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Link | by on 2007-07-14 20:46:20 (edited 2007-07-20 03:46:34)
In this RPG thread... you can play as ANY character from ANY anime, plus make up your own character. there is a simple body to follow:

picture: (if one)
short bio:

I automaticaly claim the character Momo Hinamori, Kakashi Hatake, and mah own character who I will interdoce later. The plot will start based offa Bleach, meaning in Soul Society. REMEMBER: THIS IS NOT A BLEACH BASED RP!! But you can still play Bleach characters. Enjoy, have fun, injuring of characters is allowed, but no killing unless character can be brought back to life.

Name: Hanabi Hinamori
Age: 17
height: 5' 5''
weapon: Zanpakutou
birthdate: June 21
Short discription: Hanabi is the sister (younger) of Momo. She is the Captain of Squad 3, since Gin Ichimaru betrayed Soul Society. Hanabi also has a small crush on Toushirou's cousin, Ihara Hitsugaya.

Name: Hikarikaze (Light Wind)
Normal form: a katana
Release: I call from the heavens, let the light spread upon me. Blind! HikariKaze!
Bankai: SakuraTobi Hikari kaze

CAPTAINS (ones that have been replaced)
3rd Squad: Hanabi Hinamori
5th Squad ??? (PM me for this slot)
9th Squad: Hikari Makichi

VICE CAPTAINS:(Ones that have yet, been replaced)
3rd Squad: Sakura Takahashi
5th Squad: Momo Hinamori (no change)
9th Squad: Avian ???

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Re: Human
Link | by ryolover618 on 2007-07-14 21:38:04
Name:Ihara Hitsugaya
B-day:June 18
Short discription:Cousin of Toshiro Hitsugaya.Also in Division 13

Name:AmatsuKori(Heavenly Ice)
Normal Form: A long and very skinny Sword
Release:I lift my sword and let my spiritual out
Bankai:Ice Sicles

Re: Human
Link | by kougyounushi on 2007-07-15 02:50:00 (edited 2007-07-19 10:03:29)
Hye, i'll join k

Name: Luka
Age: Unknown
B-day: Unknown
Short Bio: Female fighter betrayed by her lover. Was killed and somehow ended up in Soul Society. Vow to take revenge on her lover and was accepted only as DeathGod representative because of her fierce fighting style.
Picture:(Edit later, for reference only this time)

Name: Makai tsurugi (Hell Sword)
Normal Form: A long sword.
Release: This, I pronounced Death God to stand with me, SCREAM!!
Bankai: Makai no kyuukyoku tsurugi = Release an intense amount of reaiatsu that create a shield around her body, her sword is transform into light-weight sword with a unique shape that is undefeatable and unbrokenable.(picture add later).

Name: Angel / Angelus
Age: 15k ++
B-day: Unknown
Short Bio: He was a young guy with ambitious dream. However, when his girlfriend was kill by the villagers, he swore to take revenge. Seeking vampire to be one of them, and when he was bite, he's back to his village to take revenge. Half way doing that, he realize that he's girlfriend, Lucia, was actually a vampire who is trying to suck all the villagers blood. Became mentally unstable and punished himself to not have a bite on human's blood. However, he's survives just by sucking animal blood. Somehow, he was blessed to have human heart, and therefore was given a second chance to live like a human. Start to have ability to walk on daytime, and to not have the desire to drink on human's blood, he became the only ultimate vampire that has no weakness on sun, and his Vampire soul was locked far away in his heart. From that, he hunt down all vampires to help humans, Soul society found about him after 10k years later and give him a chance to live in soul society as a protector for his good deeds. If he was to pull into his limits, he reveals his true form, the Vampire form, which is 10 times stronger than his human forms and his power become almost equal to kuchiki byakugan but he has no sword and only using his barehands. However, his vampire side, Angelus are drawing to take over his body on each revelations..
Picture:add later..

Re: Human
Link | by on 2007-07-15 06:14:01 (edited 2007-07-15 06:42:40)
Alrighty, looks like this might end up another Bleach RP ^^; wow...okis a few more bios and then we'll get started ^^ Ah what the heck, just add your bios as we go along...

