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Can anyone lend assistance?
Link | by 永遠の夢Eien no Yume on 2007-12-15 15:07:43
I am an undergraduate college student in the country of the Philippines searching for an idea of how my project will be done.

A project given to us was to create a time-based power regulating system that turns on the power supply in a room given certain time that the room will be used and turns off if the room will be unused. Logically, it might not be very difficult, although how to implement it via a software is what I am clueless of. I am not sure of what programming language I am to use and how do I incorporate it to the power supply of the building.

Can anyone lend assistance? Please reply for your ideas, or tell me if my explanation was too vague.

Re: Can anyone lend assistance?
Link | by gendou on 2007-12-15 17:37:59
1. choose a language: C++ (your likely choice), Fortran, LISP, Perl, etc.
2. reduce the problem to it's simplest form to get the fundamental requirements.
3. ask the question: what are the inputs and outputs of the system? what are the different components of the system?
4. create an object model.
5. drink alcohol, but not so much that you have trouble typing.
6. code the bitch, starting with the class definitions, then fleshing the functions out one by one.
7. fight with the compiler for a while.
8. drink more booze.
9. bug fix.
10. pass out on keyboard and miss class the next day.

wow, i just described my 4 years in college!

Re: Can anyone lend assistance?
Link | by 永遠の夢Eien no Yume on 2007-12-19 08:08:48
Well um... thank you, Gendou-sama for those fundamental steps. (except for the 'drink' parts...)

Though I am thinking how I can operate such codings involving an actual hardware (timer, semi-conductor etc) besides running it on one's computer. Anyone has any tips for that?

Sorry, I am just gathering as much info as I can.

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