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what if...
Link | by pie on 2005-05-01 19:52:28
what if the core of the earth stops spinning? O_O

i got this from a movie and i was dreaming if that will ever happen...

and if it happened what will happen?!?!

Re: what if...
Link | by knyght on 2005-05-01 20:05:36
no more volcanic eruptions nor tremors(maybe)
and no more magnetic field which means that the vanallen radiation belt would fall on earth + solar wind = fried

Re: what if...
Link | by EricSoLazy on 2005-05-02 09:11:16
I believe there is a bigger chance of every particle in your body phasing out of existance than phasing back in on.. Mars. Maybe in a few million years when Earth has cooled enough it might.. might stop spinning, but by then it will be unhabitable from the Sun growing in size.


Re: what if...
Link | by gendou on 2005-05-02 15:40:18
i will assume for sake of argument that you could provide a sustained force enough to negate the rotational energy of the earth. let us assume that this process was very fast. the crust of the earth would fly off into space. when you break reall fast going at 60mph, you hit your head on the steering wheel. what if everything arround you stopped from going at thousands of miles per hour? no fun, how about if it happened slowly? if we were beamed to an earth that always had the same side facing the sun, it would be inhospitable to life. the side facing the earth would be too hot and the UV rays would scorch all surface dwelling life. the lack of currents and seasons would kill life in the sea. the dark side would be frozen. if you go to where the dark and light side join, you would be in a perpetual sunrise. probably that area would experience high wind velocities as bodies of cold air from the dark side are sucked up by rising hot air on the light side.

i just wasted 5 minutes.

Re: what if...
Link | by EricSoLazy on 2005-05-02 19:42:04
So far all I can think of would be a HUGE rock, like the moon hitting the Earth tangental to its spin and at the same tangental velocity as the Earth it "should' stop the crust from spinning and the sudden impact splitting it apart and flinging it into space.. but what of the core. I think the crust having taken the blunt of the force the core should remain together.. and maybe still spinning and later cooling down to form a new planet. It would then depending on its size and relation to the Moon. either enter a closer orbit to the Sun or decay into it...

also I have done alot of the dynamics for this problem (I got an A in that class).. though alot is unknown like the elacticisty of the collision.. and the properties of the core... soo I dont have any real answers. maybe I'll work on it instead of doing my other massive amounts of homework


Re: what if...
Link | by pie on 2005-05-02 19:42:56


Re: what if...
Link | by EricSoLazy on 2005-05-03 12:17:30
I wasted about 2 hours on it.. who knew that the crust density is 2.7g/cm³-3g/cm³ while the core is about 5.56g/cm³


Re: what if...
Link | by Scarlett on 2005-06-28 23:37:04
well, i believe since the core and the crust are at different states, the earth will simply break up.

Re: what if...
Link | by darkknight932 on 2005-07-24 15:12:24
Who knows..We have very little understanding about the earth's core. We do know, however, that becuase of it our north and south pole constantly change direction. Exactly why you need to check your most recent map. The compass will give you the "wrong north, south, west,east". The map will tell you how to adjust to the correct "north" by adding a few more or less degrees to whatever the compass is pointing at.

Back to the question: If you watched the movie "The Core", they presented some interesting theory about it should the core stop spinning.

I dont have an opinion on this since I don't have enough knowledge to say what will happen. In fact, my physics professor agrees there's no way to know. We need more research in ths area before we can speculate anything.

Yeah, totally pointless.....

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