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Windows Vista Sp1 or XP Sp3
Link | by Dark on 2008-01-02 07:10:04 (edited 2008-01-02 07:22:14)
currently a release candidate of xp sp3 is available on microsoft
while vista sp1 is planned to be released early this month

[edit] there is a vista sp1 RC

Vista is known for it's new interface, features and many of its flaws
but sp1 is here to provide many fixes and improvements..

there are news of it handling programs better


XP has been here for a long time.. and Microsoft plans a new service pack for it to make it better..

it would also house some of vista's features...

so the question is..
which would you choose now... Vista sp1 or XP sp3?

Re: Windows Vista Sp1 or XP Sp3
Link | by h4xordude on 2008-01-02 07:22:14
For the time being, if you feel more comfortable with Windows XP, it'd be safer just to keep with it and get the SP3 update. If you feel adventurous and can afford to mess around, trying out vista isn't a bad idea, especially if you want to have DX10 for gaming. Otherwise, XP is still probably alot smarter to stick with.

Beware the quiet people, You don't know their intentions
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Re: Windows Vista Sp1 or XP Sp3
Link | by Dark on 2008-01-02 07:23:20
@haxor dude: so what do you prefer? all you said IS true.. ^^

Re: Windows Vista Sp1 or XP Sp3
Link | by h4xordude on 2008-01-02 08:08:05 (edited 2008-01-02 08:12:28)
Personally I prefer XP and SP3, since I'm still running it on my desktop and it's alot less resource intensive than vista. Even though I have a DX10 card and a few DX10 capable games, the actual visual difference between the two is so rediculously small, I don't see any reason to bother with the transfer over to vista yet, especially since I do alot more than just gaming.

Currently vista's got all sorts of things I'd have to sort out if I were to switch. For example, I do a lot of video and audio editing. I have adobe premier pro and photoshop cs2, and although those work in vista, alot of my codec conversion programs like xilisoft and vobsubmod don't. I haven't tried audacity yet though....

Codec conversion in general doesn't seem to work very well in vista, but that's just something a small crowd of us have to worry about anyway.

I just like how I know XP through and through, and it works quickly and efficiently for me. I don't hate Vista neccesarily, I just haven't gotten familiar enough with it, and I like the fact that with XP I can run HL2: Garry's mod, windows media player for music playing, photoshop cs2, and mirc and 5 chat windows in the background all at once without it slowing down.

Also, I'm waiting for them to make it easier to import programs and information from between versions and make vista more stable before I do a full switch. Currently my laptop uses vista, and my desktop dual boots vista and xp, so I'm experimenting though I do know my way around.

I will give vista credit though, there are a number of very smart features they implemented, especially in terms of kernel level security and their simplification of folder arrangements. Personally I like the fact that "Documents and Settings" is now just "Users" and that instead of fifty different little places programs save application data (common files, documents and settings/application data/, username/application data) it's all just under ONE PLACE (application data). Also I like what they did with program execution parsing with the new architecture.....but that's all technical blah.

Oh, one last thing about vista, I LOVE how now it's just the username for what used to be My Documents or Username's Documents, and now how there's actually a My Documents folder INSIDE the Username folder that's SEPARATE from My Videos, My Pictures, My Game Saves, etc.
That just made so much more sense to me...

Beware the quiet people, You don't know their intentions
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Re: Windows Vista Sp1 or XP Sp3
Link | by ruyvlopez on 2008-01-02 17:02:46 (edited 2008-01-02 17:11:35)
For Darky:

It depends on what OS do you use. If you use Windows XP, you can download its Service Pack 3, and if you have Vista, you can also download its Service Pack 1. You can download those Packs from Microsoft.

But if you got none of them, get XP first than VISTA because VISTA is one of the worst OS for me in this time. Last time nalugi ako kasi nung kumuha ako ng Licence VISTA, nadala ako sa ADDs nila e. Try mong mag-pirate muna ng VISTA bago ka gumamit ng ORIGINAL LICENCE nun. Hehehehe (baka magalit si Chairman EDU).

But for me, I will try the two of them. Because I want to see what's the effect of the new improvement from Microsoft. And I'm also waiting the Update made to improve the VISTA.

For H4x0r dud3:

Does the VISTA Software and Hardware Compatibility issues will be fixed with this patch?

I didn't read the information about that kind of patch. I just get the Service Pack 1 BETA Last December, but there are few changes that looks like it doesn't change at all. I know some of them are fixed, but some important part was not been modified.

I only got the BETA Version, so I probably says that "IT'S ONLY A SORT OF A DEMO". So I will wait the comming up of the True Service Pack 1.

