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The baddest Crime Organizations in anime
Link | by on 2007-08-13 13:28:40
Im sure you all have seen at least a few anime with at least 1 or more gangs. which ones do you think were the best?

Mine are: The Red Dragon Syndicate (cowboy bebop)


Jupongatana( Rurouni kenshin)

Part of the new age Gendou RP veterans: Kira, Rukia, KM Revolution, Smoker, Avian, L, and Ryu.

Re: The baddest Crime Organizations in anime
Link | by cliff on 2007-08-13 14:39:17 (edited 2007-08-13 14:39:31)
Akatuski from Naruto all the way!!!

Re: The baddest Crime Organizations in anime
Link | by yelitza_mayte on 2007-08-13 20:30:32
Agree w/ cliff. Akatsuki from Naruto baddest of the bad

Re: The baddest Crime Organizations in anime
Link | by Nekorin on 2007-08-14 03:45:13
The Dead Moon Circus from Sailor Moon were really funny and interesting.

And of course, who can forget Team Rocket?

Re: The baddest Crime Organizations in anime
Link | by koyatogashi on 2007-08-14 05:56:08
Right now I can only think of Akatsuki from Naruto.

Re: The baddest Crime Organizations in anime
Link | by Nekorin on 2007-08-14 14:50:55
Shadow Galactica from Sailor Moon.

If Orochimaru doesn't like the Akatsuki, then neither do I. >p

Re: The baddest Crime Organizations in anime
Link | by DeAtH on 2007-08-16 08:42:30
the dark organization from detective conan (case closed) sheesh if it takes more that 600 chapters just to hunt them down, and we have an ultra smart protagonist in tag, they must be pretty badass.

Re: The baddest Crime Organizations in anime
Link | by tinmae on 2007-08-17 14:49:22
The Spider Gang from Hunter X Hunter.

Re: The baddest Crime Organizations in anime
Link | by on 2007-08-18 16:51:16 (edited 2007-08-18 17:12:36)
well the first thing that came into my mind is the AD POLICE in bubblegum crisis...with the boomers and lots of experiments they are involved with and lots of hidden crimes i think...

but any ways, i agree with tinmae, spider gang or the "Genei Ryodan" though i really love this gang..dreaming to be one of them *ebil giggle...and to kiralight..hmm..well..Jupongatana ish not that ebil for me i guess..just my opinion though..they are bad..but not to be considered as baddest..*peace*

and yeah, how about the Military/Government in the Full Metal Alchemist..they are so ebil right, considering the fact that the president is one of the of the seven dedly sins..*ehem* hehe *cough..the uhhmm..i cant spell their gang's name..and ish lazy to search for it..(me ish a noob)..

well it ish really hard for me to choose which ish the baddest and the most judge me guys..i mean judge the things i have just! this is the longest thread i ever posted...hahaha.. vixenchu~^^

well the chu will leave for now..and will be back XD...

ja ne...

Re: The baddest Crime Organizations in anime
Link | by Seekindestroy on 2007-08-18 17:44:02

All of those are great choices. Although I can't seem to get the 8 Devils of Kimon from Ninja Scroll outta my head.

Those guys were badass! Especially the Tessai - the rock-man demon. I though he'd never die at first.

^ ^

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Re: The baddest Crime Organizations in anime
Link | by arcticdrak on 2007-08-19 07:29:57
well i think there are 2:
Akatsuki from naruto
Spiders from Hunter X Hunter

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Re: The baddest Crime Organizations in anime
Link | by CaptainJoystick on 2007-08-19 09:38:05
Alas, Urishima, that all you could contribute to the topic was to criticize someone's choice of vocabulary. The term 'baddest' is slang which dates back to as far as the early 1970s, where it appeared as part of the expanded African American english vernacular.

As for the topic itself, I'd say Chronos, easily. They're sort of like the cult of Cthulhu without the inherantly racist depictions of its members. They're essentialy a world-spanning corporate entity headed by a psychic entity almost as old as humanity itself. Its upper staff consists of hand-picked individuals over the course of human history transformed into comprable psychic entities, and its aspirations deal less with actualy conquoring the world, so much as it is to transition from 'secret rulers of the world' to 'acknowledged and worshiped rulers of the world' and they certainly have the manpower to back it up.

Re: The baddest Crime Organizations in anime
Link | by sleepy-sama on 2007-08-19 11:01:46
i'd have to say the cp9 from one piece they have no mercy....seriously...

knuckles the last of his kind and the most badass of em too

Re: The baddest Crime Organizations in anime
Link | by サム on 2007-08-19 11:18:12

Re: The baddest Crime Organizations in anime
Link | by urishima on 2007-08-19 12:28:35
Ok, if it's a slang, then I'll apologize. I didn't knew that is was a slang, sorry.

I'll say it's SEELE from Neon Genesis Evangelion.

Re: The baddest Crime Organizations in anime
Link | by on 2007-08-19 18:13:52
Let's quit the flaming.

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