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What parts in an anime frustrated you the most?
Link | by Burn you fools! BURN!Noh Seyako on 2007-07-26 19:09:42
For me, it would be the ending of Death Note and the constant complaing of Shinji Ikari from NGE

Re: What parts in an anime frustrated you the most?
Link | by on 2007-07-27 00:15:22
I don't have SPECIFIC parts, but I don't like it when they start "explaining" and the action/comedy/drama dies out. Enough talk already! Time for some ACTION!!!! XD

Re: What parts in an anime frustrated you the most?
Link | by karuzo on 2007-07-27 00:16:52




when the climax is spereated


Re: What parts in an anime frustrated you the most?
Link | by bigdoug on 2007-07-27 16:48:47
Bad endings in anime that leave you hanging or don't wrap up the end nicely, or don't explain what's going on so they leave you thinking "WTF is going on in this show?"

Re: What parts in an anime frustrated you the most?
Link | by Edward on 2007-07-27 19:12:04
In Mirage of Blaze (haven't finished watching yet) when Naoe decides to betray his clan and go over to the evil side and destroy Takaya's body.


Re: What parts in an anime frustrated you the most?
Link | by on 2007-08-11 23:29:37
Cliff hanger endings.
Too much filler episodes.

Re: What parts in an anime frustrated you the most?
Link | by Dani on 2007-08-11 23:34:23
Episode Six of School Days.
All of it.

Re: What parts in an anime frustrated you the most?
Link | by tommer on 2007-08-12 00:29:18
Tenjho Tenge anime. More than half of the series is on the past, damm boring.

Re: What parts in an anime frustrated you the most?
Link | by Night on 2007-08-12 01:44:57
Usually the endings of the animes leaves me frustated as they leave you hanging there, not knowing what happens in the end.

Re: What parts in an anime frustrated you the most?
Link | by sai on 2007-08-12 08:46:52
Anime that ended halfway. And fillers... Naruto had taught me how horrible it is... X(

And if there's a scene where the character is showing a meaningless cute act, as if it's targeted for children, it really gives the chills down my spine... (A good example is chiyo's "cooking song" scene from azumanga daioh... It makes me shiver just remembering it... >.< oh, hani's cute act from Ouran also gets on my nerves...)

Re: What parts in an anime frustrated you the most?
Link | by Gambler on 2007-08-12 12:01:06
When the last few episodes of an anime series are shown a few months after the main episodes. :P I am sure everyone knows what I am talking about.

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Re: What parts in an anime frustrated you the most?
Link | by on 2007-08-12 12:18:04
When a couple that should totally be together don't end up together!

Also it super frustrates me when an anime ends half way into the manga and leaves off with so many open questions and absolutely no resolution! (Example: Rave Master and Spiral)

Re: What parts in an anime frustrated you the most?
Link | by whytheam on 2007-08-12 17:07:00
The fact that I wasn't born in Japan.

Asobi ni Iku yo! is my K-ON.

Re: What parts in an anime frustrated you the most?
Link | by MizunoKage on 2007-08-12 18:41:18
Too many fillers... it would have been ok if only a few and added to character's evolution or explainations of thier mysterious/unexplained pasts but there are limits to them.

Too much talk, when they can explain with visual effects/flash backs would be better, at least we could actually see what had happened.


Re: What parts in an anime frustrated you the most?
Link | by ryolover618 on 2007-08-12 19:48:03
When the girl is being a retard and is going out with another guy just because the main charater guy made her mad the she gets herself raped............................

Re: What parts in an anime frustrated you the most?
Link | by wixl on 2007-08-12 20:06:17
I dont like the cliff hangers at the end of the episode, i get so frusturated about what will happen next.

Re: What parts in an anime frustrated you the most?
Link | by Dani on 2007-08-12 20:43:41
@ichikon-kun: i hate when animes end half way, too! epsically for spiral and fruits basket. i wish they would have stuck by those. than again, fruits basket might be too long... =/

Re: What parts in an anime frustrated you the most?
Link | by Gerra on 2007-08-13 08:36:44
When there's so much talking and action takes place real's like wasting time..example: Naruto

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Re: What parts in an anime frustrated you the most?
Link | by blackgohan on 2007-08-13 10:52:05
All the stalling and cliff hangers in DBZ. The fighting made up for it but it was still annoying.

Re: What parts in an anime frustrated you the most?
Link | by Immortal on 2007-08-16 04:35:22 (edited 2007-08-16 04:35:40)
hmm...maybe when my favorite character dies or when they left the series unfinished because of lack of budget.

I also hate cliffhangers (Code Geass) and filler episodes. (Bleach/Naruto)

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