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Software similar to Adobe Photoshop?
Link | by firemiste on 2005-05-08 14:02:14
Artists out there: Does anyone know of similar softwares that would act as a good alternative to Photoshop, and has -more or less- the same functions? Although free or less pricey, hopefully.

Re: Software similar to Adobe Photoshop?
Link | by mike_s_6 on 2005-05-08 18:48:58
I can only think of GIMP. It's Open Source. It's only approximately 3MB. The catch is that it's a little messy when you open it. But once you get the hang of the interface, you'll get along well with it.

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Re: Software similar to Adobe Photoshop?
Link | by StriderNeko on 2005-05-10 02:58:39
I've used an old version of Jasc's Paint Shop Pro for some time, though it costs a good bit for a current version, though...

Also, there is ImageForge, by CursorArts, which is a freeware package I've also used; It's got a lot of features, and is pretty useful;

Re: Software similar to Adobe Photoshop?
Link | by firemiste on 2005-05-10 14:45:01
I found an ok one, recommended to me by a friend the other day: Photoplus -I think that's what its called. It isn't that bad, I guess.

Re: Software similar to Adobe Photoshop?
Link | by tensai on 2005-05-14 21:44:32
maybe fireworks? quite costly but its function n interface more or less is the same


Re: Software similar to Adobe Photoshop?
Link | by neko on 2005-05-20 11:33:56 (edited 2005-05-20 11:42:08)
Hello all.

hello, firemiste. I think it depends more on what you are trying to achieve and what you consider pricey.

As far as free, you can find any of the most expensive software online for free if you know where to look. (this is not an advocation of piracy, however.)

There are also many ways to save money on these software packages, (used, student discounts, some companies offer student versions...) sometimes as much as 50%. Seen cheaper, but it's rare.

Which Photoshop version do you have? perhaps you could just upgrade?

One package I really enjoy and works as a good complement to photoshop is KnockOut. That goes for about the same as Photoshop, and I've seen it as low as $70.

If you're willing to do some bargain shopping I'd look for Illustrator, which is a more mid-range package. It's made by adobe, though, so the interface is almost identical, and it imports from Photoshop with no problems.

CorelDraw and CorelPaint are, I think, the best. The interface is similar enough, and the effects are remarkable w/paint. The downside to these are, they're very expensive and even bargain hunting you will find the cost prohibitive... unless maybe you're a student and can get a student version.

I hope this is a help. Good luck. ^_^


oh yeah... I also use Imageforge. StriderNeko is right, it's an excellent program to have.

"I reject your reality, and substitute my own."

Re: Software similar to Adobe Photoshop?
Link | by firemiste on 2005-05-20 14:05:19
Thanks for replying guys, it really helped a lot. Tamaneko, I do have CorelDraw-the Chinese version. But I haven't really used it yet.

Re: Software similar to Adobe Photoshop?
Link | by neko on 2005-05-20 18:50:15
Draw is an incredibly versitile software. n_n
You should be able to do anything you want in it and then some.
Is the entire interface written in chinese? (yah, prob. a dumb question, but who knows...?)
Please, just call me neko.


"I reject your reality, and substitute my own."

Re: Software similar to Adobe Photoshop?
Link | by Sammi on 2005-05-21 13:02:19
Try openCanvas. I'm not really sure about the price coz I got it as a present.... It's cool though =D I use it for lineart.

Re: Software similar to Adobe Photoshop?
Link | by Steve_Fox on 2005-05-25 09:42:43
Well i hav a CorelDraw9 but i dont use it bec. it's more confusing than photo shop.

well i use adobe photoshop to make wall papers.

but im not an artist so my wallpapers aren't that good.


Re: Software similar to Adobe Photoshop?
Link | by Sammi on 2005-05-25 13:18:48
If you want something like PhotoShop, don't get CorelDRAW coz that's a vector program. Get CorelOPhoto-Paint. That's a bitmat program, like Photoshop. Making CGs with a vector program is just.... I dunno, I personally find it harder.

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