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Do you have crush on me? Game
Link | by Wanoooonie on 2007-11-10 20:42:14
Do you have crush on me? Game

This is first game i create. I got this idea because I have tons of crushes. Lol. This game is one way to confess your love on someone^^


This game is easy. You just need to state if you have crush or didn't have crush on the poster above and you need to state at least 3 reason why you said that.
And in the end of your post, you need to ask if the next poster do have crush on you or not.
If you don't have crush on that person, do the same but please do not say things that might hurt that person. This game is just for fun okay?
Offensive language is forbidden in this game.


Poster A: Do you have crush on me?

Poster B: Yes, I have crush on poster A

Reason 1: Because he/she is kind
Reason 2: Because he/she is smart
Reason 3: Because he/she is Cool

Do you have crush on me?

Be creative and make it fun! I'll start it now.

Do you have crush on me?

Re: Do you have crush on me? Game
Link | by on 2007-11-10 20:49:31
Yes, I have crush on Wani~ (as a friend) =P

Reason 1: Because she's fun
Reason 2: Because she's cute
Reason 3: Because she's sweet

Do you have crush on me?

My Avatar & Signature Request are
currently CLOSED. Request as detailed as
as you possibly can. Find me on Skype,
life is keeping me busy.

"My Gender is Reversible~!"
<--- 「 Belphegor | Shizuo Heiwajima 」 --->

Re: Do you have crush on me? Game
Link | by on 2007-11-10 23:51:06
hooo.. interesting game ^^

yep2,, I have crush on Inx-san [as a friend] ^^

~ she's an interesting person :]
~ she's posted her pic before ^^
~ she's lots of avvies xDD

now.. now.. do you have crush on me?? ^o^

Re: Do you have crush on me? Game
Link | by HK on 2007-11-11 00:25:37


yeah... I crush on rei-chips (somehow as a friend... XP)

1. he ish rei-chips
2. he'sh a vamppy
3. he'sh blue!!! (meaning orange=inverse of blue)

erk.. now... hrm... got a crush on this crush~ness???

Haseki Keiri Randoms.

Here I go again...
Right here.
So yeah.
I'll try.
The End.

Re: Do you have crush on me? Game
Link | by forest on 2007-11-11 03:11:17
Lawl, this is kinda fun ^_^

I have a crush on Keiri (as a friend) cuz:

1. He's awesome ;]
2. He makes really cool avies
3. He's orange, I love it! X333

Re: Do you have crush on me? Game
Link | by Amar on 2007-11-16 07:14:14
I have a crush on sleepy (as a friend) because:

1. He is lvl 11
2. He has a storyline in his profile
3. He's name reminds me of AirGear

Re: Do you have crush on me? Game
Link | by hikarinohikky on 2007-11-16 09:46:14
I have a crush on amar (as a friend) because:

1- because i like him as a friend?
2- bcuz he got a nagato yuki sig
3- Becuase I'm practically feeling kewl today =P

Hey, have a crush on me? (naha impossible xD)

Re: Do you have crush on me? Game
Link | by on 2007-11-16 12:14:47
Wee of course I have a crush in teh Hikky~ A secret crush err.... but not so secret now is it~nya

~ Because I love Hikky~
~ Ish great at teh avys
~ Me gots a secret crush on teh hikky but it's not a secret anymore~

Do you have a crush on meh, teh Sayuri~nya

Re: Do you have crush on me? Game
Link | by on 2007-11-19 15:15:58
I DO have a crush on Sayuri~ [as a Friend] (...maybe j/k)

Reason 1: Because she is sweet
Reason 2: Because she is cute
Reason 3: Because she is funny

Do you have a crush one me?

My Avatar & Signature Request are
currently CLOSED. Request as detailed as
as you possibly can. Find me on Skype,
life is keeping me busy.

