of time. Roughly a few seconds.:) . This of course will greatly improve our mobility across the universe. This can be explained simply. Instead of going around the world to get to China you could go through the core of the planet as a shortcut. Except when doing this on a universal scale these "tunnels" are called wormholes.

It is also thought that if you can build a device that could take you to another dimension then back again at your new location; you will be the master of the universe. However, the energy requirement for this to happen is more than anything we can muster. :O

Also, by taking into account higher dimensions we can unify the laws of nature and thus they can become simpler. Allowing us a much greater understanding of the universe.

Ghosts. You have heard of them and so have I. And apparently so have the "optimistic" scientists. However, lets keep things simple for a second. If you were to draw a stick man onto a piece of paper. Now draw a circle around him, he is now in a cage and cannot escape. All of a sudden he is trapped. He cannot escape as he cannot stand up into the third dimension. If another two dimensional being were to watch you peel this prisoner off of the page, he would only see the prisoner disappear as he cannot see in three dimensions. If you were then to place the prisoner somewhere else on the page the two dimensional person would just see the prisoner suddenly re-appear out of his cage.

Sorry people but there is no more room on the main screen of my profile to type anymore so if you want to read the final parts of this theory then you will have to click on the blue "...continued" word at the bottom of this blog section. :( :(

The same principle would apply to three dimensional and four dimensional beings. Many people believe that ghost are higher dimensional beings. Ghosts, being in the fourth dimension could disappear and re-appear when ever and where ever they wanted. Just like the two dimensional stick man entering the three dimensional world and then returning. This is what gives ghosts the ability to walk through walls. If we could harness this power we could walk into bank vaults as the police fire their guns at us. The bullets passing harmlessly through us as we pass easily between the fourth and third dimension. As we cannot see into the fourth dimension we become invisible to people of this plain of existence until we choose to return. We would be unstoppable! Well that is if ghosts even exist in the first place. :D

If we could just now broaden the scope for a moment we could see that interstellar travel is now possible, as mentioned above. However, it will take about a quadrillion times more energy then anything we can muster on Earth, again as stated above. So the wonders of the universe will have to remain purely theoretical until we can find a way to meet the energy requirements to tear a hole in time and space. :D

So am I right or wrong is a question I will leave for you to decide. If you have bothered to read this far thank you! :)

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Re: Hyperspace: Higher Dimensions
Link | by gendou on 2008-02-10 15:11:35 (edited 2008-02-10 15:31:53)
"Some things happen in this universe that cannot be explained through mathematical formulae and physics"
This is quite a bold statement, and I think I disagree with it.
I do not see the duality of the photon (let us not forget this duality has been observed for all fundamental particles) as evidence of something unexplainable.
Rather, I see it as a challenge to our ineffective common sense.
The more detailed a description of the universe, the less useful our common sense is.
Your argument assumes that because classical waves propagate in some medium, that all wave-like phenomena must be related to some medium.
The evidence seems to suggest this is untrue!

Your original theories are interesting. You should investigate them further.

I want to caution you on one point, though.
Trying to force supernatural concepts like ghosts into the framework of physics is mistaken.
Evidence for the supernatural is, by definition, unverified, uncontrolled, and not peer reviewed.
Social scientists are far more qualified to address these sorts of things than physicists.
While it is sometimes exiting to ponder the supernatural in a physical framework, it's just not science.

"The hyperspace theory also states that it is possible to travel across the universe in very short periods of time"
No it doesn't.
If there were a wormhole in space that a body could pass through, this might be possible.
However, there are no wormholes in space that a body could pass through to the other side.
The reason being, wormholes are a theoretical consequence of the curving of space-time.
Areas in space where space-time is curved to a vertical we call singularities.
Wormholes could be the result of singularities, however, we'll never know for sure.
This is because the universe has thoughtfully concealed all singularities beyond the event horizon of black holes.
Just as a magnetic north pole is never present without it's partner south pole, a singularity never occurs outside of an event horizon.
So, hyperspace theory does not allow for instantaneous travel.

There is plenty of evidence to suggest that there are only three space dimensions.
Any higher dimensions in a valid theory would have to obey observations, and thus, be curled up.
There is no way for a stick figure drawn on 3-d paper to escape a 3-d sphere by moving through curled up dimensions.
So, geometrically, this cannot explain ghostly phenomena as you described.
Sorry to be a pessimist.

Re: Hyperspace: Higher Dimensions
Link | by killadaedalus on 2008-02-10 15:43:10 (edited 2008-02-10 16:00:45)
I am aware of wave particle duality. The fact that light can behave like a particle called the photon (or quanta)- as proven by the gold foil or the Compton scattering experiment. However, light behaving as a wave is proven by interference- Newton's Rings experiment or Fizeau's Fringes, two experiments which I have carried out just in this last week.

I like your idea of common sense, it is an interesting challenge.

