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Is it XYZ or ZYX?
Link | by elmo on 2007-09-18 07:59:33
hi. can someone please help me out? i'm confuse. the question is: figure below shows a boy looking at a plane mirror. The image observed by the boy is

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the given answer was initially A but after a bunch of students argued with the teacher, the answer was changed to C. why? if the answer were to be C, shouldn't the question be what is the image formed on the plane mirror? please do explain. thanks.

Re: Is it XYZ or ZYX?
Link | by kudoushinichi on 2007-09-18 08:42:56
Get a mirror and see for yourself...

The image seen by that guy on the mirror should be C.

Funny, I think I did this question when I was 12. *shrug*

Shinjitsu wa itsumo hitotsu!

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