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Is revenge moral?
Link | by gant on 2007-12-25 23:47:33
It's kinda improper of me to bring anime in here, but I got this idea from a similar forum topic that exists over at ANN. For the uninitiated, there's an anime called Jigoku Shoujo which is about this supernatural girl called Ai Enma who takes revenge on people's behalf, sending them to hell. But in return, the person who makes the "request" has to go to hell themselves after they die. Now, the question this raises is: Is revenge moral? Is it the proper thing to do? Is it worth the cost of sending your immortal soul to hell?


Re: Is revenge moral?
Link | by gendou on 2007-12-26 01:25:33 (edited 2007-12-26 01:30:58)
of course, revenge is immoral.
there is no such thing as hell or a soul to go there, so that's irrelevant.

Re: Is revenge moral?
Link | by Sheryl on 2007-12-26 01:50:18
ya I agree that revenge is immoral.
this is because i feel that revenge wont bring happiness,
even to urself.
and why do we have to revenge?
the person will get his own retribution when the time comes.
God will give him what he's suppose to get.
why don't we forget about the revenge and live happily?

Re: Is revenge moral?
Link | by Ryuusei on 2007-12-29 21:42:08
Revenge is immoral ~_~ of course
nothing good will come out of revenge... more revenge = even more revenge on wards ~_~

there are only 2 things infinite, the universe, and human's stupidity

Re: Is revenge moral?
Link | by gendou on 2007-12-30 13:21:01
Since god does not exist, there is no guarantee that people who do wrong will be justly punished.
However, Karma is a good approximation of how life goes: your deeds will be reflected upon you.
Help out your friends when they are in need, and they'll likely help you out, when the time comes.
Go around being mean to people, and you'll likely get back some of that anger in the form of revenge.
This paradigm is established, not by supernatural power, but by patterns that arise right from nature.

The claim that, "nothing good will come of revenge" is not necessarily true in every case!
Say you're on an isolated island inhabited by 100 people.
One of those people goes around bullying all the others, to acquire food and other resources.
His conquest injures young people, causes starvation and many deaths.
One of the bullied people decides to step up to the bully and kills him.
The 99 people now live more happily in a far more peaceful society.
This was revenge, but it was for the collective good.

The word "revenge" alone does not decide wether a specific action is good or not.
On the average, though, revenge is responsible for more bad than good, thus my oversimplified first remark, "revenge is immoral".
The same can be said about killing (in self defense), stealing (if you're starving), etc.

Re: Is revenge moral?
Link | by lordth on 2008-07-11 08:42:22
says who , revenge is a dish best served cold .

Re: Is revenge moral?
Link | by solnath on 2008-07-11 16:05:39
Whether or not acting out of or even contemplating revenge is morally acceptable depends on the moral code the individual follows. For example, those who lived in Babylon under Hammurabi considered "eye for an eye" a just system. Likewise, those who lead their lives in an egocentric manner also consider the act of vengeance justified when it is taken against those who they feel have wronged them.

Personally, I subscribe to neither stance. Revenge is a matter of taste and sometimes reacting in a violent or hostile manner is necessary for a multitude of reasons.

Re: Is revenge moral?
Link | by on 2008-09-03 04:42:44
Revenge is never moral. People only do that when they want to release their anger physically to the person they want revenge on.

What's the point of revenge anyway? Will that change your life or things back to normal? Think about it.

Follow the road you believe in -->

Re: Is revenge moral?
Link | by HK on 2008-09-03 05:46:45

Revenge will never be moral even if one tilts the world so many times.

I mean, what's the reason you plan/seek revenge?
Isn't it just because someone did something bad to you?
Did you see the word "BAD" in that sentence?
So to get even, you'll do something worse to that person at fault.
After that, that person will do the same to you... it's a never ending cycle.
Worst case scenario is that you'll both end up hurting each other more than
what really happened in the first place.

Revenge will sure give you a slight "good" feeling, but like other stuffs, it is
only temporary. After you had your revenge, the one at fault is miserable...
That only shows that you are weak, weak enough to only succumb into the abyss of anger and fury.

Vengeance will only be attained by justice, justice will only be served to those who are right.

"Fighting fire with fire will only get things burned."

Haseki Keiri Randoms.

Here I go again...
Right here.
So yeah.
I'll try.
The End.

Re: Is revenge moral?
Link | by on 2008-09-03 05:56:51
I agree about justice.

Seeing the word "Revenge" , I can sense the evil in it already.