"My Gender is Reversible~!"
<--- 「 Belphegor | Shizuo Heiwajima 」 --->

Re: Do you have crush on me? Game
Link | by on 2007-11-19 17:58:29
lol this is fun XDD

I have a crush on Inx (as a friend) because:

1.she likes chibis
2.she is one of my first friends in gendou
3. she is a great avy maker

Re: Do you have crush on me? Game
Link | by on 2007-11-19 18:56:03
interesting.. XD

I have a crush on Kirahrah [as a friend? =O] because:

~he is lovely~
~he is a great avy maker~
~I know he will blow away in the wind one day~

Do you have a crush on me? o.O; [i wish XP]

Re: Do you have crush on me? Game
Link | by ~aozora~ on 2007-11-19 19:03:46
wow... another game...
I have a crush on sakura_kiss94 (as a friend)cuz:
She has cool poster???
She knows ppl's good qualities
She can predict the future??

Do u hav a crush on me??? As a friend will do...

"I hope to share my stories with everyone one day, and that it will bring tears and joy as they enter my fantasy world..."

Re: Do you have crush on me? Game
Link | by on 2007-11-21 11:05:42
hmmm...i don't know ya but what the heck...

i have a crush on a nameless avy ^^;

he/she seems meh a kind person
he/she makes meh curious?
he/she i wanna know his/her name?

*whispers* Do you have a crush on me...when you do call meh okay *winks*

jkjkjk XDD

Re: Do you have crush on me? Game
Link | by hikarinohikky on 2007-11-21 12:38:59
Yes!! i'm after my bebe kichu!!! :'D

I have a HUUUGE crush on Kichu (not as a friend XD) becaausee +o+

1- Bebe kichu ish my beloved awesome gene-carrier daughter :'D <33
2- Bcuz bebe kichu ish shweetsugarplumprincesscutiepiehoney~♥
3- Bcuz i dont have a reason to not have a crush on her XD

>D have a crush on me? +o+

Re: Do you have crush on me? Game
Link | by yelitza_mayte on 2007-11-21 13:15:53
I'm after Hikkeh hikkeh~!

I have a crush on hikkeh (not as a friend either xD) cuz

1. She is ubber smexii
2. She is kool and has a kawaii accent
3. she is the kawaiiest of the kawaii and the smexiiest of the smexii

Do you have a crush on me? (yea rite xD me not special~)

Re: Do you have crush on me? Game
Link | by fabiana_seto on 2007-11-21 13:38:19
yup :33

1st he flattered with me ;3
2nd he likes KH!
3rd he is in the chibi club!

 photo dfsrs_zpsd125613e.png

Re: Do you have crush on me? Game
Link | by on 2007-11-21 15:57:39

she's coolie~
she's smexy~
she's awesomeness~ bwahaha~

do you have a crush on me? [no you don't :P]

Ohai. I HAZ RETURN AS OF 18-APR-2020!

Re: Do you have crush on me? Game
Link | by on 2007-11-21 16:40:19
I have a crush on Michii because

She's adorable
And snuggly

Re: Do you have crush on me? Game
Link | by on 2007-11-26 15:48:49 (edited 2007-11-26 15:49:04)
I wanted to comment on Kichus xD lol

Yes I do [as a Friend] Because:

Kairyu is nice~

Kairyu is funny~

Kairyu is an awesome friend to have in your whole life forever and ever till the day you die in your own grave~!!!

O.o wooohhh~ thats long xD

My Avatar & Signature Request are
currently CLOSED. Request as detailed as
as you possibly can. Find me on Skype,
life is keeping me busy.

"My Gender is Reversible~!"
<--- 「 Belphegor | Shizuo Heiwajima 」 --->

Re: Do you have crush on me? Game
Link | by on 2007-11-27 09:15:46
OHMEHGAWSH! Of course I have a crush on Inxy~ [And Not As A Friend]

~ I <33333 Her

~ She is teh queen of fondling

~ And I love her again

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