Hanabi: *is wandering the streets of Soul Society..* Its so quiet...hmph...I wonder where Momo or Toushirou or anyone is for that matter...even Old Man Yama isn't around...then again, he's never around so what else is new?

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Re: Human
Link | by on 2007-07-15 13:49:06 (edited 2007-07-19 16:03:17)
ill join

Name : xian-anrea sometimes avian (more commonly seen as)

Age : 17(apparantly)

Weapon : busou renkin style zanpaktou and strike freedom gundam(only in his home continent)

Description : comes form the spirit city nehero (a giant echa city torn by war)
he left his city becuase of internal war. during his escape he was killed by a shinigami in the soul society but was brought beack to life with a alchemy jewel called the black kakugane.leaving his freedom in his home city hidden he will one day return to end the war. for now he has become a shinigami in hopes to find the shinigai who killed him and return the favour. in the human world he is a student but in the spirit world he is a deadly hunter.

Appearance : long silver hair with white ripped jacket and white combat jeans and white boots. white eyes and a avarage height.

Weapons: strike freedom (no need to explain)

Busou renkin/zanpaktou : fallen angel - constant shikai form - two blades that are made purely of crystal . one black and one white.

he has no bankai form but a black kakugane form where his skin turns dark red and his blades fuse to create an blade formed of pure sapphire and he grows wings.

- soul society -

Xian : hmmm im bored ....oh whats that a female shinigami...hehe ......

*walks up to the wandering shinigami*

Xian: hey hey whats a shinigami like you doing alone?

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Re: Human
Link | by kougyounushi on 2007-07-17 05:06:35
Luka wandering in the soul society forest alone, she's looking for the shadow that invade the soul society yesterday, Somehow she didn't even get the footprint of the shadow. maybe the shadow has been called back or i was hiding.
Luka: Ow, where's that shadow is? i really want to kick some butt now.(She's stop and sit in the middle of the junggle)

Then, in instance, a loud sounds screaming in her left.. Upon hearing, her body move instantly to the voice and found the shadow was fighting a man. Luka walk slowly try to help him, but somehow, she took a sight on the man face..

Luka:(surpise)Oh GREAT GOD!! he's a VAMPIRE?!!
the man jump high on the shadow face and give a final blow, with that, he shadow exploded into pieces..

@RP master, can i have double character? right now, i'm thinking on playing a vampire and a shinigami. if i were allowed. else, i'll modify the post later.. thanks in advance. btw, right now, she's is in the forest so i though, late posting might not effecting the rp somehow, until we're together..

Re: Human
Link | by on 2007-07-17 06:16:59
-soul society-

Avian : the vampire defeated it already gurgghg hes no fun hmmmm lemme go see

*avian wanders into the forest*

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Re: Human
Link | by on 2007-07-17 14:44:59 (edited 2007-07-17 14:45:46)
Hanabi: AHA! Avian! What the hell are you doin around here?

from RP Master: You may have up to 4 characters ^^ and you're welcome

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Re: Human
Link | by on 2007-07-17 15:12:23
-soul society-

Avian : im a gate wanderer i pass through as avian or xian sometimes its bothersome for people to know me as one person im easier to hunt down.

Xian : what you ean hunt you down

*hanabi looks as there are two different people *

Avian : why are you here

Xian : i was here first

Avian : get back in your gate hollow scum

Xian : big words coming from a former shadow

Avian : hey what are... grr thats it

*xian and avian start graapling each other ''electric between eyes*

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Re: Human
Link | by on 2007-07-17 19:09:54
Hanabi: HOLD IT!! it? You are a hollow??? And Avian, you're a former Shadow??? Then I have to exterminate you...I am a Shinigami Captain after all...please don't take this personaly.

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Re: Human
Link | by on 2007-07-18 07:39:17
-soul society -

Avian : hold it *sticks hands up* im not a former shadow im part shadow

Xian : And im the vaizard

Both: we were once a half hollow/shadow entity and somehow ended up getting asoul-burial , dont as us how but this is the result. two hybrid shinigami who are actually one/

Avian:though one side is stronger

Xian : yeah me

*they start grappling again*

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Re: Human
Link | by on 2007-07-18 08:05:47
Hanabi: well, then I STILL *draws Zanpakutou* please forgive me!

voice: Onee-Chan! Please stop!

