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What do you do when...Game
Link | by on 2007-11-15 08:31:44
I don't know if there is a thread like this.Anyway..It's a game about:
Think of a situation then next poster answers it then posts another situation.Just like the "things not to say when..."thread and "you had too much__when you.."thread.It's similar but different.
It has something to do with action.


Like this..
A: What do you do when..bored
B: Read magazines or log-in at
What do you do see your crush
(and so on)

Answers and situation can be simple or hilarious.

I'll start

What you do're in a really long line and you are angry,bored and frustrated.

Re: What do you do when...Game
Link | by fishbane on 2007-11-15 08:43:09
Remind myself that I should have camped at the start of the line beforehand, and that it's my own fault that I'm waiting :D

What would you do if the internet were to disappear all of a sudden?


Re: What do you do when...Game
Link | by on 2007-11-15 09:52:15
I'd scream,go crazy and cry..I mean wail..loudly.Real loud.
And blame Mr. Bill Gates haha and my internet connection.All the people would go on protest. Life would be boring..but do other things like go to the theme park...then go on protest again.

What would you do when..your feeling very ebil/evil? a situation where you thought of evil thoughts...or experienced something to make you evil..hahaha(Just for fun,ne?)

(at least not that evil evil as in absolutely evil,right?)

Re: What do you do when...Game
Link | by on 2007-11-15 18:33:53
I'll maybe kick someone's bottom..XD Nah..i'll be a little bit harsh on the words thats all.

チィャン 施昌吉

Re: What do you do when...Game
Link | by on 2007-11-16 02:44:25
hehe..but Kei9 you didn't give the next what will you do when...

Ok I'll continue...

What would you do/What do you do see the girl/boy of your dreams

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