Follow the road you believe in -->

Re: Is revenge moral?
Link | by Aramis on 2008-09-04 15:38:44 (edited 2008-09-04 16:41:44)
In a way, our laws are enforced by threat of revenge. The police will avenge any crimes committed against citizens. Like Gendou says it's a bit oversimplified to say that revenge is immoral, there are moral and immoral justifications for taking revenge.

Re: Is revenge moral?
Link | by on 2008-09-04 16:15:31
I say it's only immoral is it goes past what happened to you. Just revenge is prefectly normal to me. Plus with the horriable condinion of our justice system you can't trust to do whats fair and just to a criminal.

"It's better to be used, then to be useless."

Re: Is revenge moral?
Link | by on 2008-09-05 05:34:54
revange is not good even you have many reason about it

Re: Is revenge moral?
Link | by on 2008-09-05 10:49:23
And why is that? Yes it's the first instint you get if someone does something wrong to you. I'm not saying all revenge is right. But I'm far from saying it's totally wrong either. So please explain how it's bad if it's the right thing to do?

"It's better to be used, then to be useless."

Re: Is revenge moral?
Link | by yuan on 2008-09-05 11:59:16 (edited 2008-09-05 12:01:31)
Won't say that revenge is moral or immoral.
It depends a lot on situations.

"Morality" deals basically with human and how they relate to other beings, either human or non-human.
"Immoral"is usually defined as "unaccepted behaviour".

Like what Gendou-sama gave as an example, killing the 1 is actually an accepted behaviour since doing that will bring peace for other 99 people. Under this situation, revenge will NOT be immoral.

There are moral values which will need to be discussed when saying whether or not an action is moral/immoral, for eg. SUBJECTIVE vs OBJECTIVE.
Since everyone on the island agrees to kill the only 1, which is quite objective, so that revenge will be moral.

Re: Is revenge moral?
Link | by Haoie on 2008-09-07 02:51:26
Read the Count of Monte Cristo.

That'll give you some ideas of revenge gone wrong.

If each mistake being made is a new one, then progress is being made.

Re: Is revenge moral?
Link | by on 2008-09-07 03:02:44
I read that book. Actually I saw it first as an anime.

A single revenge on a person can affect everyone even the innocent.

Follow the road you believe in -->

Re: Is revenge moral?
Link | by syaondri san on 2008-09-08 08:37:24
Revenge, maybe it itself has a bad continuation "REvert VENGeance to Eternity" like most of people said, a revenge only make another revenge. maybe it will be better if we change this revenge into revenged "REbuilt VENgeance's Ground to Enchanting Dilemma" and let it past just past and fly away like yesterday's passing wind.

By doing this we just like pushing a burned area with water. WE may need a longer time then if you close the fire's route by setting another fire, but with this we will have a better resolution that is only a bit area were burned.

And anyway after a fire there always be another tree. So why don't we just seed out that new tree for us to continue our life? It would be better than just seeking out who put the fire on the first place, isn't it?

Face it,
Life IS cruel
Just face it,
Human ISn't perfect
But don't say that,
There isn't any other way...

let's face our brand world where people live in peace. starting from a smallest thing, from our nearest place, and come from ourself.
~Imagine all the people... living live and peace!~ Tribute to John Lennon

syaondri Wow... Sos brigade's tank won against a gundam... syaondrilet the flow of the time take us grow more than now

Re: Is revenge moral?
Link | by Night Wolf on 2008-09-08 17:09:53
Much asl I'd love to get revenge on the people who ruined my life throughout middle school I'd never do it because it would make me as low as them... There's other people who I'd like to get revenge for certain other things (scratching my Wolf's Rain disc T_T) but it would only continue in one big revenge based circle that wouldn't end until someone finally decided to stop being a retard
and why bother getting revenge over some things for ex. the girls mentioned above. If I were to get revenge on them it would have bad results because 1.I'd be risking too many things to lose and 2.They were already punished by the school
Buuttt because of who I am, I don't mind getting revenge on people for minor things because "What goes around may come back around, but I'm gona dodge outa the way and let it hit the person who sent it my way"~thought of that on the spot :D

Re: Is revenge moral?
Link | by yuan on 2008-09-09 05:32:23 (edited 2008-09-09 05:37:07)
Disagree opinions which say "revenge is TOTALLY immoral" or "revenge is childish". However, I DO NOT support taking revenge on anyone about anything.

Whether or not revenge is moral or immoral varies on perception of different individuals on it. For me, revenge is more like a "result because of past events". Heard of Bhuddist saying "You grow what seed, you'll get what tree"? If someone take revenge on you, it's all due to the "fact" that you've done something miserable to him (and vice versa). If you view it in this point, you won't be saying that revenge is bad or something. It tends to be "consequences" for what you have done.

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