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Is art ART???
Link | by on 2007-10-23 13:55:40 (edited 2007-10-23 13:58:26)
Hmm, this stuff just hit my head. If you guys remember Lisa from Save By The Bell, she quoted "What is art? Is art ART?". That funny line simply makes me wonder a lot.

What I think art is it's simply applies to anything. Does not have to be in visual graphics, can be in literature, music, science and religion too. But those are not the only ones, like I said, art can be in anything! It's a thing that can change something into a subject of appreciation, I should say.

But I do always expect other's opinions on their idea of the word 'art'. Try list some things that you consider them as art, and explain in your own words why (your explanations can be theoretical if you wish to do so). And be brave to criticise mine and other's ideas on art. Because we all need to understand what art is by reasoning, although unofficial because it's just for the sake of this thread. ^_^"

Re: Is art ART???
Link | by on 2007-10-23 14:28:58 (edited 2007-10-23 14:29:52)
Art is anything. There's a episode of the Simpsons that was regarding this issue. Homer was trying to build a barbecue but he screwed up and somehow made art out of piece of crap.
Heck, I've seen people go "ooooo!" and "ahhhh!" with some kid's finger painting. Art applies to anything like a car, laptop, human body, teeth, stars, nature, and blah blah blah blah blah...
Not a very controversial subject... sorry man...

I normally post long @$$ posts compared to this one...

Re: Is art ART???
Link | by on 2007-10-24 03:32:56
@SkyL- Hey, no worries! I don't expect long replies out of any threads I made. And I prefer to read short replies, as long you backed up your main points. Yeah, I agree, it's not a controversial subject, but it's interesting too, in my opinion, that somebody has their own ideas of what art is. They are not absolute definition, but very interesting to think over. Hee, I remember that Simpsons episode--- there were other Simpsons episode related to this stuff too like Marge's Popsicle Sculpture Pieces, Homer's brother's dream car project, Bart's Self-Expression T-Shirt business, and so on.

@kiseno- I know myself that I can't explain ART definitely too. ^_^ You did not somehow explain why your handwriting is your art? Must be something that made you love your handwriting.

Re: Is art ART???
Link | by on 2007-10-25 16:21:21
Most things I consider art is paintings and crafts and stuff. However some "art" is crap. Like most abstract art it isn't anything. You have a statue of nothing just weird shapes that don't mean anything. Or you have a painting that is nothing but paint spladders. I could do that. And pretty much anything Andy Worhall during the sixties. That's all crap too.

"It's better to be used, then to be useless."

Re: Is art ART???
Link | by Mystic Deadman on 2007-11-16 00:09:39
Art is an opinion that depends soley on an individual person. To say that my idea of art is right, better than your idea, or more refined than you idea is opinion only.

Re: Is art ART???
Link | by Stand Alone Complex on 2007-11-17 13:02:16
Art is something and nothing. From another point of view, it is also an expression of idea. Or, a language. It also shows other people your perspective on things. One thing for sure, art is not something about stereotypes.
As an asian I believe that in the western society, art is pretty much anything that transmit a message or the artist's perspective on something. But, art in Asia is basically drawing nicely. One funny thing is that i had an argument with my art teacher during one of my art class. I had drawn a still life and it wasn't up to her expectation so she had a talk with me to discuss my drawing. She said it was badly drawn and that i have to redo it. i was angry and asked her 'what is art?' she couldn't answer me and after a few moments, she said 'Learn how to draw nicely!' i then said 'What?! an art teacher who doesn't know what art is?!' how could she teach me when she herself doesn't know what art is?

Takaku takaku tobe tanomoshii mirai e

Re: Is art ART???
Link | by ~'*ShinJinrui*'~ on 2007-11-17 13:30:17
Art is just an expression of one's self, and the admiration of others who sees it! Just leave it at that...

"To bring you back into this world
I’d break every rule
Machines try to take me to hell I don’t really care
I do it for love"
dolly - HYDE
<--- [ Naruto: Shippuden | NecroCircus ] --->

Re: Is art ART???
Link | by on 2007-11-22 13:53:42
@Stand Alone Complex- Hahaa, that happened so many times during my days in Art class in school. It was stupid to accept that was the 'Art', as stated by the art teacher. I found that ridiculous as always. XD

@Megazero47 and Shin- *nods* That makes a better sense.

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