Hanabi: *turns around* Momo??

Momo: *runs up and hug Avian* Avian-kun, you're not hurt are you?? *is in bed clothes*

Hanabi: uhhh Momo...look at what you're wearing...

Momo: *squeaks* oh my!! *bows* I'll be back! *runs off*

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Re: Human
Link | by on 2007-07-18 08:13:42
soul society

Avian: yay its momo

Xian: hmmmm is she our girlfriend

Avian : nout our...............WAIT shes not my girlfriend

Xian : so why are you so happy

Avian: im not

Xian: ........

Avian: what

Xian: anata wa momo ga suki desu ka

Avian : i dont speak japanese


*start grapling*

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Re: Human
Link | by on 2007-07-18 08:22:52
Hanabi: what about Momo being your girlfriend?? She happens to be going out with Hitsugaya!! *bonks upside the head*

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Re: Human
Link | by on 2007-07-18 09:18:52
0soul society-

Avian : she isnt my girlfriend

Xian : right

Avian :friends

Xian : friends

Both : yea right

BOth : grrr

Avian : so hanabi wanna go hunting

Xian : you mean you getting protected

Avian: how be we go to your him xian

Xian : whatever

Both: hanabi where do you want to go

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Re: Human
Link | by on 2007-07-18 09:30:13
Hanabi: O.o *looks freaked out* ummm...lets wait for Momo-Chan

Momo: *comes back* hello. *smiles a beautiful smile* sorry about before.

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Re: Human
Link | by on 2007-07-18 09:34:11
-soul society -

Avian : well lets see what should we do

Xian: hunt

Avian : you know your always huntung hollows yet youre a hollow

Xian : and you havnt killed your fare share of shadows

Avian : ok ok hey you two wanna go see some shinigami captains

Xian : yeah i hear zaraki is looking for people

Avian : you wanna join his squad

Xian: why not

Avian: ok ill find someones squad to join hmmm

Both : well you two know the captains better than us lead the way

*both smile*

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Re: Human
Link | by on 2007-07-18 09:39:28
Hikari: *slides up* Avain!! I have a you want to join Squad 9 as my Vice Captain??

Hanabi: O.o nice entrance Hikari...

Momo: ummm hello are you today??

Hikari: I'm fine thanks for askin' Momo...well Avain??

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Re: Human
Link | by on 2007-07-18 14:04:19
soul society -

Xian : why him

Avian : again im the better half

Xian : do you want me to bet you again

Avian : whetever ....well vice captain sounds good i guess ...hmm il give it a yes well unoficialy but yeah i guess. haha xian im a vice captain

Xian : technically im you

Avian: ....... *sighs* ....good point so hikari , momo , hanabi where are we off to ??

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Re: Human
Link | by kougyounushi on 2007-07-19 10:00:48
Luka was walking with the vampire she just met, both of them was walking to soul society to meet Hitsugaya taichou. In the middle the forest, Luka heard a conversations and decided to take a look. She found out that there's a person that have a double personalities in his body..
Luka: What happened? half mode person? geez that weird?
Luka: Vampire, why are you so cold? Come'n chill a bit boy..

The vampire looks at Luka and pull out his first word,
Angel: I'm not a boy, i was around 15k years old, KID!
Luka: Holy shit, that your first word and you calling me KID? hey old man i myself was more than 100 years old though.. btw, whats your name old dude?
Angel: and thats dont count even half of my years KID! i'm Angel.. and you?
Luka: Luka.. i'm a shinigami representative, and i was looking forward to meet a guy i hate so much.. you?
Angel: Owh, a betrayal huh? well, mine was not so differ, except the betrayer was me..
Luka: geez, that sucks, and what did you do?
Angel: Help human rather than help vampire..
Luka: Ow, well, gomen ne.. thats a good part you do.. haha
Angel: And i'm the soul society protector, but i'm not a shinigami.
Luka: You do? wow, soul society sure making a lot of changes nowadays, and it seems like not only shinigami are powerful in the worlds..
Angel: Let head to them now..

Both of Luka and Angel walk to Avian and Hanabi and the rest..

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