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Encoded with iTunes ?
Link | by DeadOrAlive on 2007-11-21 23:20:07
I was wondering why all the anime MP3's are encoded with iTunes >__>.. Quality will certainly be alot lossy... Is it because you guys have to record It ?

Re: Encoded with iTunes ?
Link | by on 2007-11-21 23:24:09 (edited 2007-11-21 23:24:28)
its not encoded with only itunes, its for all diff. players u have.

Ohai. I HAZ RETURN AS OF 18-APR-2020!

Re: Encoded with iTunes ?
Link | by on 2007-11-21 23:46:54 (edited 2007-11-21 23:50:16)
Yeah, some mp3's here are encoded with iTunes, some encoded by various mp3 encoders, depends who uploaded & encoded the songs. But the quality's fine. It's a big bother if all songs hosted here are on 320kbps, in which are on large file size. Please have mercy to 56k users. >.>;

No it's not recorded, it's ripped from CD.

If you're complaining about the quality, buy the original CD's. :P

Re: Encoded with iTunes ?
Link | by DeadOrAlive on 2007-11-23 01:44:41 (edited 2007-11-23 01:45:41)

That wasn't what I was meaning =x


I'm not complaining anything I'm just wondering why do people even use iTunes for encoding >__> It's really bad.

I'm already find with 128kbps since we are getting all these for free.

If I'm not wrong all these are from nipponsei ?

Because Wana just came out on gendou when nipponsei had It already.

Re: Encoded with iTunes ?
Link | by on 2007-11-23 04:41:01
@DeadOrAlive: Regarding about where the songs come from, it's not necessarily from Nipponsei. Depends on the uploader and where he/she found it, once again.

Re: Encoded with iTunes ?
Link | by DeadOrAlive on 2007-11-25 18:29:49
Oh ... but most are from nipponsei If I'm not correct ? Sorry If this is troublesome, just curious.

Re: Encoded with iTunes ?
Link | by on 2007-11-26 02:41:43
If you are really that curious, ask every single uploader. Or, alternatively, create a survey.
I, for one, don't use Nipponsei as my main source.

Re: Encoded with iTunes ?
Link | by DeadOrAlive on 2007-11-26 07:05:02
Well, then what do you use ? Or Is it a trade secret =p

Re: Encoded with iTunes ?
Link | by on 2007-11-27 04:02:56 (edited 2007-11-27 04:03:23)
Isn't that question out of topic now? o.o

Re: Encoded with iTunes ?
Link | by karuzo on 2007-11-29 05:18:30 (edited 2007-11-29 05:20:46)
if its ITunes was a default plyer it will automatically play in Itunes

Mine was actually encoded has a nokia Music file but it can be played in Windows Media,Winamp, and Itunes and currently i am using Itunes to play my songs

trust me i encountered that many times becasue of my bystander in the internet cafe's

to shorten this

it depends on the default player on the PC


Re: Encoded with iTunes ?
Link | by Ergzay on 2007-12-02 03:55:50
I think you guys are really confused about something. Here I will spell it out for you.
There. iTunes does not create any worse music than whatever any other encoder you use to encode MP3. (It actually, if you use AAC, can encode relatively better quality at lower bitrates than MP3.)

The "encoded by" thing is just in the ID3 tag. It (shouldn't) affect what the file plays in by default, unless Windows is more messed up than I thought. You can edit ID3 tags with many tools. So I can edit it to say "Encoded by ME THE PWNZOR" or some such, as I have seen people do.

Nipponsei is generally not a good source IMHO as they release lossy music at 320kbps which when you then re-encode it for gendou at a lower bitrate you loose quality doubly. I personally try and find Lossless files whenever I can, or buy the CD myself.

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