Re: Windows Vista Sp1 or XP Sp3
Link | by h4xordude on 2008-01-03 05:46:48
Yeah, there are a few hardware compatibility issues addressed with the new SP1 for Vista Ruy, but not a whole lot. As for software issues, it's just .NET architecture tweaks for the most part. Heck, I honestly don't think it's that much of a full-blown service pack compared to say XP SP2 or SP3.

Most of the hardware stuff it changes is to make it compatible with newer technologies like exFAT and EFI, oh, and they finally supposedly fixed that darn sleep mode error. The software stuff is mostly little performance and security tweaks, with a few more business based administration tool tweaks too.

Plus, to install the full SP1 for Vista you'll need a recommended free hard drive space comparable to Crysis...(7GB)..sheesh...

Overall, if you have vista, I'd recommend getting it about a month after it comes out. Give it a little tweaking time, even if it's been beta tested.

Oh and Ruy, SP3 looks to be quite promising, since it pulls together all of the updates from the last year or so and optimizes them rather nicely from the looks of it.

Beware the quiet people, You don't know their intentions
(small signatures are sooo much cooler since they don't annoy people trying to read through posts!)

Re: Windows Vista Sp1 or XP Sp3
Link | by ruyvlopez on 2008-01-04 04:24:27 (edited 2008-01-04 04:25:49)
For h4x0r dud3:

So VISTA SP1 Sucks also. Even some plug-and-play devices needs to have a driver for VISTA. Some of my gadjets won't work in VISTA, so I use XP also.

In Software compatibility Issue, I know there is no BIG DEAL with it. FIREFOX 2.0, Deepfreeze, and some sort of my good software will not run under VISTA, so I will wait that some of my Loyal Software will be update to be setup in VISTA.

7GB doesn't hurt my PC badly, but it will hurt if some important software and hardware will not run. If there is VISTA SP2 or SP3, I don't know if it will sucks again.

So in my conclusion, the VISTA SP1 BETA that I download/get from Microsoft and the VISTA SP1 that will release are 90% identical. So it sucks already.

I was waiting XP SP3 for a long time since the news last August 2007. XP is the best for me, VISTA sucks.

Re: Windows Vista Sp1 or XP Sp3
Link | by Dark on 2008-01-04 05:59:57
@Ruy Lopez: a RC is already available.. but just an RC... maybe the real thing would come out by March if we're lucky

@haxor: good point..

Re: Windows Vista Sp1 or XP Sp3
Link | by h4xordude on 2008-01-04 07:08:36
Ummmm... Ruy, I've been using Firefox 2 in Vista for quite some time (about 4 months). I don't know what could cause it not to work for you though....

I've also got daemon tools and dvd decrypter -software like that- working on my vista.

Deepfreeze won't work on vista though, since it's a very different startup configuration from XP. The only software I've used personally though that hasn't worked strangely is anything involving codec conversion.

Beware the quiet people, You don't know their intentions
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Re: Windows Vista Sp1 or XP Sp3
Link | by ruyvlopez on 2008-01-04 17:48:17 (edited 2008-01-04 17:50:11)
So, Why it doesn't install the Firefox 2 in my VISTA. There's some error when I run the setup program. But well, it just work when I just download the VISTA SP1 RC that Darky says. Hmmm! Maybe I didn't use a New VISTA disk, because I got the VISTA Licenced Disk during 2005 when the first released of VISTA took place.

I know Deepfreeze will not work on VISTA, but Deepfreeze 6.20 is now work on VISTA. But the problem, I can't purchase it because no one sell it in our country (I can't purchase a full version in the internet because I don't have a paypal nor credit card).

Re: Windows Vista Sp1 or XP Sp3
Link | by gmsniper07 on 2008-01-04 20:15:59
I am using Vista Ultimate 32 bit with RC1 that was released during mid December i have to admit thanks to that Vista runs so much more efficiently on both my Gamer and my laptop. My laptop instead of getting 4 1/2 hour battery life i get around 4 hours and 45 min and sometimes if i turn off my wifi and just type on word, i get an easy 5 hours. It reduced the cpu usage on both computers but mostly more noticeable on my laptop since it's only a Core 2 Duo instead of a quad core. I have yet to try XP SP3 but from what i hear form my friends it made their computers run cooler and more efficient but XP SP2 was already efficient. But the biggest problem with Vista RC1 that i can immediately complain was after i installed RC1 Zplayer would freeze if i skip around too much and i would have to end process through task manager. I asked on CCCP and Zplayer forums and they all say this is a new problem etc and they are working on patching it up. But other then that RC1 is a god send making Vistduhhh into Vista.


