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Question about IP-addresses.
Link | by SuicidopoliS on 2007-06-30 11:20:39
Ok, this is not really programming, so dear Admins, feel free to move if you feel this thread is not placed correctly...

Anyway, i recently received an e-mail from my provider, saying there's been a complaint filed against my account, for the sharing of copyrighted material. They've included a link to some torrent site, which b.t.w. was apparently obsolete, as well as the name of the torrent that i supposedly shared. I had never heard of the site before, and certainly didn't share the mentioned torrent.

Now, they also included an IP-address, that's supposed to be the address of the sharing bloke, being supposedly me. That IP-address wasn't even mine.

So, my question is, is your IP-address fixed, like, all the time? I don't know very much about networking, but i thought that you were assigned any available IP-address upon logging in to the internet, or at least, that is isn't necessarily fixed for the rest of your days, if you know what i mean. In a way, i guess this is stupid, since that would make the mention of any IP-address to point out a certain person completely useless, given it would change all the time. So, i'll reformulate my question: if i can show that the IP-address they mentioned doesn't correspond to mine, does that clear me of their faulty accusation?

Thanks in advance...

> > > "Think of your ears as eyes..."< < <
.oO° Life's THE CURE, the rest are details! °Oo.

Re: Question about IP-addresses.
Link | by りんーちゃん on 2007-06-30 11:33:52
from what i know, IP addresses aren't fixed. :)

  m y . L i F E . i . t r a d e . i n . f o r . y o u r . P A i N .

Re: Question about IP-addresses.
Link | by gendou on 2007-06-30 11:40:39
1. the email may be spam. if you are not addressed by full name, it is likely to be fake.
2. someone else may have visited the site from your house or open wireless network.
3. your ip address changes over time, periodically, or whenever your modem resets. it is possible you don't recognize the ip address but it did indeed belong to you at the time. it is also possible that they got the wrong guy! they have logs of which addresses are assigned to which users over time, but mistakes can be made.

depending on the time of the supposed illegal file sharing, you may or may not be able to prove your ip address was different. if, for example, you downloaded a song on the the date in question, and it was recently, i may be able to check my logs to lookup your ip address at the time.

Re: Question about IP-addresses.
Link | by SuicidopoliS on 2007-07-03 15:59:00
Nopes, it's not spam, and nopes, it was no-one else for sure, and we don't have an open wireless network, so that's not an option too... So they must have the wrong guy!

It was supposed to take place 07/22 ( you Americans put the month first, don't you? ), at 23:48:52 GMT. I didn't download any song recently, but maybe i logged in around that time?

I hate this... I feel like i might be getting other accusations thrown at my head at any given point in time, just cause they feel like it, and they believe their f... PC's are unfailable. This sucks...

> > > "Think of your ears as eyes..."< < <
.oO° Life's THE CURE, the rest are details! °Oo.

Re: Question about IP-addresses.
Link | by gendou on 2007-07-03 16:34:54
i wasn't able to positively identify your IP address form the logs.
sounds like they did get it wrong. hope that doesn't happen again!

Re: Question about IP-addresses.
Link | by SuicidopoliS on 2007-07-04 05:46:20
Oh well... thanks for trying anyway.

I've been checking my Windows logs ( namely the Update logs, which include start-up and shut-down times of windows sessions ), and according to them, my PC wasn't even power up at that time! It was only when i copy/pasted the time in my earlier reply on this forum, that i noticed it was a GMT time. I live in a GMT+2 zone, so that makes 01:48:52 local time. I'm rarely still on the internet at that time. So i've sent them a mail kindly asking them to double check if i was even connected at the internet at the time i'm supposed to have shared that damn f... movie... If they dare tell me i was, i'm gonna kill them, i will!

> > > "Think of your ears as eyes..."< < <
.oO° Life's THE CURE, the rest are details! °Oo.

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