If we move onto quantum mechanics for a moment and talk about the Heinsberg's Uncertainty Principle. The more we know about its position, the less we know about it's momentum, so a total understanding of the sub-atomic world can never be achieved. However, how can something without mass, such as a photon, have a momentum? De Broglie suggested that anything with energy can have momentum, therefore, allowing this to happen. Thus, suggesting that even light can have momentum as represented by the equation:

(wavelength= Plank's constant/(mass x velocity))

*where mv is the momentum p.

I joke for you here. Heinsberg was pulled over by the police, the policeman walk along side him and asked him if he knew how fast he was going. To which he replied "I don't know how fast I was going but I know exactly where I am!"

I do love to ponder about these sorts of things. However, these wormholes of which you speak may not exist in the conventional form. But we know something like them MUST exist due to the uncertainty principle. Quoting from "In search of superstrings" here, if a particle starts at point A and is then detected at point B we can never truly know how it got there, that is we can never know its trajectory (world line). In a similar based experiment the electron was fired from A to B through a slit with two holes. conventional physics tells us that it will go through one. However, it was later found to go through both simultaneously. So how is this possible if wormholes (for lack of a better word) do not exist... I have to admit though, we are not electrons-just made of them, but there is something there worth investigating.

I have spoken about the other 6 curled up dimensions in my "Hyperspace: From Ice Cubes to Superstrings" post.

Can I ask what your physics background is? -you seem to be very knowledgeable

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Re: Hyperspace: Higher Dimensions
Link | by gendou on 2008-02-10 17:11:52 (edited 2008-02-10 17:47:03)
"... total understanding of the sub-atomic world can never be achieved"
Sure it can.
Since we disagree on this point, we'd want to carefully define what we mean by understanding, right?
I assert that we can know all the rules of the game, and that this doesn't tell us who will win for sure, just like baseball.
You can't make very good predictions about a baseball game if you've not yet learned the rules.
Even when you know the rules, even if you're Harry Caray, you'll not be able to predict the outcome of a game before it's started.
Our inability to make exact measurements and remove the error from our predictions does not imply we have a lack of understanding.

Indeed, light absolutely does have momentum. What does that have to do with limits to our understanding? I don't follow.

Unconventional wormholes may exist, and God may have created the universe, but until you show me some evidence, you're dreaming supernatural dreams, and that is not what this topic is here for.
I despise nothing more than the act of labeling the supernatural as science and trying to pass it off as physics.

Your argument that wormholes must exist to explain the results of the double slit experiment is absurd.
First, the book you are quoting from is by the same person who predicted that "in 1982, when Jupiter aligns with Mars and with the other seven planets of the solar system, Los Angeles will be destroyed" [1].
Second, any one electron did not go through both slits!!!
The wave function for that electron did, but the wave function has consequence only when it is squared to produce the probability spread of finding the particle in question.
Besides, if the electron really passed through both slits, we'd detect twice as many electrons, which does not happen in experiment.
Third, even if the electron acted like a ball of goo that could pass through both slits at the same time, being split in half then reforming afterwards, what does that have to do with wormholes?
It does not follow from you argument that the uncertainty of the trajectory of particles requires the addition of wormholes to explain the results of the two slit experiment.
I would propose that you don't understand the full ramifications of the two slit experiment, and further, that you enjoy dangerously overindulging in the supernatural.

My physics background is reading a lot of books (Feynman, Hawking, Greene, Tyson, Einstein, etc.) and one year of modern physics at California State University Chico, and playing in the dirt.

Clearly, you are very clever for your age.
I hope you keep pursuing physics, and I look forward to further discussion with you.
Welcome to the site, by the way. ^_^

Re: Hyperspace: Higher Dimensions
Link | by killadaedalus on 2008-02-12 04:35:07 (edited 2008-02-16 06:00:43)
Ah right I see what you mean now. Thank you for the pointers. I hope we can have further discussions like this in the future, there is much you can teach me.

I am thinking of doing a degree in mathematical physics when I go to university, so I am definitely continuing with this kind of stuff.

P.S an electron cannot split in half, its charge is quantized, as proven by the Millikan oil drop experiment. Also, it is in itself a fundamental particle.

I do love indulging in the supernatural lol but if I want to be a scientist I better be more careful at what I propose.

I am thinking on making my next thread on Zero-point energy, this concept I am finding quite difficult so I will need to research more of it first.

Thanks again.

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Re: Hyperspace: Higher Dimensions
Link | by gendou on 2008-02-12 10:07:45 (edited 2008-02-12 10:12:28)
Thank you for the challenge.
The best way to exercise knowledge is by teaching others.
I hope you discover something curious and start another thread soon! ^_^

It is good to see someone who is eager to learn!
Too many people are dismayed by their ignorance of physics (and math for that matter).

Also, while charge is quantized as one for the electron, the proton and neutron are made up of quarks.
These quarks have fractional charges, surprisingly enough!

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