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Shadow people
Link | by Lana on 2005-04-25 17:49:36
I know this is an old sbject but do you think shadow people are real or not? I have seen black shadows out of the corner of my eye but I don't know if its real or not.

Re: Shadow people
Link | by gendou on 2005-04-25 23:46:45
human perception is quite flawed. this is because humans are fallible, like all animals. take birds for example. if two people walk into a bird's blind spot, then one walks out, the bird doesnt realize there is another person there. this is a practice often used by hunters. in the case of the birds, they didnt see something that WAS there. in the case of humans, we often see or imagine we see things that ARENT there. the classic example is the child who sees the boogie man at night. often times it is just a tree branch outside their window or something like that.

shadows are not people, they are surfaces that have no light shown on them because of an obstruction.

Re: Shadow people
Link | by Lana on 2005-04-26 04:27:39
Thanks for the explaintion it explains questions that I have about the supernatural. Some it makes me think what are ghost really are.

Re: Shadow people
Link | by mike_s_6 on 2005-06-02 22:59:53
Do you believe in ghosts then? I'm not sure if I believe in the possibility that creatures can leave behind their 'energy' even if their physical state has already gone, but there seems to be evidence proving so. It could be just the energy... from people's minds.

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Re: Shadow people
Link | by jimbob on 2005-06-11 06:22:23
We all know that they exist, we just refuse to accept it mostly. Remember, just beacuse you are paranoid it doesn't mean they are not out to get you!

Re: Shadow people
Link | by kitsune on 2005-06-20 15:58:32
hiya im new and i have a question ... somtimes i see shadowed objects i mean they r big, small there different shapes, ect. but i mean i dont just see them they follow me around all the time, at night in the day around my house everywhere but i dont know y could someone maybe help me as to y they do?

kit-chan luvs u!!!;)

Re: Shadow people
Link | by the arch dandy on 2005-07-02 01:39:31
Shadows are generally black.I think this is mostly in your mind.If you see something you dont understand, ppl generally jump to conclusions.My suggestion... go to the shadow find out whats making it.Paranoia is all in your head.

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