Re: Windows Vista Sp1 or XP Sp3
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2008-01-04 20:54:05
Currently using VISTA Home Premium 32 bit for my new notebook. And guess what...I hated it...not only it's slow despite using a turion 64x2 and 1 GB of RAM, it keeps on messing up my hard drives settings (thankfully, mounting isn't a problem). Some software don't run properly and well, it runs lots of unnecessary programs in the background (which I have to painstakingly modify services.msc and msconfig to stop the PC from freezing halfway)

At least I can use the Readyboost function, which is a good thing...but with my experience on using XP and Ubuntu, I'd say Vista is worst and the least stable than those two...

Still, I'm thinking of upgrading my notebook to VISTA SP1 to give it another chance when available and my old notebook to XP SP 3.

I have to admit though, i really enjoy playing games with VISTA; smoother graphics and fast loading times...

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Re: Windows Vista Sp1 or XP Sp3
Link | by gmsniper07 on 2008-01-06 17:45:52
Oh i also forgot to add something that is a big problem with Vista. For some reason it will corrupt any external hard drive. I had 3 external hard drive. one of them was an external enclosure with a 160GB ATA hard drive in it and 2 500GB Externals well Vista loves to mess with me and it corrupted all my hard drives now I had to use some program to restore all my anime, photos and music. The saddest part is i lost all my photos because it was too corrupted but Vista will not corrupt any internal slaves. I have 2 750 GB and a 1TB hard drive internal hard drives and 1 150 GB Raptor and they do not corrupt but. My XP computer never corrupted my externals ever so we'll see. If anyone knows how to stop the corruption please tell me T_T.


Re: Windows Vista Sp1 or XP Sp3
Link | by h4xordude on 2008-01-06 18:03:36
First, @bloodymoon: Vista when it comes to resources has a bit high system recommendations. 1GB will run it sure, but I HIGHLY recommend 2GB or more for Vista if you want it to run smoothly. I have 2GB in one of my laptops with the same type of processor as yours, and it runs smoothly.

Now, @GMSniper: I haven't had any external HD problems yet, but I haven't used one a whole lot on my Vista partition though. In any case, did you originally have data on the hard drives BEFORE you accessed them in Vista? If so, that's a kinda wierd problem... I've never heard of one crashing necessarily, but for the few at work that I've tinkered with (not my own) there have been file access and sharing issues since alot of times when I work on them, they've been taken out of someone's computer and I'm just repairing it through an enclosure. When I do that though I tend to get a lot of "You don't have permission to access this data" type errors. Turning off the UAC handles some of it, but alot of the times you have to log in as the profile on that HD if it has gets complicated.

If you can tell me some more data on it, like if you originally set it up in vista, if it's SATA or ATA, whether it has an OS of it's own on it, what type of file system it uses, maybe even the brand?, etc. that'd be a great help to help you out with diagnosing the cause of it and maybe even recovering them. Oh, and did it ever give you any specific errors or trouble when accessing it when it was working? or did it just work perfect and then just go kaput?

For the time being, I'd recommend setting up a new external hard drive in XP (formatting, putting files on, etc.) first, and then if you want to use it in Vista, do that after. Vista tends to do some things to blank hard drives and storage media that I haven't quite figured it out yet....but never have I heard of it crashing a hard drive....

Beware the quiet people, You don't know their intentions
(small signatures are sooo much cooler since they don't annoy people trying to read through posts!)

Re: Windows Vista Sp1 or XP Sp3
Link | by gmsniper07 on 2008-01-06 20:53:09
Okay well the two external 500 GB are Maxtor external HD's one touch 4 series and the thing is it worked properly for about 1 month without a hitch just plug and play and then all of a sudden one day i tried to access some anime and it said you can not access the folder because it's corrupt on all my folders. After that i immediately used a NTFS recovery program and save most most of my anime but lost all of my images because those are too corrupt. They were bought for storage and i only used it on one computer which is my Gamer desktop which is Vista Ultimate 32 bit. I recovered most of my anime some were too corrupt so i re dl'ed em no biggie on that but i lost all my photos of my family and friends i still have the file of it but i can not view them since they are too corrupt so if there are programs that decorrupt the corrupted photos that would be awesome but i tried a couple and they do not work.


Re: Windows Vista Sp1 or XP Sp3
Link | by h4xordude on 2008-01-06 21:55:39
Oooooohhhhhh, you've got a maxtor one touch 500GB model.......I have one too. And actually, it did almost the same thing to me (and I was in XP)....My guess is that we both lucked out on them....

