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You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by imppy on 2007-08-31 08:27:26 (edited 2008-05-06 00:47:16)
back to version 4

~Artist's Corner~
the 5th thread

The 4th thread has reached the 1000th post limit, now it's time for the 5th version!

You can share your drawings here if you want them to be acknowledged, improved and show your talents!

Rules & guidelines:

- only post your own work. plagiarism will get you permanently banned from the forum!
- please limit the total file size of embedded images to 500kb. if you need to, use links or thumbnails instead of embedding big pictures.
- only CONSTRUCTIVE criticism is allowed.
- have fun!

Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by Photobucket on 2007-09-01 00:12:55
Yeah ! Finally, the fifth thread.
And i'm the second who post here....ehehe....

Anyway, if Mr.Gendou see this, i really hope that he add user gallery to this site. Judging from this thread (you draw), there's so many talented artist here.

I really wonder, when will he built a gallery. This site has all (forum, music, anime, radio, chat) but there is no gallery section.


Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by on 2007-09-01 01:31:33 (edited 2007-09-02 06:08:21)
It's not much, but here's mine: ^^

Title: I named this "Angels and Demons". As you can see, they are friends in the drawing, and they're holding on to some sort of giant sword. I drew this using 0.3 drawing pen and some board, but i didn't wanna color it cos i might lose some details... anyways, enjoy! ^^

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Another drawing! Here's a mechanical angel.. Some people say it looks similar to battle angel alita; i never watched it or read it, but i saw an anime cover and was inspired by it, so i guess it was Alita that inspired me. hehehe... used 0.3 pen and board, no color too


Here's something else; i was feeling quite sadistic one day and thought, "hey, wouldn't it be cool to have a bloody flying harlequin with a hole in her guts and a tube running from it while using magical scythes to kill people?" It made sense back then, hahaha! ^^ penned traditionally, colored using Photoshop 6 (yes, this is an old pic, hehe)

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Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by on 2007-09-01 12:11:35
Gossip Girl

This is my first attempt at drawing an entire girl (usually I only do upper bodies). Anatomy is a little off, but not bad. Sorry for the crude background, I ran out of ideas. ^__^;;

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Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by imppy on 2007-09-01 23:03:03
I can't seem to see your nicknames and well as your art D:
is there something wrong?

@ Kyari-rin (i'll just call you by deviant name since I can't see the nick)

I love the screentoning of your gossip girl C: it's really cute actually!

Sorry I can't see the pictures of whoever the 3rd poster is DX

ack....can't see it.

Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by りんーちゃん on 2007-09-01 23:12:38
hey guysh!~ check T H i S web application ü

i made this here drawing below with it XDDD

  m y . L i F E . i . t r a d e . i n . f o r . y o u r . P A i N .

Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by on 2007-09-02 06:01:17

This is Xiand, the third poster; Can you see my Avatar, Signature and art files? Imppy said he can't see it, and i'm afraid the server i have uploaded my pics to has gone screwy... pls help

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Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by Photobucket on 2007-09-03 06:06:13
I wonder...why Boss hasn't lock the ver.4 thread ? It already pass the 1000 post limit....

Both are pretty cool.
1st : Nice drawing and i still think you should color this.
2nd :'s pretty good. Nice coloring technique.

@lian's a strange drawing actually. But i should check the link first....

Anyway, i'll post something here and i just posted it on the 4th version too. This still lack background but i think it worth to show.

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Rhen Axton, from my novel, Blue Sky ; The Guide to Utopia


Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by kyohibiki on 2007-09-03 07:21:26
somehow...i have heard your name before...i cant remember but i'm sure i have heard your name...
that's a great pic! i like the second one!...especialy if you close the hole on her stomach...

i'll send it this night. can you draw Leona, Kevin, Red, Kyo, Shiro, etc? i want to remake it ^^ ah, can you send the next volume of Blue Sky? my friend obsessed with it...

Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by on 2007-09-03 08:10:57
Thanks for the comments so far! And thank goodness you guys can already see my pics.. yay, hehe

I like the attitude your character has! ANd i like the details on his gun too, great job!

@kyoshiro hibiki
You might have seen me or my name somewhere else on the net or around in real life, XIAND is my pen and internet name so i use it everywhere, hehe ^^

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Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by on 2007-09-03 11:32:04
Haven't posted in the longest time, and already time for a new thread? XD Speed painty thing with lots of scribbles today, and I'm sorry that I probably won't have anything shiny and smooth for you guys anymore ^^; No time anymore.

Cloud Strife painterly thing! Took about 1 and a half hour on this.
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Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by on 2007-09-03 21:53:35
@Anna-san (I hope i spelled it correctly, i seem to have a hard time reading your avatar, hehe)

That is so amazing! I've always wanted to learn speed painting! I love the sketchy look, and the coloring is great too! Very nice work indeed!

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Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by kyohibiki on 2007-09-04 02:50:34
wuaaah, great! cloud sure look very cold...i like the sketchy look too!

i has sent the raw to you, just take a look ^^

Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by Photobucket on 2007-09-05 02:29:34
Okay, i'm downloading it now. Just be patient.
Ah, for the other character, i'll draw it soon ,but in this post, i posted Cleona Hyatt.
For the novel..which volume you want me to send ?


*speechless*'s very amazing....
It's like a rough painting....i love the way you color it.

Okay...this time, it's another Character from Blue Sky ; The Guide to Utopia. His name is Cleona Hyatt. He has girlish face and figure but he hate if someone mistaken him as a girl.

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The inked version has several mistakes, so i have to redraw some parts using vector tools in Photoshop...very tiring....


Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by imppy on 2007-09-05 03:37:28
@ Rin

ooh! pretty ^w^ i tried also to scribble, but it ended up messy XD

@ Xiand

sorry ;_; i still can't see it D:
I dunno what's wrong, but your Mecha angel link to DA worked once I clicked it.
All I can say is, you got some pretty amazing details,
I'm sure the other two pics are also awesome C:

@ Anna-san

eeh! Cloud Strife! Pretty nice!
You have some way with painting!
Tell me, what program are you using? :D

anyway, here is another one of me arts...
enjoy X3

Notes: A little parody termed as, "Alice in Boobland"
it's uh...Alice vs Cheshire Cat time :3
...and I misspelled Cheshire at that picture D:

Klitza and Imppy © imp24
Cosplay © Disney

Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-09-05 03:50:11
lol that's cool. the characters and everything else are drawn very nicely and are balanced out. X3
i've seen these characters before i think. in your sig, right? :3


Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by on 2007-09-05 03:51:31

The pics still don't show up on yours? ;_; oh well...
But thanks on commenting the Mecha Angel pic ^_^
By the way, I like your drawing! the "Alice" with that big sword reminds me of
that ALICE pc game. Cheshire cat is cool too! nice work!


Is that a double-revolver gun i see your character holding? Interesting.. ^^ I'm absolutely fascinated by the designs of your characters' weapons

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Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by imppy on 2007-09-05 04:04:07
hooo noes ;__; what happened to your avvies? can't see >w<
now I can't recognize you D:


@ person who posted after me

thanks! yep! Imppy, my little Original character,
lurks everywhere :3

@ Xiand [you're him right?]

thanks! Yeah, the game is, American Mcgee's Alice, right?
that game is the inspiration behind that sketch :D

Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by kyohibiki on 2007-09-05 06:54:06
i've finished drawing Rhen and Cleona. do you want to edit it? ah, you will strees if you see my weapon...i know you know best how if i draw a weapon ^^ good luck. i'll send it tomorrow because i've something to do tonight.
i need the new one, from vol 3. (because i copy it when it was half done)

Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by on 2007-09-05 06:58:15
@all..woohoo`~new thread~~..XDD...sees lots of new drawing..ah~..all so nice..good work! since i haven been able to scan enw pics in..i shall start with this old pic of girls~

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