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Laboratores, bellatores or oratores?
Link | by gant on 2007-12-17 22:03:53
In the medieval Church, it was claimed that there were 3 kinds of men: laboratores (workers), bellatores (fighters) and oratores (clergy). This had its foundation in the Republic of Plato, and many other sources). Now what if this division was applied to the present world? What category would YOU fall into?


Re: Laboratores, bellatores or oratores?
Link | by gendou on 2007-12-17 22:09:22
Neat thought experiment. I'd be the clergy, perhaps, in that I'm some what of a public speaker.

Re: Laboratores, bellatores or oratores?
Link | by Ulto Leif on 2007-12-18 06:37:40

In the increasingly secular world, might not the catagory of 'clergy' require redefinition? I think the role that the clergy played, while at the time only conceived as a role playable by servants and interpreters of gods, is often now played by a different group of people... Though I would have to be more aware of the day-to-day role of ancient clergy to elaborate.

That said... I'm certainly not a fighter. As an agnostic-leaning-towards-atheist, calling myself 'clergy' seems ludicrous (nor do I think I fufill any of the roles the clergy played in society), though I'm not precisely a 'laborer' in a physical sense. That said, I'm probably a laborer, if only by process of elimination...

Sore wa... himitsu.

Re: Laboratores, bellatores or oratores?
Link | by on 2007-12-19 19:07:17
I'd be either a laboratores or a bellatores.
Can't really decide lol.

So I drove into a parking lot one time and saw this person pull into a handicap parking spot. When you think handicap, you think wheelchair and whatever, right? So it just ticked me off when I saw the guy come out of the car perfectly fine. So then I ran him over.

Re: Laboratores, bellatores or oratores?
Link | by on 2007-12-19 22:39:48
i'd say that i'm an orator, i don't believe i fit the mould of a worker or fighter, i'm much more the type who would be ordering others to do those things, id est i would have a leadership position, which the role of clergy seems to encompass

Re: Laboratores, bellatores or oratores?
Link | by better on 2007-12-19 23:24:48
I will definately Be Bellatores as i think that if you are working for something ad not getting what is your right to have than a person should have to fght for it and win i. They should not have to get dominated by the Clergy or the administrators.

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