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Link | by gendou on 2005-04-30 16:54:29
1. How many users have avatars?
2. Why does searching for "Friendly Neighborhood Administrator" come up with my account on the User List?
3. From which anime series are there the largest number of songs in my databse?
4. What is the username for my account (admin)?
5. What is the current maximum file size for uploading songs?
6. What was the date the last time Shinji made an update? :(
7. Solve this expression: 2リラ + 3リラ = ?リラ
8. How many user accounts are banned?
9. How many times have i had to direct people to the FAQ/help file?
10. If a single has not yet been released, is it ok to ask for the TV size version?

Re: Scavenger Hunt #2
Link | by Psycho-dono on 2005-05-01 04:17:45
1. not many, i don't think
2. Cuz you are the admin
3. Cowboy Bebop
4. admin (moderator)
5. 12mb
6. April 30th. (real update April 19th)
7. 5リラ
8. 985
9. too many
10. yes

Half are probably wrong... I really shouldn't do this stuff at 6 am... *goes off to sleep*

Do not fear for my sanity, for it is already gone.

Re: Scavenger Hunt #2
Link | by Kronon on 2005-05-01 06:14:36 (edited 2005-05-01 06:15:50)
I think I only know the answer to question No. 7...

2リラ + 3リラ =

Re: Scavenger Hunt #2
Link | by SIR_AURON on 2005-05-01 07:31:35
I think #3 is gundam series.

Re: Scavenger Hunt #2
Link | by gendou on 2005-05-01 11:26:55
Psycho-dono: some good guesses, but not quite right.
Kronon: very good! how about the rest of them?

Re: Scavenger Hunt #2
Link | by Mika-rin on 2005-05-01 18:49:27
for #7 rira is just took off the Go in rira so in japanese it would be Gorira ^^

Re: Scavenger Hunt #2
Link | by Kolezan on 2005-05-02 02:02:31
1. 9
2. Because it's coded to
3. Cowboy Bebop
4. admin
5. 12 MB
6. 04/10/23
7. Gorira (Gorilla)
8. 984
9. 17 times
10. Yes

Re: Scavenger Hunt #2
Link | by pie on 2005-05-02 19:48:31
*cough* i was working with Kolezan =) *cough*

Re: Scavenger Hunt #2
Link | by coolteen15 on 2005-05-03 17:41:44 (edited 2005-05-03 17:57:43)
1. 0
2. Because it has the word administrator in it
3. Gundam
4. admin (moderator)
5. 12 mb
6. 03/21/05
7. 2リラ + 3リラ = gorilla(Gorira)
(credit to Mika-rin, and Kronon)
8. 999
9. 0
10. yes

Some of them are probably wrong, but I don't care

Re: Scavenger Hunt #2
Link | by gendou on 2005-05-03 20:10:27
good job everyone! here are the correct answers:

1. 47 users have avatars! you can search the user list for "<img"
2. because my nickname has the tag parameter keyword="Friendly Neighbor...." in it!
3. Initial D with 59 entries. Sure, searching for "gundam" returnes 127 results, but there are lots of gundams: gundam x, gundam seed, gundam wing, etc.
4. yea trick question, it is "admin"
5. yep, 12MB.
6. Jan 5, 2005.
7. Yes, it says gorilla. very punny.
8. 999 at this time.
9. 16 times. you can find this by searching the forum for "help.php"
10. yeah, duh.

Re: Scavenger Hunt #2
Link | by Kolezan on 2005-05-04 08:59:20
yay, got 7/10. I must get one point for question 8, since at the time I wrote my post, it were 984. So, there's any prize? :D (please don't ban me for asking)

p.s. *cough* Strange, wasn't working with pie :P *cough* d.s.

Re: Scavenger Hunt #2
Link | by gendou on 2005-05-05 02:18:41 (edited 2005-05-05 02:22:02)
Your well-earned prize:

Re: Scavenger Hunt #2
Link | by Kolezan on 2005-05-05 12:51:19 (edited 2005-05-05 12:52:54)
Yay, I won ^^

I'm looking forward to the next Scavenger Hunt. =]

Re: Scavenger Hunt #2
Link | by gendou on 2005-05-05 20:48:41
who likes my flash skillz?!

Re: Scavenger Hunt #2
Link | by Landscape on 2005-07-25 02:26:27
teach me!!!

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