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The "Great" Game
Link | by on 2007-10-29 21:13:17 (edited 2007-10-29 21:14:13)
Just use the word great in your questions.Can be in any order.It's like the Q and A game but we concentrate on what and how is it(whatever you ask) great..and answer them and give another question using great. You can ask anything you like.

Only Rule: Use the word great in your question.Always.

Like this:
1st poster: Q: Why is Naruto great?
2nd: Because it's so COOL and it has ninjas
Q: What do you think about the universe and its greatness?
(and so on)

I'll start:

Q: What makes life great?

Re: The "Great" Game
Link | by zparticus27 on 2007-10-30 18:13:33
because of anime,video games and life it self

Q: why is waste of time so popular?

Re: The "Great" Game
Link | by on 2007-10-31 11:49:54
(err..Zparticus Prime, you didn't use the word great in ur question..oh well)

It's popular because it has games and many people have fun playing the games so other people also join in and have fun.

Q: What makes you great?

Re: The "Great" Game
Link | by yiying=P on 2007-11-01 04:46:17
becuz i have a great sister, great results and a lot of admirers(great and not so great, opps.. did i just say that?).... hehehe.... and of course, i've lots of anime... and it doesn't cost me anything becuz my sister gets them for me... see why she's so great?

what is so great about anime? indifferent for a change...

Re: The "Great" Game
Link | by on 2007-11-01 12:59:26
It's great because it has really superb animation,the stories (of some anime) is really amazing, it's addictive, has great songs even though we don't understand(non-Japanese viewers),made by the cool people in Japan(cool because they made such masterpieces) and imagination goes wild. Etc. Because we love it and people love it!!!

*phew* Long answer.

Why is God great?

Re: The "Great" Game
Link | by on 2007-11-01 13:20:36
Because God create us with His Great power and create our home this great Planet Earth, for us to rule this world at our greatest dreams.

Why full moon is great to see?

Re: The "Great" Game
Link | by on 2007-11-01 18:47:17 (edited 2007-11-01 18:48:08)
Its great because the moon gave us the light to see throughout the nights and without it, the Earth's tidal system will be descupted hence,total chaoz (EX; changing climates, iceage ,) So, the moon is the greatest thing created by God.

Why is the internet great?

チィャン 施昌吉

Re: The "Great" Game
Link | by on 2007-11-01 20:10:57 (edited 2007-11-01 20:11:11)
ebcause it gives my computer life >.< and its a drug i cant do without :x

why is anime so great?

Re: The "Great" Game
Link | by on 2007-11-01 22:44:03
@Vie that question has been already given..Well,the order of words is different(see ying ying's post) think of another one thank you!!!

What is the greatest thing one can have?

Re: The "Great" Game
Link | by on 2007-11-02 01:43:07
The greatest thing one can have is one great friendship that no one can have in this great world.

How great is your love/hate for oreos? :3

Re: The "Great" Game
Link | by Wanoooonie on 2007-11-02 05:06:04
hmmm..oreos ne..i like it like..umm..well not sure

what is the most great kindness that you could ever commit?

Re: The "Great" Game
Link | by on 2007-11-02 07:26:37
Well..i really don't remember though..But at least i remember i did something good but forgot. Oh Well.

Whats life Great-est offer?

チィャン 施昌吉

Re: The "Great" Game
Link | by on 2007-11-02 11:48:39 (edited 2007-11-02 11:49:57)
Well, life's greatest offer... the most greatest experience.

What do you greatly wish for your greatest birthday this year?

Re: The "Great" Game
Link | by on 2007-11-03 01:35:48
Greatly wish for my greatest birthday?'s not exactly the greatest greatest birthday but yeah having more birthdays means you're growing up and birthdays are good since there's food, and friends are there for it's nice.Etc. I can't explain the happiness I feel from it.I love having birthdays.And what do we know..I may have my bday at a resort again this time hahaha..or not.Just at home.

Anyway to answer..Since it's my birthday this month..I would greatly wish for world peace and safety for everyone and my loved ones..I hope that evryone would be blessed by God and guided by him always. For me..hmm..I wouldn't wish for material things since I have more than enough already than I can ask for.For my family and friends,I'd wish for their happiness and hope that they would be always at my side.Always.

Hehe long answer..Next question:

What would make this the greatest day ever?
(if given the chance you could do wonderful things today, what would you do?)

Re: The "Great" Game
Link | by on 2007-11-03 04:21:06
If this can be the greatest day of my life, I am sure one of my wishes would come true~~~ ain't gonna tell, it's soooo personal *blushes*~~~ I guess I should expect my love will come true, looking it that way. Damn, the answer is soooo short... TT__TT ~(*___*)~

How great music influenced you?

Re: The "Great" Game
Link | by letsjustsayivan on 2007-11-26 19:54:50
greatly it gives me spirit boost >:D

how great oxygen influenced you?

Rock Lee Sig

Re: The "Great" Game
Link | by on 2007-12-02 01:43:44
Btw letsjustsayivan..Yup I agree music lifts up the spirit..spirit boost.Jpop lifts my spirits.
I also like your Gundam Sig hehehe..

Ok to answer..

How oxygen greatly influenced me? Err...It's because we need oxygen to survive..need it to breathe and live on this earth.It is a dire need to survive and without it we would die..So let's save planet Earth! Yeah pollution is really going to large's everywhere.So the need for clean air influences me to somehow want to help save the have oxygen to breath from clean air..we have oxygen but it's much better if the air is cleaner..

How does poverty affects you greatly? Or What is your greatest disappointment when it comes to poverty in your country?
(Your thoughts on it)

Re: The "Great" Game
Link | by RayStormX on 2007-12-02 03:26:58
poverty affects me greatly in the sense that I may experience it a bit now that my dad does not have a job. T^T need someone to support the fam.

What's so great about GURO?

Raystormx wooo maplestory

Re: The "Great" Game
Link | by on 2007-12-11 18:43:00
I wouldn't know because I never heard of it/that.

Why is sugar so greatly delicious?

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Re: The "Great" Game
Link | by on 2007-12-12 01:08:06
Heheh, it causes us to go hyperrrrrrr.... >=3

How great is your love for anime?

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