In my case I got so frustrated I ripped the enclosure off of them (which btw is nearly IMPOSSIBLE to open the plastic casing without just breaking it off - I gave up and just broke open the plastic casing. After I finally removed the actual HD I put it into another enclosure. I'm still using it, despite it's corrupted sectors, but I haven't had any problems from it since (though I'm playing it safe and I have everything on it backed up to another anyway).

Beware the quiet people, You don't know their intentions
(small signatures are sooo much cooler since they don't annoy people trying to read through posts!)

Re: Windows Vista Sp1 or XP Sp3
Link | by gmsniper07 on 2008-01-07 19:41:32
so maybe maxtor hard drives just phail huh.... well alright


Re: Windows Vista Sp1 or XP Sp3
Link | by ruyvlopez on 2008-01-07 21:35:45 (edited 2008-01-07 21:37:28)
To GMSniper:

Some says that Maxtor Hard Disks (External or Internal) are not reliable to store important data. I don't believe those men who are saying it because I didn't encounter it already because now I'm using a 500GB Seagate External Hard Disk.

But due to my observation since back 2 years ago when I bought a 80GB Maxtor Internal Hard Disk. After 6 months, I can't recover my files and also can't start my OS because the Sector 0 (Boot Sector) of my hard disk is been corrupted. I got some bunch of Bad Sector (B) when I check it. Almost 20% of its capacity was in Bad Condition and the speed of the retrieving data from the hard disk to the computer was gone slow. I also can't recover my other files due to that problem.

So now, I'm only using a Seagate Hard disk. But the advantage that I read about those hard disk are Maxtor is for Speed and Fast data/information transfer to the PC while Seagate is sometimes slow but its durability and files handling capability is good than Maxtor.

To h4x0r dud3:

I didn't reply for couple of days because I just did some observation about the new features of VISTA using those:

P4 2.0 GHz Processor
1 GB Memory Capacity
80GB Seagate Baraccuda Hard Disk
GeForce4 256MB Graphics Adapter

Windows VISTA Ultimate Edition
Windows VISTA SP1 RC (January 7, 2008)
Norton Suystem Works for VISTA
Some Bunch of games (WarCraft III, Ragnarok, etc.)
Bunch of Applications (Office 2007, Macromedia 2005, etc.)

I use a minimum OS requirement in my VISTA testing and I just observe and got some result that VISTA is going STABLE. I mean more STABLE than before. I don't know why, but It improves more than 40% of my inspectation. I run my PC with bunch of games and pallication softwares in there and it will not hangged, log, or even freeze after the 5 hours of testing. So I believe that in this day, VISTA improves a lot. But I don't think that this last for a long time. But I just trying some test. But although, some programs and software are not compatible, so I will wait those to be updated by their manufacturers. I don't know when the True SP1 of VISTA will be release, so lets all check it up.

Re: Windows Vista Sp1 or XP Sp3
Link | by gmsniper07 on 2008-01-07 21:55:21
@Ruy: I am not bias in any way i see hard drives of different brands the same as in quality to be honest. If i really did have preference for external it would be maxtor hard drives since i've been buying that for my customers the whole time i probably just got a lemon hard drive but the more risk i take with it the less i want to mess around with it but the hard drive inside is it SATA or ATA cause if it's SATA i'll pull it out and use it as an internal since i have 3 out of 8 hard drive bays free so i'll pull both out as internals and buy another fan for my Antec 900 =3 but I like maxtor they might click but if your case is thick you don't hear it and it runs a lot colder than more hard drives. Western Digitals run hot but stable, Maxtors run cool but clicky and Samsung run hot and slow, Segates are the best middle man hard drive.


Re: Windows Vista Sp1 or XP Sp3
Link | by h4xordude on 2008-01-08 05:51:35 (edited 2008-01-08 05:54:39)
I'm not trying to be biased either. My 500GB hard drive is one of my largest, and I trusted it with alot of my anime and video games. After that instance though I'm a little wary, and alot of people on Newegg have sent in reviews/comments with similar instances with the One Touch series (mainly the OT 2, 3, and 4's)

Oh, and back on topic about the Vista SP1, all I know is that it seems to be more stable to me. Performance-wise I've noticed a small increase, but keep in mind I'm using a computer with high processing and RAM credentials, so it probably does give a nice boost to most computers (basically it's harder to notice it running any faster for me since it was fast to begin with).

Beware the quiet people, You don't know their intentions
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