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Power Rangers,an anime????
Link | by gant on 2008-01-08 22:55:32 (edited 2008-01-08 22:56:07)
Most of you Otakus out there have probably heard of the Toei Company's live-action blockbuster Power Rangers series. Some of you may even have seen some of its episodes (or the movie!). Do you think it'll make a good anime? Should it be made into an anime?



Re: Power Rangers,an anime????
Link | by zparticus27 on 2008-01-08 23:02:33
first of all its called SUPER SENTAI series not power rangers ^^...power rangers was the franchise made in the US but the original japanese version is called super sentai! and the super sentai series are way better than the US version

as for your

well the main highlight of these live-action tokusatsu are well..they are live action..

its one of the main draws that attracts viewers

watching the transformation,robot battles and fight scenes are better in live action imo( for a tokusatsu series of course)

and anime spin off of sorts would be nice...but it wont feel the same ^^

Re: Power Rangers,an anime????
Link | by hina28 on 2008-01-26 19:53:24
I think it wont be good to make it an anime'
It's better for power rangers to stay as it is.

Also it's so corny to see animated robots of the rangers!
Their robots are ugly to be animated!
I wont watch it if it will be animated!


Re: Power Rangers,an anime????
Link | by on 2008-01-26 20:04:32
manga yes...anime not so sure

Part of the new age Gendou RP veterans: Kira, Rukia, KM Revolution, Smoker, Avian, L, and Ryu.

Re: Power Rangers,an anime????
Link | by robert haydn on 2008-02-05 05:57:23
never mind making it an anime bec. in the tv series, it already sucks..

Re: Power Rangers,an anime????
Link | by renshi_sho on 2008-02-05 06:23:47
I say they should make a prism rangers series, y'know, the parodies on disgaea...

Re: Power Rangers,an anime????
Link | by on 2008-02-05 22:54:28
Tokusatsu's kinda cool to make it into anime...but as zparticus said, it won't feel the same...XD

Re: Power Rangers,an anime????
Link | by HK on 2008-02-06 03:08:51

A Power Rangers anime??? OMFFG... I like it as it is... (not all of them btw... >.>)

I like teh effects already... no need to draw it.. XP

but still... I can imagine an anime that was like Power Rangers... erk.. wait.. I know animes that ish just like Power Rangers... some old school I can barely remember.. XP

Haseki Keiri Randoms.

Here I go again...
Right here.
So yeah.
I'll try.
The End.

Re: Power Rangers,an anime????
Link | by zparticus27 on 2008-02-07 21:40:28
@keiri is it voltron? or g-force aka gatchaman? well those animes resemble tokusatsu shows without the henshin parts

Re: Power Rangers,an anime????
Link | by HK on 2008-02-08 03:41:03
erk... no!!! it's something about a school that ish actually teh base of teh team... and all students are teh staff of teh team... x.x it's something like "daithunder" ??? erk... I forgot.. x.x

Haseki Keiri Randoms.

Here I go again...
Right here.
So yeah.
I'll try.
The End.

Re: Power Rangers,an anime????
Link | by reginaregie on 2008-03-23 08:35:28
there was an anime of it signature *rEdgiE*

Re: Power Rangers,an anime????
Link | by Yuki Fukizawa on 2008-03-23 22:57:31
No It's not an anime, I think it's a Sentai?

Re: Power Rangers,an anime????
Link | by on 2008-07-10 10:40:59 (edited 2008-07-10 10:41:55)
Anyway, its anime if its drawn to anime such as gatchaman (g-force) or Voltes V, Combattler V or Voltron. Its Super Sentai or Tokusatsu if its shown as live-action show like power rangers as mentioned earlier.

Follow the road you believe in -->

Re: Power Rangers,an anime????
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-07-10 20:19:40
Parodies are fun like the Baka Rangers in Negima!? or Animenger in Myself; Yourself. :3


Re: Power Rangers,an anime????
Link | by on 2008-07-11 07:39:07
is that true??? power rangers anime?????

Re: Power Rangers,an anime????
Link | by kagome on 2008-07-11 08:45:07
oh! my good! this world is crazy!!!!!o_o

yo soy la mas linda de todo el mundo hjsbuvhruk g kshneryhshhjrjndshg

Re: Power Rangers,an anime????
Link | by on 2008-07-11 23:26:19
No its not! Power Rangers is a sentai kind of tokusatsu shows (special effects live-action shows).

Animes like Gatchaman, Voltron, Voltes V, Combattler V are animes.
Even Space Emperor God Sigma is an Anime.

Follow the road you believe in -->

Re: Power Rangers,an anime????
Link | by sensui90 on 2008-07-12 03:00:22
the power rangers arent that much of a childhood hero so i personaly think it would be a stupid anime ideea...

see ya


Re: Power Rangers,an anime????
Link | by siopao on 2008-07-12 08:32:24
yeah! it's sentaiiii! sentaaaiii!

aw...wat kind of question is this?

When we meet again, tell me all the happiest memories you experienced from this life.

Re: Power Rangers,an anime????
Link | by Mrs.UchihaNaraHyuga on 2008-10-19 06:30:56
just watch gachaman or g force cause the live action is jetman


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