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Topic Open
Link | by gendou on 2003-11-04 14:23:13
me like CHEEZ-IT.

Re: Topic Open
Link | by evilyoukai on 2003-11-21 21:41:50
GAH! You know what I HATE with a PASSION??? cheese-NIPS. They are the devil's spawn. Egh. Awghhshshs... Kill me now, I would rather spend my money on Q-tips. Never EVER get "IT" and "NIP" confused. *shudders*

Re: Topic Open
Link | by Trig on 2003-11-22 14:18:42
Cheeze-nips?! I hate cheeze-nips! They should burn in hell! You know what? I could've burned some myself yesterday! Where's my lighter...

Re: Topic Open
Link | by pinkrose on 2003-12-02 11:38:54
ummmmmmmmmmm y cant we request INU YASHA or KENSHIN songs? i think im stupid!

Re: Topic Open
Link | by gendou on 2003-12-01 12:28:17
it is not stupid, it is for a reason. if i put up many songs from those popular series, the companies who licensed them in the US could sue me for distributing them. your stupid.

Re: Topic Open
Link | by Yui on 2004-03-28 16:17:16
Just out of curiousity, it's about the request list page, a lot of the requests have been taken out of the page. So, does that mean that they're in for proccessing to be downloaded?

Re: Topic Open
Link | by Guest on 2004-03-28 16:17:56
Just wondering about something again. Gendou-san, you said no requests for what is already up in the downloaded area. How come there are like a few doubled same exact songs in there? I wonder if you are starting 2 get confused there:>

Re: Topic Open
Link | by animemasta_sesshoumaru on 2003-12-11 14:02:44
I think he is gettin confused to tell ya truth cuz hes got more than 400 songs now ya know its pretty hard so give him a break would ya lol and lets give thanks to him for even creatin this website of anime mp3 downloads and also a forum.
Thx for postin Lain and .hack//liminality songs Gendou ur site rocks!

Re: Topic Open
Link | by Guest on 2004-03-28 16:19:37
okay... this is going to sound rediculous, but why does it pop up when you dont donate paypal if you dont know what the *HeCk* its for. because before when i downloaded some songs from ur ToTaLy KaWaii page it downloaded normally like other sites and now it downloads without the Mp3. at the end of the download, instead it comes out w/ how many the person downloaded ie) dl12.php.
sorry im just wondering what its about, because it kind of worries me, beacuse i dont really want to do anything wrong, if u know what i mean.

confuesed person.

Re: Topic Open
Link | by gendou on 2003-12-14 16:06:13
the new download scheme has nothing to do with paypal. i concealed the actual links to the mp3 files. using php, your browser is redirected to the remotely hosted files. the number you are seeing is the songID, not the download count. if your browser does not support certain features, it may download the file with the extention .php. sorry for the inconvenience, you can rename the files yourself.

Re: Topic Open
Link | by IamBoogiepop on 2003-12-15 17:07:47
Gendou isn't getting confused, it's just that some are the TV-Size, while some are the WHOLE song. Speaking of which, I must request the full OP to MOUSE since I can't get it out of my head...

Re: Topic Open
Link | by gendou on 2003-12-15 19:37:56
actually, there are a few instances where someone requested a song that was already hosted, and then i uploaded the song, leaving the duplicate there as a backup for when the other one expires.

Re: Topic Open
Link | by RUZ on 2004-03-28 16:21:48
hey Gendou, how do you pronounce your name lol ??/
anyways, i was wondering if you could post some more Wolf's Rain songs. Suuch a beautiful anime.thx

No matter how far a Jackass runs, he'll never come back a horse.

Re: Topic Open
Link | by gendou on 2003-12-22 15:01:07
it is a japanese name:?@ƒQƒ“ƒhƒE
um...if you want a song, request it.

Re: Topic Open
Link | by animemasta_sesshoumaru on 2004-03-28 16:22:39
Finally im back from a couple rough tournaments and man am i tired well ill be goin on more now and c ya

Re: Topic Open
Link | by gendou on 2004-03-04 21:30:32
glad to have you back Lain, what kind of tournaments?

Re: Topic Open
Link | by death on 2004-03-28 16:23:37
I hate the music companies because they always are saying stuff like: If you download music you are stealing our business. I think that's a load of BS. I have downloaded songs and then bought the cds after hearing them on your site. Just ranting!

Re: Topic Open
Link | by animemasta_sesshoumaru on 2004-04-10 16:11:46
Iv been going to CounterStrike tourneys (CPL)
and laso 2 .hack//enemy tourneys and man do i suck at .hack//enemy im only lvl 4 out of 99 :(

Re: Topic Open
Link | by Guest on 2004-05-01 09:17:09
have you seen final fantasy x-2? it is soo disappointing to see them making it soo girly. the songs in there aren't as good as ffx and the quality of the film clips has't even improved either. and don't you reckon that yuna has become less "pretty". but no complaints for paine.
and bliztball i think is also worse, bliztball in ffx was so fun. and yes i think it has been more difficult in completing side quests.

Re: Topic Open
Link | by Iori_Ryu on 2004-06-16 20:40:42
Happy b-day Gendou, many u hav many more, now go grab a bottle of Sake and enjoy.

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